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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. I take it Middlesbrough isn't on your bucket list of mist see places? I spent a few days in Leeds, Savile Town, I suppose Alan Bennett town, if you want to be nice, which is dire, from whence you can get bus rides to Halifax and Huddersfield which are unspeakable. A bit like the Peak District but with wirse weather, if that was possible. Every fold in the landscape revealed a quaint little country spread festooned with the predictable colonial Disco parked in the gravel drive. Probably a pair of loaded shotguns rampant just inside the doorway. The sheer mind numbing idiotic conformity of it all. With an urbanised ethnic town centre population living in an entirely separate independent ant like life. You can duplicate that all over Britain.
  2. I'm strongly recommending you to Porton Down for intensive experimentation.
  3. May I have the pleasure? First and foremost the Covid infection rate in both HK and mainland China has been driven down to a containable trickle while covid deaths are averaging about 10 per day. This of coutse depends on a country singing from the same hymn sheet which in any religious language is fucking great. You see the great advantage of the Chinese and their civilisation is practicality. So you and your anti China rants are well and truly pointless.
  4. That's the drink talking not the real Ape.
  5. Billy hold on and do yourself a favour mate and get the hell outta my gay pub and leather bar.
  6. I want to see an intelligent discussion of the situation in Middlesbrough and not a sixth form sniggering contest.
  7. Billy you on the Specials too! Now you know what happens next. All those lovely flower arrangements just get trampled flat. Don't copy Ape and make an arse of yourself.
  8. Those Specials are really kicking in tonight. Why not switch to some 3% lager for a few hours? Then you can get back to the hard stuff when everybody else has gine to bed.
  9. Great actor, but apparently started to get stage fright as he got older. Too much film work spoiled him. Great Sheriff of Nottingham.
  10. While you go on the rant, the wheels are turning with maximum public efffect so she'll be out as soon as the prosecution goes through. Apparently they still collect a golden handshake. I agree with you. Just kick the bum out without benefit of another penny of public money and claim back her last few days salary on principle.
  11. You're starting early on the Special Brews tonight. Slow down.
  12. There aren't enough scapegoats. Apply the formula: every day ten people have to be ritually show trialled, found guilty, publicly flogged and then subjected to the full force of an anal pounding maniac in the nearest slammer, and then tranquillity and blissful calm will be restored to our beloved country.
  13. I suggest you rest your entire body in a flotation chamber filled with bleach.
  14. Fucking idiotic chav. Hello, Hello, Wakey Wakey! Listen you plonker: it's the VIRUS closing down Magaluf Middlesbrough town centre NOT the fucking government. Fucking get with the programme and follow covid guidance and regulations including tracking and you won't fucking have to close down. You covid cunts. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/middlesbrough-mayor-andy-preston-lockdown-covid_uk_5f75c302c5b66377b27df0cb
  15. Actually is the new Papillons film any good cos I always thought Steve McQueen was shit and lacked charisma on the silver screen.
  16. Choose 1 in a million severe vaccine side effects 10,000 dead/50,000 long-covid patients in a million no vaccine Born free, wherever the wind blows, wherever the grass grows, born free, then life is worth living, if you're born free! Staaay free... Mat Monro was vaccinated. LOL and die soon.
  17. Actually I spotted a 2017 remake of Papillon, so you might have a point. My God, what conceited fucking turnip thought they could top Steve McQueen in probably his best role?
  18. You are blaming a popular medium for seeking popularity.
  19. I think you are holding unrealistic and unreasonable expectations of a medium that is built on merchandising. I don't think cinema was conceived like Western chamber music as an exclusive pursuit for a very small elite in the confines of their private salons.
  20. ... 10 million sheep are available.
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