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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Another great fight is the saloon brawl with Randolph Scott in Buchanan Rides Again.
  2. It was precisely his sanctimonious preaching and opinions on the radio that led to his downfall. You clearly know nothing about the back story to his fall from grace into disgrace. He was telling people how to behave on radio then he fucking gets caught going behond his wife's back to a prostitite.
  3. That's another great one. But the sunglasses thing was really surreal and two WWE wrestlers really going for it.
  4. He was such a quiet family man. Then he picked up an axe and slaughtered his family.
  5. Carrots make you see in the dark.
  6. BBC can't stop referencing it in all their radio and other shows. Do they really think this is going to save the Licence and their miserable privately educated Oxbridge skins?
  7. That fight scene in the alley is fucking great!
  8. Yeah so old school, he crucified the sex trade on air, then off air indulged himself with Madam Whipladh. Got caught. Thousands of apologies, abased himself on air, got accepted back on TV, made good with his wife and family, then.... lo and behold got caught visiting the Madam Whiplash again! FUCKING TWO FACED DIRTY OLD MAN HYPOCRITE WITH HIS SUPERFICIAL DOUBLE STANDARDS. CUNT. He was a life long supporter of the Tory Party and John Major's Back to Basics.
  9. What is this Mastermind? What is your specialist subject? Finding bum chums on CC?
  10. From the proletariat by robbing them of the surplus value their labour creates.
  11. Even my ventilator is working overtime, and it's got a smarmy Dyson turbo (made in Singapore) fitted.
  12. The royal "everyone" courtesy of a Dingbat. Fuck off to your trailer park home off the Dover Road. The micro cock joke. Ouch?
  13. Because this nom represents a fatal attack on Johnson and what is basically a Brexit/Fucking Not Interested in Anything Else Govt it will predictably die the death of lack of oxygen on this site. Like many thousands of UK citizens due to the greed and incompetency of Johnson and his unqualified over-promoted cabinet and their cronies in business.
  14. I always thought you was a semenite Billy with that flow of East European Yiddish banter, sarcastic sense of humour and a one inch cock, half of which has been mutilated by an amateur backstreet doctor in the poorest quarter of Shoreditch.
  15. Fucking get a tent nr Calais you brown stinker.
  16. So he's just very slightly different from Gary Glitter and the rest of tthe borderline child abusers who home in on Thailand and its fucking corrupt monarchy and police state.
  17. So does a 25% hit on your currency you stupid cunt. What stupid wanker thought that one up? Paying a fortune to end up in an arse about state to keep a tiny minority of psychotic imbeciles happy.
  18. You fucking greedy cunt. Don't talk to me about your last Rollo either greedy gobs.
  19. I think the top four Jew boy supermarkets donate more to illegal Israeli settlements on the illegal territory of the West Bank which they are illegally occupying (like Hitler did with Lebensraum) than to charity in the UK.
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