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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. The only ring Trucking has entered is his bitch boys anus.
  2. Phew if you shit like you talk you will live a long and irritating life but always supporting Brexit against the facts.
  3. It's All Gone Pete Tong you cunt.
  4. Have you been taken out for a walk yet?
  5. Oh go on report bacon bonce.
  6. How many sessions do you require? Regression therapy takes time.
  7. You're clearly one of Philip the Lizard's personal protection officers with a degree in PR.
  8. You seem to know a lot about the unknown. But do you know what is unknown about the known?
  9. There's no slot for you.
  10. She loves the way the light shines on my head not my money.
  11. You'd throw your grannie under a mobile covid test bus to get Brexit you cunt.
  12. We've actually moved to Bluetooth. My Russian girl says she was videoed in a 5 G gangbang. I'm not sure what she meant by that.
  13. Pfizer = Tizer. Both can only be consumed chilled with ice. The Pfizer will prob cost the NHS five times the cost of any other vaccine but hey ho who cares when you can get away with bunging your chumocracy chums going right back to your schooldays £20 million in middle man bonuses for PPI contracts.
  14. My body double! You delved into my eHarmony zip folder!
  15. Face the ghastly truth and say "I Am Rodney Dangerfield" three times to the theme from Caddy Shack.
  16. Ha ha ha. And another ha.
  17. I have man tits. They are quite large and get bruised easily.
  18. I sense a certain hostility towards higher levels of consciousness. In the darkness of your cave like existence there is only penis/vagina, penis/vagina, penis/vagina. You must take that into consideration.
  19. And the funny part? Er?
  20. The nasty ones download.
  21. And the supporter babies whose red necks match their nappy rashes.
  22. Are you looking for a well behaved lodger?
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