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Elon Musk Agent Provocateur?


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Apparently, according to Vanessa the Caresser Felz, last night was the biggest love fest on earth.  Jews and Palestinians standing together in solidarity in Finchley.  

Just a small example of the lack of reality in discussion of these demonstrations and protests in mainstream media.   

I wonder whether the murders in Stockport will elicit a Stephen Lawrence scale enquiry, or Damilola Taylor in Peckham, or the Tottenham riots, or will they brush it under the carpet as with Valdo Volcano.  There's a Damilola Taylor Centre now in Peckham.  Will they do the same in Stockport?  Or will someone on the Council erect a memorial to the "victory" of the Anti-Fascist thugs on the street?   Opened by the Labour MP? 

Community coming together?  Fuck you.  Give us a referendum on immigration. 

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6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Apparently, according to Vanessa the Caresser Felz, last night was the biggest love fest on earth.  Jews and Palestinians standing together in solidarity in Finchley.  

Just a small example of the lack of reality in discussion of these demonstrations and protests in mainstream media.   

I wonder whether the murders in Stockport will elicit a Stephen Lawrence scale enquiry, or Damilola Taylor in Peckham, or the Tottenham riots, or will they brush it under the carpet as with Valdo Volcano.  There's a Damilola Taylor Centre now in Peckham.  Will they do the same in Stockport?  Or will someone on the Council erect a memorial to the "victory" of the Anti-Fascist thugs on the street?   Opened by the Labour MP? 

Community coming together?  Fuck you.  Give us a referendum on immigration. 

The whole media wankfest last night was a 100% false flag propaganda event. The planned countrywide 100+ ‘far right’ protests that the entire MSM reported non stop for the previous 24 hrs were the invention of Nick Lowles from Hope not Hate, a thinly disguised social media ‘nudge unit’ for British Intelligence. He’s admitted today that the single source of his information, which was seemingly enough for most police forces, the entire fake news MSM and of course all the usual leftwing rent a mob spastics, was one single post on the Telegram platform, which he of course couldn’t say much about except that  ‘far right’ posts had been made from there in the past, but on this occasion turned out to be totally wrong. Really?

And today almost every national newspaper (left and so called right) strangely printed the exact same photo on their front page (Guardian, Express, Mirror, Times, Mail)  and most using the same or suspiciously similar headline.

There were no far right protests planned obviously, and yet we’re supposed to believe that the entire police force, the entire fake news media and thousands of useful idiots across the country (mostly all waving identical placards) showed up everywhere to counter the nazi’s and racists who were about to take over the country, but none of who turned up?

Total 100% bullshit, and anyone who believes any of it is dumb as a sack of rocks. 
The absolutely intentional, planned and now decades long subjugation of the citizens of the so called ‘Western democratic world’ is now in full swing. The Covid 19 scamdemic was just the warm up act, the ridiculous ‘fight to save democracy’ (none exists) that’s recently become a universal catchphrase for the scumbag puppet politicians, doing the bidding of their puppet master elites, who are hell bent on destroying any semblance of it that nowadays remains, parroted 24/7 by the bought and paid for MSM who wouldn’t recognise the truth if it came spurting out of a row of rent boys cocks and splashed all over Huw Edwards new (expenses paid) Savile Row suit during  his forthcoming ‘knees up, trousers down’ leaving party at BBC HQ.

We’re being played like a fucking Stradivarius at the Royal Opera house, and they don’t even care that we see it anymore.

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31 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The whole media wankfest last night was a 100% false flag propaganda event. The planned countrywide 100+ ‘far right’ protests that the entire MSM reported non stop for the previous 24 hrs were the invention of Nick Lowles from Hope not Hate, a thinly disguised social media ‘nudge unit’ for British Intelligence. He’s admitted today that the single source of his information, which was seemingly enough for most police forces, the entire fake news MSM and of course all the usual leftwing rent a mob spastics, was one single post on the Telegram platform, which he of course couldn’t say much about except that  ‘far right’ posts had been made from there in the past, but on this occasion turned out to be totally wrong. Really?

And today almost every national newspaper (left and so called right) strangely printed the exact same photo on their front page (Guardian, Express, Mirror, Times, Mail)  and most using the same or suspiciously similar headline.

There were no far right protests planned obviously, and yet we’re supposed to believe that the entire police force, the entire fake news media and thousands of useful idiots across the country (mostly all waving identical placards) showed up everywhere to counter the nazi’s and racists who were about to take over the country, but none of who turned up?

Total 100% bullshit, and anyone who believes any of it is dumb as a sack of rocks. 
The absolutely intentional, planned and now decades long subjugation of the citizens of the so called ‘Western democratic world’ is now in full swing. The Covid 19 scamdemic was just the warm up act, the ridiculous ‘fight to save democracy’ (none exists) that’s recently become a universal catchphrase for the scumbag puppet politicians, doing the bidding of their puppet master elites, who are hell bent on destroying any semblance of it that nowadays remains, parroted 24/7 by the bought and paid for MSM who wouldn’t recognise the truth if it came spurting out of a row of rent boys cocks and splashed all over Huw Edwards new (expenses paid) Savile Row suit during  his forthcoming ‘knees up, trousers down’ leaving party at BBC HQ.

