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Riots in UK


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2 hours ago, and said:

I was going to give you a 'like' for this, then I realised, you're a total clockwork fuckin' elephant.

BTW, have you paid your tv licence fee, cunt?


He's not told us whether or not he is angry about it.

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8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I see your point very well. I think everyone does.

The fact is the UK's BAME community, despite making up around 10% of the total demographic, accounts for approximately 65% of knife or blade murders. People from black, Asian, Somali, Sudanese, Rwandan ethnicities et al. – even if they are born in the UK, as with Rudakubana – hail from countries in which knives, machetes, zombie slashing etc. is commonplace. While I vehemently disagree with methods used by some white gorillas on the street, the recent child murders have been the catalyst for people to speak out against mass immigration. It's been simmering for some while, and now it's boiled over.

It's disappointing mosques have been targeted from the outset, however, the violence serves as a metaphor for the bigger picture, with millions from the silent majority being spoken for by those taking the wrong action, imo. Without wishing to quote certain politicians, many from the BAME community have no intention of integrating and never will, staying divided from traditional British values through a different religious and political ideology, and in many cases, a different value for human (and animal) life. Many who preach in mosques exemplify this secularisation. Islamism has and is proving a profoundly destabilising force across our country (and throughout much of the West).

In spite of your international lifestyle, perhaps it's easier for you to opine from the depths of the beautiful Welsh countryside, while I have spent most of my life in London, Surrey or Essex, and I've seen the negative effects of these changes perhaps more than you. Well done the Guardian-reading, white middle-class leftie brigade. I apportion much of the blame on them for what's happening.

I'd rather a white person attempt to assault me with a pitchfork, quite frankly.

The low wage hamster wheel model of the UK economy suits mass immigration.  

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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

One thing for sure, the mass murderers in healthcare make care giving a whole lot more difficult for those who just want to do their best for the person in front of them.

There's no need to get personal. 😡

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15 hours ago, Miles said:

He's not told us whether or not he is angry about it.

He's angry, but he keeps it to himself, he's not a 'sharing' person.

Without his good friend @Decimus to guide him, he's all at sea, hopefully, there's a shark looking for dinner.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

That Oscar Wilde statue opposite Charing X on the Strand has that on a plaque.  More clearly.  Look it up. 

I'm not particularly wild about Oscar, the filthy shirt-lifting cunt.

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19 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're missing the point which was about the motivation of EDL types taking to the streets.

You're looking at the immigration issue with a binary mind that is backwards rather than forward looking. Stopping immigration is never going to happen. Like it or not the world has become a global village. The factors of production be it goods or services is dependant on two constituent parts, natural resources and labour both of which the UK is in short supply notably in health and social care - in a country whose demographic is getting older. You say that immigration is "the number one priority", its not, climate change and how are we going to look after an increasingly frail and ageing population are top of the list. Rather than trying to stop immigration the UK and other countries with mature markets (mainly Europe) are going to need a more robust immigration policy tailored to needs. Refusing immigrants because some racists don't like a skin colour that is non-white is a non-starter.

When you get the likes of Harold the dense comparing what’s going on now to the Peterloo Massacre you can only raise your eyebrows and shake your head. Having been coal face at far worse instances of civil disobedience and large riots I can tell you that whatever excuse apportioned be it racism, immigration or police brutality that is only a limited factor. Toxteth was explained, by man-of-the-people Michael Showers, on Granada reports no less as a response to police brutality and racism. This from an organised crime leader and powerful drug lord. I’d contend that the combination of a hot summer, one heavy-handed arrest of a young black crim and a sign of police weakness ignited a fairly small disturbance. What it turned into was nothing more than a looting spree conducted in a carnival atmosphere and that is precisely what occurred in some of our cities this past week. Feral 13-17 year old little cunts with masks on, attacking anyone black or dusky in the middle of Liverpool’s main shopping thoroughfare to the point that the staff at John Lewis had to give anyone non-white shelter.

This is fucking disgraceful. Pray for rain tonight and tomorrow and see the difference. If not, standby for Footlocker, JD Sports and maybe your Apple shops to get screwed. ‘Immigration’ my fucking arse. Water cannon and gas the cunts.

