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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. And now we consider the state of the party.
  2. Can I suggest unchaining yourself from the Telly as it appears to be dominating your life at the moment. Try reading a book, the radio - can I suggest TRE, Your Voice in Spain, through their radio APP, as a contrast to all the shit going down over here - failing that breed canaries, tropical fish, tree frogs, allotment, etc.
  3. CBB wean yourself off morning and daytime tv. Freeview is oretty shit at any time of the day, but anything before 6.00 om is really a no go zone. Having said that, there are channels that should be deleted from everybody's programme list, such as ITV2, E4 and ITVBE. Channel 5 and its off shoot 5SELECT seem to have nothing but endlessly tedious royal programmes. Blaze is endlesssly UFO conspiracy. Quest is endlessly Gold Feverish, hunters, diggers, divers, crappers, cunters. All in all the promise of 99+ channels has been undermined by repeats, juvenile trash, titillating near porno shows, reailt bollocks populated by little cunts self obsessed with the minutest details of the superficial. And you are prepared to soak it up then turn round and complain about anything that just slightly emerges from the uniform sea of bland mediocrity. The Van der Valk remake wasn't bad which is a huge exception. Sky shows like Brave New World and Riviera conform to the unobtainable world of luxury honed for a female audience.
  4. He's the one doing a Subway meat filling between SP and EC. Put plenty of sauce on for me.
  5. You probably have Mein Kampf tucked away on your bedside table. Fucking white supremacist shit poor Australian.
  6. Don't like it when the same inter member acrimony you habitually resort to in your posts is applied to your own old arse. You are a fucking Australian right wing racist who lands on noms and and other members like a bluebottle with acrimonious and derailling comments. Shit faced wanker.
  7. I've given up trying too hard with a fucking runt like you and your followers. Shit attracts flies. In this case you're the shit and EC, KB, SP and the other cunt are the flies. Make merry.
  8. ChildeHarold


    I have caught my own conch in the crystal clear waters of Abaco Bahamas and the Conch Chowder in Marsh Harbour (or the Pilot House Nassau) is divine. Be prepared to swallow raw and whole the slimey Conch pistol which is the equivalent of industrial strength viagra.
  9. You're the dumb cunt. Always butting into a thread in order to get a Like. About as fucking useful as a bluebottle in a portable loo. The one you was born in somewhere in the smelly outback.
  10. You're my bitch. It's my nom you silly cunt.
  11. Billy I think this recent racial rhetoric has come on the heels of a major life changing event. Could you please share it with us all so we can offer help and support. Remember the "B" in BLM could be "Billy" so walk tall my son and climb ecery mountain. After you've finished off your homewirk, polished your shoes, ironed the creases in those new school trousers and packed your bag ready for tomorrow. Remember its Cross Country in the afternoon and your fraudulent excuse-me sick note is ready and waiting downstairs. Don't stay up late Dear. And remember to switch your computer off at the plug before you go to bed. LOL See you tomorrow! (Wow I really got into that, but I forgot about the hamster and the cage door.)
  12. Read any more of that racist filth and you will fucking despair!
  13. Where is it then, up my arse? Or are we to join some mystical Druid sect and look for it in Nature?
  14. Landrover Discovery - they call 'em discos. And there' s all innocent you thinking it had something to do with Saturday Night Fever which is a great film.
  15. It's nice to know you appreciate these things. Actually, the Mayor of Middlesbrough might have a point - though I can't forgive any of the treacherous rednecks up there for deserting Labour and voting Tory - as it seems the decision to locallt lockdown is being driven by party political considerations. Still they are getting what they voted for and I suppose they would still be prepared to sell their grannies to a pet food factory if necessary to bring about Brexit.
  16. That's true enoigh. But the important thing is to gather from the widest possible range which is why I mentioned a few examples. Anyway, Aljazeera's "Witness" programmes and sime of RT's documentaries, plus bits on France 24 including Focus and Encore with movie critic Lisa Nesselford ate really great shows, informative, well made and entertaining. Everything on Sky and BBC by comparison is piss poor. Including that fucking dreary has been Mark Kermode.
  17. It's a good test case for equal treatment, as there is already sime evidence the local lockdowns are being applied politically with some Tory controlled areas showing much worse infection rates than, say Middlesbrough, are avoiding lockdown. In her case just saying sorry shouldn't stop the full book being thrown at her in sentencing as actions speak louder than words.
  18. The problem with your argument is that it is equally one sided. Funnily enough if the current system could offer up some real reform, such as massive slimming down of the Monarchy to just the nuclear family, divest all the assets to the State, etc to give one example, or abolish the unelected House of Lords, abolish private and Church schools in this country to give other examples, it would be worth working on.
  19. Is the Margaret cunt still hanging on to her job, aka as a nice fat monthly paycheck? Surely a bye election or sacking can be instituted under new rules that came in recently?
  20. I'd like to put you in my Sainsbury's basket face down on the Morning Star and do interesting experiments on you with the largest courgette in the veggie department. The raising of your class consciousness will be beneficial in the long term but extremely painful in the short term.
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