We’re being played like a fucking Stradivarius at the Royal Opera house, and they don’t even care that we see it anymore.

Britain invented dirty tricks.  Operation Steak Knife?   Malaya... in fact everywhere the British have gone there's a trail of shit.   

I've got to say there's a What Goes Around Comes Around element to this which I find deeply satisfying, then I remember that's EXACTLY what Lord Shit and Lady Muck who sit in their stately home want too.  So does the City of London.  Keep tbe blacks and whites busy fighting each other.   Take the Chaganoossians. 

Indeed we HAVE taken the Chaganoossians (currently just dumped on the local authorities on the south coast with no resettlement or integration plan) because we fucking gave away their fucking island to the Yanks for a military base in the Pacific.   The International Court has ruled this was illegal.   Good old Britain says it was all pefectly legit. 

So who's being played? .   I would say not only us but the fake puppet Labour govt is being played too. 

Another thing. The contradictions just keep piling up.  If they can mobilise against the "right wing" why can't they mobilise against ilegal boats or knife crime? 🤔 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Britain invented dirty tricks.  Operation Steak Knife?   Malaya... in fact everywhere the British have gone there's a trail of shit.   

I've got to say there's a What Goes Around Comes Around element to this which I find deeply satisfying, then I remember that's EXACTLY what Lord Shit and Lady Muck who sit in their stately home want too.  So does the City of London.  Keep tbe blacks and whites busy fighting each other.   Take the Chaganoossians. 

Indeed we HAVE taken the Chaganoossians (currently just dumped on the local authorities on the south coast with no resettlement or integration plan) because we fucking gave away their fucking island to the Yanks for a military base in the Pacific.   The International Court has ruled this was illegal.   Good old Britain says it was all pefectly legit. 

So who's being played? .   I would say not only us but the fake puppet Labour govt is being played too. 

Another thing. The contradictions just keep piling up.  If they can mobilise against the "right wing" why can't they mobilise against ilegal boats or knife crime? 🤔 

I see you still have absolutely nothing better to do than churn out your “unique” brand of demented fucking bollocks. Why not try going out and attempting to interact with normal people? You fucking idiot. 

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

The whole media wankfest last night was a 100% false flag propaganda event. The planned countrywide 100+ ‘far right’ protests that the entire MSM reported non stop for the previous 24 hrs were the invention of Nick Lowles from Hope not Hate, a thinly disguised social media ‘nudge unit’ for British Intelligence. He’s admitted today that the single source of his information, which was seemingly enough for most police forces, the entire fake news MSM and of course all the usual leftwing rent a mob spastics, was one single post on the Telegram platform, which he of course couldn’t say much about except that  ‘far right’ posts had been made from there in the past, but on this occasion turned out to be totally wrong. Really?

And today almost every national newspaper (left and so called right) strangely printed the exact same photo on their front page (Guardian, Express, Mirror, Times, Mail)  and most using the same or suspiciously similar headline.

There were no far right protests planned obviously, and yet we’re supposed to believe that the entire police force, the entire fake news media and thousands of useful idiots across the country (mostly all waving identical placards) showed up everywhere to counter the nazi’s and racists who were about to take over the country, but none of who turned up?

Total 100% bullshit, and anyone who believes any of it is dumb as a sack of rocks. 
The absolutely intentional, planned and now decades long subjugation of the citizens of the so called ‘Western democratic world’ is now in full swing. The Covid 19 scamdemic was just the warm up act, the ridiculous ‘fight to save democracy’ (none exists) that’s recently become a universal catchphrase for the scumbag puppet politicians, doing the bidding of their puppet master elites, who are hell bent on destroying any semblance of it that nowadays remains, parroted 24/7 by the bought and paid for MSM who wouldn’t recognise the truth if it came spurting out of a row of rent boys cocks and splashed all over Huw Edwards new (expenses paid) Savile Row suit during  his forthcoming ‘knees up, trousers down’ leaving party at BBC HQ.

We’re being played like a fucking Stradivarius at the Royal Opera house, and they don’t even care that we see it anymore.

Yeah, but the weather’s on the up next week.

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10 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I see you still have absolutely nothing better to do than churn out your “unique” brand of demented fucking bollocks. Why not try going out and attempting to interact with normal people? You fucking idiot. 

Like you? 🤔 

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1 hour ago, BuggerLugs said:

Indeed. A clip round the ear often works wonders with a petulant child.

They say the birth rate is falling (yeah amongst the white w/c and m/c) to which I say GREAT!  Fewer of the little fatty bum bum monsters.   All this fucking generation does is stuff sugar and fat down it's neck. 

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The government spreads more misinformation and inflammatory hate speech than social media.   They haven't stopped moaning about the Russians since 1917.  Then they said Ukrainian refugees when it was "announced" "we" (that is, US not THEM in their big houses and private schools) would be taking them in, they wouldn't be entitled to council housing.  Oooops!  Gov tells a porky!   

