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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. You just can't see any point without dragging in a strip of French coastline anyone would think you had shares in or some sentimental connection. This fucking Nazi like racial hatred has already cost anybody going abroad, living abroad with pensions from England, fuckng 15% in a devalued currency since 2016, and the banks are looking at anither 10% drop to below parity for the £ against the € in January. Happy New Year CUNT obsessed with a few "brownies" camoing across the Channel you fucking paranoid plonker.
  2. If you vote for Thatcherites this is what you'll get every time. A privatised approach to managing civid will end up with a public sector bail out which is what is exactly happening now with the railways and our third rate telecoms/broadcasting infrastructure in this country.
  3. Seeing the pandemic as an opportunity to make a fast buck is the hallmark of Thatcherism and the present crop of neo-Thatcherites.
  4. OK doesn't cut it. I sentence you to Year Zero (after you put the clocks back) Pol Pot style.
  5. He probably pays somebody to wash the shit off his gold spuds. The fucker. I wonder what his fucking brother is like as an Ibiza playboy/club owner stroke businessman? You can't tell me he isn't a tricky dicky sailing close to the underworld and the corrupt elements in the local police. Must go with the territory.
  6. I was actually quite close to the Education Department at the Tower where you require a short course of re-education/treatment along the following lines: # King Billy isn't really a king. # Monarchy is a tool to exploit the masses by the owners of capital # Billy is very silly. # Dialetical materialism will ensure the extinction of every Billy and the victory of the proletariat who have nothing to lose but their chains. # Billy will be taught to pull the chain after he has done a number 2 in the toilet. Possibly twice. # Billy will exchange his next luxury break in Devon for a sponsored working holiday in the sugar cane fields of Cuba, flights and all expenses paid in exchange for a two page right up (waaah! write up) in the Islington Tribune.
  7. A life well lived... still worryinf about hard ons after the age when all decency and modesty dictates if you haven't become a stud or porn star by age of 25 you might as well forget it and concentrate on something more useful.
  8. Lineker and Walkers Crisps. He must shit potato sized lumps of 22 carat gold.
  9. And those Beefeater catwalk tunics were designed in Paris as waiter's uniforms for the Crazy Horse Cabaret. Ooooh champagne,! Champagne! Darlinks champagne!
  10. Did you know that whole advert was filmed on Hawaii? Apparently it was one of the conditions he insisted on. That Asda and car park is just a plywood facade.
  11. Did he still have any teeth in his big fat gob?
  12. Is he the one with the white gloves signalling from his left trouser arse pocket? Those fluttering little goretex fingers must be hard to resist. Why do they all have gloves tucked half out of their backsides cos I never see any of the fuckers wearing gloves? Cunts.
  13. Ha ha, for some reason. You like mista?
  14. The numbered lumps of coal, the extra charge for use of an ironing board, the non-stop rain, the endless grey grey 50 shades of grey environment, the anti-English graffiti scrawled in public lavs, "you steal our water", the plentiful acres of water logged farmland where nothing grows except beetroot. Yes Sir Tom, Dame Shirley, Hannibal Lector actor, and others, you have chosen SOMEWHERE ELSE TO LIVE. Congratulations.
  15. Dirty Dozen? (not the porn movie of the same name)
  16. Half baked like Johnson's covid policy?
  17. Is this the guy who got huge (self beneficial) publicity doing a daily gym class online during lockdown? Or is that another of these brainless Love Island antiques?
  18. Here we go again. Make me laugh, make me cry, for fucks sake just give us some old fashioned entertainment.
  19. This is sounding like a Harold Pinter radio play. Could we have some lighter items thrown into the conversation?
  20. Problem with Oxbridge history faculty meets gobby dragged out of the gutter publishing success is with its right wing. A J P Taylor, Hobsbawm, Thomson were equally gobby but LEFT WING with strong HIPPY credentials. I'm not sure about the blow up sex doll though.
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