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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. The BBC has clearly been in full end of empire mode with anybody who can exploiting and taking full advantage of dying Auntie, whether it be selfish greedy individual cunts like Lineker etc or a minority pressure group like the extremist feminists, mostly Yankee inspired, breaking in and destroying the furniture. Expect more internal disintegration as the money finally drains away with the mediaeval salt tax of the Licence.
  2. Wonder how he fitted in in Devon at Topsham.
  3. Sounds like me. I have to fondle all the melons before selecting the one I fancy. I pre sanitised my fingers anally.
  4. People used to specifically turn out to watch Savile run the London Marathon - fuck the rest - "Our Jimmy".
  5. The Paki involved thought Hebdo was still at the same address. Bet he didn't make the same mistakewhen signing on.
  6. Fire power stabilisation is my area of expertise. If you have the spare time come in my back yard and I'll teach you how to range your shots.
  7. You can't squash your arse cheeks together in this country without causing a NIMBY backlash. Most of these "environmentalists" are nothing more than property owners with a petrol guzzzling Disco, outdoor heaters on the patio, air mile guzzlers, and cunts who must have five bedrooms, two bathrooms and three WCs for a couple of decrepits expecting a couple of visits a year from the grandchildren. The UNO calculates the wealthiest 1% of the world's population creates 50% of the world greenhouse effect.
  8. Who is taking bets on whether this country is bankrupt with a currency/balance of payments crisis by February 2021?
  9. I'm always slightly nervous on a single track railway which tend to be found where the engineering obstacles are mind blowing (Swiss Alps) or you are just damned mean, eg Australia
  10. Sounds like my last science lesson at school. Only we used special apparatus made of plastic and rubber.
  11. And your more serious point about the future of our nation?
  12. Couldn't have put it better. I can sleep well now!
  13. Will Icke and Farage combine forces? I'd love to see a re-enactment of that plane crash on the Battle of Bosworth. Worth a day trip in the car to metal detect fir souvenirs.
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