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Mum I'm Funny!


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4 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8erpgy727jo.amp#amp_tf=From %1%24s&aoh=17240583287344&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com

"In an average show I do about 200 jokes. "


Where's my beans on toast mum and me cuppa tea.... I'm so funny.. 

(boring cunt) 

Christ, what an unfunny cunt. Still, he's got more chance of making me laugh than you.

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45 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

He'll still be remembered long after Rodney Dangerfield, Frank Carson, Roy Walker, Jack Benny, and the other losers fade away.  I don't think. 😕

Do you remember Grahame Dangerfield?

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

How’s Mrs H, Mikey? Has her mobility issues improved? Is there any chance of her featuring in the spaz-olympics mate?

Oh same old, same old - funny you should ask actually as I was trying to train her up for the high jump by applying her emergency brake at high speed but couldn't get her airborne.

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1 hour ago, Mike Hunt said:

Oh same old, same old - funny you should ask actually as I was trying to train her up for the high jump by applying her emergency brake at high speed but couldn't get her airborne.

Is she a large lady, Michael?

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51 minutes ago, Frank said:

Big opportunity missed there Frank, I'd have stuck her in the cellar for a couple of days while I held a celebration of her life first - max out the credit cards on Dom Perignom then a nice luncheon voucher-style orgy is what I think she will have wanted in our bedroom.

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1 hour ago, Mike Hunt said:

Big opportunity missed there Frank, I'd have stuck her in the cellar for a couple of days while I held a celebration of her life first - max out the credit cards on Dom Perignom then a nice luncheon voucher-style orgy is what I think she will have wanted in our bedroom.

Christ, Mike, you really are a nasty piece of work. 

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16 minutes ago, Dave Umbongo said:

Well there's certainly got to be something seriously wrong with her for marrying a cunt like you. No offence intended.

I think DC was probably a decent well-to-do chap a couple of decades ago, Dave, despite all the faux-fingering. These days he reminds me pretty much of myself... totally shot to pieces. 

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26 minutes ago, Frank said:

I think DC was probably a decent well-to-do chap a couple of decades ago, Dave, despite all the faux-fingering. These days he reminds me pretty much of myself... totally shot to pieces. 

I think that he is like New Brighton Tower, it stood taller than Blackpool Tower but was neglected during the first world war and went rusty and had to be sold for scrap.

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32 minutes ago, Frank said:

I think DC was probably a decent well-to-do chap a couple of decades ago, Dave, despite all the faux-fingering. These days he reminds me pretty much of myself... totally shot to pieces. 

Physically, mentally and metaphorically, you're currently at the stage of a terminally AIDS-riddled Freddie from the "These Are The Days Of Our Lives" video.

You had me toe-tapping and singing along for years, but now everytime I see one of your posts I just feel awkward and sad for you.

The show must go on, but as someone who cares deeply for you, I'd rather you just called it a day once and for all.

No offence.


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1 hour ago, Dave Umbongo said:

Well there's certainly got to be something seriously wrong with her for marrying a cunt like you. No offence intended.

She’s blind incidentally, with a very poor sense of smell too. She was no particular honey in her 20s either, but for some reason she finds Frank and that dwarf in Game of Thrones attractive.

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