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19 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The global village you cite might apply to a virtual world conjured up on the internet but in the real world the concept of home or Heimatland is very precious to all cultures.   How would a small Pakistan country town feel about a sudden influx of Ukrainian refugees. (No such humanitarian gesture has ever been made east of Poland) The proof of the pudding is in the eating.   You can get on a bus in Southwark or Lambeth and be the only white British person on it.   That is now spreading out of the major connurbations into those parts of the rundown country where property prices and rents permit social rehousing of large first or second generation immigrant families.  It is not backward as you say to have a love of the place where you and generations before you were born and raised and not be appalled by it's appropriation by closed ethnic communities backed up by the politicians, commercial interests (the rentier buy to let landlords who feed off DHSS tenancies are just one example, one could mention the shitty fried food takeaways and tacky nail bars that adorn our once bustling high streets)  Next you'll be saying I am nostalgic, out of touch.   The economic argument about the need for immigrant labour is another fake argument.  None of the so- called care workers who come from abroad are trustworthy or any good.  They are second raters at best and at worst malingerers and thieves.   I don't want them as home helps, in elderly homes or hospitals.  They can fuck off.   Same with the high earners, bankers, computer experts or Russian billionaire gangster dissidents.  They can all fuck off too.  

I'd reform the constitution from top to bottom, get rid of monarchy, titles, unelected privilege.  Introduce proportional voting, a bill of rights written into the constitution.  Introduce biometric national identity cards.  Stop all forms of immigration into this country completely and start to revoke any citizenship and deport any first, second or third generation immigrant convicted of a crime back to whichever country will take them for a lump of dough.

That's just the start, there's no reason it couldn't be put into action immediately. 

Gosh, so much to un-pick...

1/ The term "Global Village" was coined long before the advent of the internet.

2/ You make wistful references to the "Blackshirts" yet bristle at being judged as nostalgic

3/ How is the need for immigrant labour a fake argument? Also your assessment about care workers who come from abroad is based on your own racist prejudices and not evidence. If you have any hard data to back you up then please provide it.

4/ As for your thug's manifesto I must admit to having some empathy for your stance to get rid of the monarchy, titles and unelected privilege. That said, constitutional change is best served by an evolutionary rather than revolutionary process - its one of the benefits of an unwritten constitution. People don't like sudden change as hurried constitutional change can lead to errors and regret in the long term. Also sudden change is unsettling and the perception of our cultural fabric is being ripped out, after all weren't you concerned about protecting British cultural identity?

You should know that the bastion of unelected privilege is and has been undergoing a sea-change but at a pace that is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. For a start there only remains a small rump of hereditary peers, the Law Lords were kicked out in 2009 and the Bishops will soon be going thereby ensuring not only the separation of the legislature and Judiciary but also ensuring the separation of Church and State. Also in the pipeline is a compulsory retirement age for the remaining peers.

5/ In this country we have a parliamentary democracy and not a presidential democracy. This ensures that the party who can govern does govern. If that party fucks up then they're out. The system works and if it aint broke then don't fix it.

6/ A Bill of rights engineered into a written constitution is dead in the water...not going to happen.

7/ The people won't stomach handing over biometric data for a national identity card. This is open to abuse and smacks of authoritarianism.

8/ Stopping all forms of immigration is unworkable for reasons I previously alluded. If you stop immigration then the ability to emigrate will be curtailed. We would become North Korea.

Childe, you keep on railing about two-tier this and two-tier that but you are actually advocating two-tier citizenship. TBH your post is fourth-form debating society standard made up as you went along. For a start you should study how the British Constitution works and how it evolved. Until then stop posting for the sake of it 'cos your post is unmitigated gibberish.

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, so much to un-pick...

1/ The term "Global Village" was coined long before the advent of the internet.

2/ You make wistful references to the "Blackshirts" yet bristle at being judged as nostalgic

3/ How is the need for immigrant labour a fake argument? Also your assessment about care workers who come from abroad is based on your own racist prejudices and not evidence. If you have any hard data to back you up then please provide it.

4/ As for your thug's manifesto I must admit have some empathy for your stance to get rid of the monarchy, titles and unelected privilege. That said, constitutional change is best served by an evolutionary rather than revolutionary process - its one of the benefits of an unwritten constitution. People don't like sudden change as hurried constitutional change can lead to errors and regret in the long term. Also sudden change is unsettling and the perception of our cultural fabric is being ripped out, after all weren't you concerned about protecting British cultural identity?

