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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Either way Lord Punks. The UK is caught in the jaws of horror and inbetween the horns of a dilemma. Actually a nice Little Mix... ing of metaphors. Forgive me for introducing a pop group with no talent.
  2. I've always been sceptical about the Little Mix rise to fame in an age when kids not only don't purchase albums but probably don't understand what a pop album used to be. So it's hard to take seriously how a group which wouldn't last five minutes in the cut and thrust of real pop competition is being BBC sponsored with a series searching for young talent. It's about as hard to take seriously as a Gary Glitter look alike competition organised in the grounds of a church primary school playground. In fact, it's horrible. At least three of these pop gems look like refugees from Ru Paul's drag strip with one who seems to have spent a week in a Mr Kipling exceedingly good tart factory not only scoffing trays of it but deciding to dress up like a right tart. I trust Mr Moore, the biographer of Margaret Thatcher, will have something to say about this level of tripe that must have been concocted by a surreal BBC feminist who somewhere inbetween her puberty in a £6K a term girls boarding school and debut at the Oxford University branch of LGBT discovered that "we are who we are" to directly quote the show. So am I, on the toilet in the morning - but I don't broadcast it to the nation.
  3. The fact that not a full lockdown, but enough to wipe out large sections of employment and business in the service economy, is likely to be a permanent feature until an effective vaccine can be pumped into two thirds of the population which is unlikely to be achieved for more than twelve months, we are looking at a permanent hit to GDP of 20% year on year. Brexit will probably be abandoned because it would compound that loss to the point the UK will become bankrupt. In effect, while the West will be a loser, the UK maybe a two time loser. The Tory rebels can already start to see what's in store and they know a government cannot stay in power, whatever democratic mandate it might have had previously, under these circumstances. This project was bad in itself, it started badly and it will finish in disaster. Covid 19 is just giving it a helping hand.
  4. Because they were cruising for a bruising. They ain't changed much. That's why they didn't like Mohammed Ali. He was a boxer rather than a punch drunk slugger.
  5. My God, I won't need the artificial tear drops tonight! And the Oscar goes to....
  6. Eric I'm shocked and disappointed by your barbaric response.
  7. The winklepicker version is more deadly as worn by Patrick Macnee in the Avengers. The brolley was just a diversion from the Hi Karate flying kick. By the way does anybody else think the Kingsman movies are shit?
  8. I don't see the connection but I was there in the time of Blair Peach, the "unexplained" murder of a demonstrator by the police in Red Lion Square. Yet after a bobby was murdered in Tottenham during the Poll Tax riots - the police literally never stopped spending money pouring resources into investigating.
  9. They are nowhere near the one and only genuine lace up Hush Puppie. Aaaargh the days of Ravel and Dolcis. Now JD Sports and surly ignorant covid alive staff who purport to be sales "assistants". I'd like to "assist" their smacked arse faces into the back of an iron railing after work.
  10. I didn't mean to hurt the cunt but what else could a steel capped winklepicker do? Throatwise.
  11. Bill please calm down. They say with best forecasts vaccination will only be available for 3% of the population in any case world wide on a country by country basis. You've really got to tick a few risk boxes to get in the queue. Does an anal itch a la Larry David count?
  12. It does throw up characters. Silkie on RPGTV is/was sublime.
  13. Ray "Sexy Beast" Winstone will be paying you a visit later on tonight, possibly with a message from Teddy . Start tooling up.
  14. My God you play with those little plastic toys. I've seen groups of uncouth men congregating in dubious premises indulging in those practices. Sonetines on the High Street. It's not dead yet.
  15. Did, they are separated now. Perhaps he is saying "Big Daddy horny" and it's got nothing to do with racial justice.
  16. That "strip" at the back of the shopping centre is a real hangout for aggressive looking gangs. I remember that furniture store being burnt down in Croydon. Another grothole is Leyton. Fuck me. Abandon all hope.
  17. Well that's it. The BBC is on a self destruct in terms of viewing figures. One or two shows get comparatively decent audiences, but the overall viewing figures or listening figures for radio, are abymsal and can't justify a medieval salt tax.
  18. Lenny Henry's face when he mutters about black issues - that look of resentment.
  19. Are you allowed now to keep a dog?
  20. I can't get enough of 3 hours of wonens cricket followed by two hours of womens athletics with other feminist informed programming mixed in just to make sure you never resurface.
  21. I thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight with wall to wall feminist informed programming on BBC1 BBC2 and BBC4. Even the Haitink documentary had large chunks of strange unknown women saying how excited they were by this or that classical recording by the maestro. Can't wait foe Lenny Henry's long cheeked programmes on Black Classical Music with that wannabe music critic Suzie Klein. Orwell called the BBC a Girls Boarding School - recently infected with ultra extremist Harvard Feminism. The worst case scenario is any more of that lazy cunt Samira Ahmed who has the Oxbridge feminists so far up her arse she is Fem Dominatrix at the BBC.
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