Gov.uk should be criminalised.  They can't even see two tier policies under their noses in front of their eyes.  They lie about what's blatantly obvious.   They cream offf agit prop events and demos staged by shady groups on the Left which suit its narrative but condemn protests that challenge their policies.   It's a strange way of governing a country.   

They hate Elon Musk and other social media platforms because they are competition and they do it better than them.   In fact it drives them mad because for most of history right up until the last twenty years our dirty tricks govt has had it all their own way. 

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17 minutes ago, BuggerLugs said:

That's not the worst thing CH, they get it for free.

Yeah.  I had to do a fourteen hour day down the mine crawling on my belly digging out the coal with my bare hands, then being pulled to the surface in a bucket and fed with a bowl of gruel and one slice of bread.   

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Yeah.  I had to do a fourteen hour day down the mine crawling on my belly digging out the coal with my bare hands, then being pulled to the surface in a bucket and fed with a bowl of gruel and one slice of bread.   

Jammy cunt.

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On 06/08/2024 at 22:08, ChildeHarold said:

First - Musk, Twitter, Facebook, and Uncle Tom  etc, didn’t START or CAUSE the unrest.  It merely reflected what people were already thinking. 

Two - instead of banning free speech and social media the government should READ some of it to the end of informing policies to meet people's demands and improve race relations. 

Three - the UK govt can summons anyone here to their jackass windbag committees because we are subjects without rights in a feudal country without a written constitution - but Elon Musk is a free citizen of the USA with its Bill of Rights.*  So fuck off Starmer. 

(Remember how we were brainwashed at school aboit the Magna Carta giving us our special rights?) 



What started the unrest was the slaughter of three young girls, but Twitter and Facebook certainly did have an effect and speeded up the misinformation and spread of the riots. The effect that the fast spread of the misinformation has taken the focus off the original slaughter of those three little girls.  Back in the late 1960 Mary Bell murdered two small boys and thirty years ago there was the murder of James Bulger by Thompson and Venables. There was much anger in both cases but there were no riots the information to the public came in slowly in slowly and the public anger was focused after the guilty verdicts and that is when the political debates took place. There was certainly shit stirring by some parts of the media but that media was some of the newspapers.. These days any arsehole can set up a social media page and post twisted and false content and fuckwits will read and believe it. At the moment we have a case going through the courts involving a total shitbag and fuckwith who believes that the Manchester Arena suicide bombing was faked .. he spread his bullshit via social media.

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1 hour ago, Miles said:

What started the unrest was the slaughter of three young girls, but Twitter and Facebook certainly did have an effect and speeded up the misinformation and spread of the riots. The effect that the fast spread of the misinformation has taken the focus off the original slaughter of those three little girls.  Back in the late 1960 Mary Bell murdered two small boys and thirty years ago there was the murder of James Bulger by Thompson and Venables. There was much anger in both cases but there were no riots the information to the public came in slowly in slowly and the public anger was focused after the guilty verdicts and that is when the political debates took place. There was certainly shit stirring by some parts of the media but that media was some of the newspapers.. These days any arsehole can set up a social media page and post twisted and false content and fuckwits will read and believe it. At the moment we have a case going through the courts involving a total shitbag and fuckwith who believes that the Manchester Arena suicide bombing was faked .. he spread his bullshit via social media.

The government is the biggest source of misinformation.  

Most of Gov. uk is economical with the truth. 

EG.  Russia causedthe rise on energy prices. 

Er... the sanctions against Russian has and oil did. 

Back in the 60s: Vietnam, we must fight the communists because of the "Domino Effect" 

Iraq:  WMD we must invade Saddam has nuclear weapons etc



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11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The government is the biggest source of misinformation.  

Most of Gov. uk is economical with the truth. 

EG.  Russia causedthe rise on energy prices. 

Er... the sanctions against Russian has and oil did. 

Back in the 60s: Vietnam, we must fight the communists because of the "Domino Effect" 

Iraq:  WMD we must invade Saddam has nuclear weapons etc



You are still missing the point that misinformation (regardless of where it comes from) is now spread much more rapidly by social media.

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5 hours ago, Miles said:

You are still missing the point that misinformation (regardless of where it comes from) is now spread much more rapidly by social media.

Cunts Corner?

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6 hours ago, Miles said:

You are still missing the point that misinformation (regardless of where it comes from) is now spread much more rapidly by social media.

That's true to some extent.   What police don't like is physical mobility, potential "troublemakers" and criminals in cars and on mopeds.   Anyway, the root causes of unrest are not in the virtual world or any form of information they are jusy symptoms. 

When the law decides to be economical with the facts in the first place this itself sparks speculation and rumour.   The fact that courts can issue these gagging injunctions (and think of the fucking cheek of it) "worldwide" injunctions, they can seal court documents, hold courts on secret, withhold information not only from the public but parliamentary committees and investigations makes a mockery of their war on social media.  

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