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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. "these esteemed halls" To the PM from a Tory backbencher sychophant: "Fathers: are you experienced? "... in these esteemed halls and all the fucking honourable blah blah nonsense. As in Jimi Hendrix "Are You Experienced?" Are the halls steaming?
  2. "As Morrisey said... " is the quotation from hell. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Can't you taste the smell of shit on the back of your tongue?
  3. I sat in the front row of a rip roaring fringe production of Waiting for Godot (Southwark Playhouse) and was almost drawn into the action. But I must admit the later stuff with all its gimmickry is boring. Billie Whitelaw/John Hurt etc lost the interest or stamina years ago to films and easy money and used Beckett as cheap returns to the stage.
  4. This is a symphony of national stereotypes and "othered" abuse.
  5. Let's don't delve into Rolf's affairs, all I'm saying is that the fucking kippers that thought control the mass media shat on perfectly normal and phenomenally successful Benny Hill while fucking conferring protection on Savile, the paedo politicians like Cyril Smith and Janner quite a few other fringe characters like Harris.
  6. Codswallop like the rest of your posts.
  7. It's genuine praise for someone who seems to be living on a different level to the rest of us. Shame it's a horizontal level.
  8. I am unevolving not evolving. Going back to my microbial roots.
  9. Let's turn over the page children and learn about Jake the Peg... it's funny how they murdered Benny Hill and his world famous brand if innocent fun for PC reasons while turning a blind eye to the ongoing rumours about Harris and Savile etc.
  10. This is a Rolf Harris type joke which I find very worrying.
  11. So your targets include civil partners too? My God there isn't much you don't take issue with is there?
  12. Thus spaketh the expert out of his encrusted anus.
  13. You've created a veil of mystery with all this Tinker Tailor talk.
  14. "Whilst most of the nation has been making some kind of effort with this COVID-19 business" What fucking planet are you living on and does it contain the average Magaluf Knees Up boozed up drugged out hospitality sector which passes for civilisation in any urban or town centre in England including the shitty pits of London's West End.
  15. Here we go. Those tired old jokes about bum boys and ballet dancers. Never a word about redundant lumberjacks or North Sea oil divers. Where do you get your information?
  16. It's terrible the way people slag off Adolf who was tee total right up to that explosion failed assassination attempt. Sure get people for what they did, but be fucking accurate,!
  17. Until the late 1800s marks the emergence of your species Major Cunt and look where evolution has brought you.
  18. It's only a parallel universe to your universe Last Cunt. Morgan Freeman has been through your wormhole with a few of his mates by the sound of it.
  19. You clearly enjoyed it. Next stop Pornhub.
  20. I was in a hospital bed opposite an SP, when the consultant came round with his students I distinctly heard the word "inbreeding".
  21. He built a brand. I wonder what the terms were because he still has some sort of paid connexion with it. He purports to dish out free advice whereaseverybody knows the only useful advice has to be paid for. So the whole operation is a sham. The Resolver "free" service is just a time waster designed to offer a small amount of psychological comfort to disgruntled consumers whilst uploading all their information to third party advertisers and marketing firms. It is a typical milking the aphids scheme.
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