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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. How was the weather in Devon and did you get any morning walks in without soaking your legs up the knees in filthy dew?
  2. Anyway the only Zebedee I've heard of was on The Magic Roundabout. And that song, Zebedee do da, Zebedee don't, da da da... loony tunes.
  3. You're on fire tonight King Bilious. Have some hot milk and cookies and calm down - calm down Dear, it's only an advert.
  4. Can't be bothered, too busy scratching my arse.
  5. As my WiFi signal deteriorates and the remaining internal memory of my phone is about 10Kb, its text prediction gets a bit Hal the Computer from 2001. Answer: never buy a phone with less than 65Gb internal memory.
  6. Only 50% SC? Don't sell yourself short.
  7. Jackie Mason Is In The House contains a great five minute rant about weather forecasters by a master of stand up.
  8. Far from being a "sand wog" the terrorist involved was part of an ethnic minority in Russia who have been consustently encouraged and aided by the West to cause as much troble as possible within Russia as possible since the fall of the Soviet Union. During the good old days of the USSR you never heard a peep out of these cunts. Same with China, we'll be inviting Uighurs here as refugees fleeing an "authoritarian" crackdown on muslim extremism just so we can have a go at Peking. The cunts will always bite the hand that feeds them. But at the end of the day, what goes around comes around. Manchester, Paris, London, Madrid.... The Thatcher/Reagan cunts who set all this up, some of whom are still alive today, are responsible.
  9. "Taking it on the chin" is not a Swedish national trait. Translated into British means taking it up the arse in the style of 1066 and all that.
  10. Hasn't Mexico been corrupted by its geographical position next to the USA and the drugs trade's biggest market?
  11. I like the one about Uncle Rolf and his friend Jake the Peg and their sweaty nights under canvas in the fly ridden hot and dusty outback bushwhacking. I can just visualise you Wizard (err, sorry, Roadie) cooking up a bit of Roo stew, one of Ainsley's favourite recipes.
  12. The Achilles heel of your argument is "co-ordinate". Especially from a Mother Hubbard party who has left large sections of our people living either in poverty or on the edge as with the fucking discgrace of our elderly care homes now collapsing. Run as a fucking cinder e Jolla service while mouthing Land of Hope and Glory and observing a two minute silence at the Cenotaoh. Two faced fucking cunts the lot of them.
  13. The first one is chilling but do you agree Mexico gets a bad press?
  14. I know out of the two I'd like to hang by the neck on my wall over the fireplace.
  15. And my next appearance will be at the Savile House of Detention for Bedtime Storytellers.
  16. And you sat down holding her hand and comforting her dyaslexically, tea and biscuits, and talked all this through with her? Restores my faith in primate nature.
  17. While we are here can anyone explain to me why Sicario was such a blinding film and Sicario II was such utter shit? And why does every Hollywood film going back to the 60s stereotype Mexico as a God forsaken shithole? The only film that I've come across breaks that mould is Stones From Ibarra with Glen Close and Keith Caradine, nice gentle drama. The Eisenstein silent film on the Mexican Revolution is great too.
  18. The whole communist bullshit is bollocks so don't act so innocent.
  19. I know you can always get an opinion poll to divvy up the result you want. On the other hand Sturgeon has stood her ground whereas for large chunks of time Johnson appears to be having his wires overhauled by Cummings.
  20. Faaacking scaffolders... I like to listen in on their various discourses on the state of human knowledge and learning. Faaacking 'ell!
  21. Faaacking scaffolders... I like to listen in on their various discourses on the state of human knowledge and learning. Faaacking 'ell!
  22. Fucking reds under the bed. I have that problem too.
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