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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. Actually Trump was just impersonating Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks.
  2. Dave Boy Green was a great light weight.
  3. So you were learnt your times tables the hard way? And the scientific formula for a good stuffing in the back passage? Or the quadratic equation for a naughty nightcap on Christmas Eve?
  4. You clearly never danced your little gay arse off to her thumping cover of "It's Raining Men".
  5. Is there no end to your weird grovelling?
  6. Any thoughts about the Garden Rescue plan on his face? I bet Charlie Dimmock would love to get hot and dirty with that big black hunk of bad.
  7. I actually knocked out my brains complaining to the CC (no...) about the lack of transparency in a charity's published accounts under "directors remuneration" and was fobbed off with a load of bullshit. Have you noticed how every regulator and public guardian has turned to the sort of soft shit you would expect to find in Lagos or Moscow?
  8. East England is a bit of a tessarat. I am watching Jeremy Irons in Waterland on DVD in a horizontal position even my cock has inverted into a temporary vagina between my legs. The amazing thing about the preciius little bit of coast around Sheringham is they fucking warn cyclists off because they want the coast road as a high speed drag for their colonial Discos without the bother of minding other road users. Cunty Prince Philip still drives his Disco around the haunted Sandringham roads there a ghostly apparition of the Anglian twilight.
  9. It makes it sound like every last penny of your organ transplant of harde earned much needed cash will be shuvelled into the end point of use of the charity and NOT hypothicated into parcels of dosh for the CEO, the "team", expenses, constant tv advertising sponsorship and ad nauseum. Ever since it was revealed Wogan pocketed £5000 in expenses for doing ChildeHarold in Need I lost interest. And the Charity Commission which is supposed to police gang of fraudsters you wouldn't let anywhere near your Grannies' Premium Bonds is stuffed with the self same con artists who rifle the petty cash accounts for their Central London restaurant luncheons. I say let the Shelter GO HOMELESS, let the Heart Foundation DROP DEAD OF HEART ATTACKS, let Water Aid SHRIVEL UP AND DIE OF DEHYDRATION, and let Girl Plan LOSE THEIR BALLS AND COCK IN A HORRIBLY MUTILATING BICYCLE ACCIDENT.
  10. This is the heart of Brexit Britain I thought you'd feel at home with the turnips, turds and tatties.
  11. Neil you forgot the cabbage pickers. Don't they deserve a good shitting on?
  12. I like Mike ever since he beat Ali on a flash late night talk show. That guy got a real wapping. Man! Hey leave some o' dat jerk chicken for your Papa you dizzy rascal.
  13. The Tale of the Mad Dog. Oliver Goldsmith (no relation to Zac) my literary hero.
  14. Shame you didn't get onto the Booker Prize list. The world has lost the next John Betjeman and arse bandit extraordinaire.
  15. "Rachel is young and beautiful" c. 1980 around Kings Cross about 1.00 AM.
  16. The trouble with Stannah is the annual service and sooner or later the back up battery needs replacing. Hopefully by then your battery would have died.
  17. Can I encourage a bit of coitus interruptus and 30 minutes of Emnerdale on +1. That should sort you out.
  18. Hold on, it wasn't me it was my umbrella.
  19. Why is this item in the wrong shelf position?
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