You should know that the bastion of unelected privilege is and has been undergoing a sea-change but at a pace that is evolutionary rather than revolutionary. For a start there only remains a small rump of hereditary peers, the Law Lords were kicked out in 2009 and the Bishops will soon be going thereby ensuring not only the separation of the legislature and Judiciary but also ensuring the separation of Church and State. Also in the pipeline is a compulsory retirement age for the remaining peers.

5/ In this country we have a parliamentary democracy and not a presidential democracy. This ensures that the party who can govern does govern. If that party fucks up then they're out. The system works and if it aint broke then don't fix it.

6/ A Bill of rights engineered into a written constitution is dead in the water...not going to happen.

7/ The people won't stomach handing over biometric data for a national identity card. This is open to abuse and smacks of authoritarianism.

8/ Stopping all forms of immigration is unworkable for reasons I previously alluded. If you stop immigration then the ability to emigrate will be curtailed. We would become North Korea.

Childe, you keep on railing about two-tier this and two-tier that but you are actually advocating two-tier citizenship. TBH your post is fourth-form debating society standard made up as you went along. For a start you should study how the British Constitution works and how it evolved. Until then stop posting for the sake of it 'cos your post is unmitigated gibberish.

Can I change the subject for a moment?   That problem I have with hidden posts with attachments that I now wish to delete and can't, you requested details of the attachments and messaged to you.   What details do you need?   Date?  File Size? Topic?   I am stuffed at the moment. 

 I don’t think Aristotle would wear this so-called multi-cultural society - it seems a throwback to everything else in Britain the feudal era when the aristocracy and crown had their own mainly French based culture and language and the poor English serfs could fuck off with their primitive English.   Same in Tsarist Russia (which is why the French elite are so friendly towards Russia today) those royal fuckers and the labdowners didn't even speak Russian or any of the Slavic languages. 

In effect, the multicultural ideal is just another divide and rule tool to control the population.   As for being wistful, I see the British state has evolved along fascist lines accelerated since the fall of the Berlin Wall and rise of the neo-nazi hawks in Washington. 

Discuss, in two half sides (A4) with an introduction and conclusion. 

PS Bullet points can be used.  You will be marked for spelling and grammar (10%)


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53 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

When you get the likes of Harold the dense comparing what’s going on now to the Peterloo Massacre you can only raise your eyebrows and shake your head. Having been coal face at far worse instances of civil disobedience and large riots I can tell you that whatever excuse apportioned be it racism, immigration or police brutality that is only a limited factor. Toxteth was explained, by man-of-the-people Michael Showers, on Granada reports no less as a response to police brutality and racism. This from an organised crime leader and powerful drug lord. I’d contend that the combination of a hot summer, one heavy-handed arrest of a young black crim and a sign of police weakness ignited a fairly small disturbance. What it turned into was nothing more than a looting spree conducted in a carnival atmosphere and that is precisely what occurred in some of our cities this past week. Feral 13-17 year old little cunts with masks on, attacking anyone black or dusky in the middle of Liverpool’s main shopping thoroughfare to the point that the staff at John Lewis had to give anyone non-white shelter.

This is fucking disgraceful. Pray for rain tonight and tomorrow and see the difference. If not, standby for Footlocker, JD Sports and maybe your Apple shops to get screwed. ‘Immigration’ my fucking arse. Water cannon and gas the cunts.

Fuck off.   Sweep everyunder the carpet.  That's exactly the patronising attitude that smarmy Starmer came into power with.   Sorry this country has been misgoverned across the board snce the 1970s if not long before that.  Enough is enough.  Immgration is just the tip of the ice berg.  The Old Kent Road and Woolwich looks like a fucking foreign bazaar. 


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I've seen on the news three white men who assaulted policeman during last week's unrest in Southport and Liverpool have each been jailed – one for three years for punching a police officer.

I'm just wondering why the two thugs at Manchester Airport, Fahir and Amaad Amaaz, both of whom violently attacked three police officers, flooring two female officers and breaking the nose of one, haven't been charged. Anyone with half a brain can see the barrage of violent punches took place before the policeman's kick and stamp, after they had very clearly resisted arrest – itself a serious crime.

Of course, the matter is still being Investigated by the police's independent watchdog, but how the actual fuck is this fair?  

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28 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I've seen on the news three white men who assaulted policeman during last week's unrest in Southport and Liverpool have each been jailed – one for three years for punching a police officer.

I'm just wondering why the two Asian thugs at Manchester Airport, Fahir and Amaad Amaaz, both of whom violently attacked three police officers, flooring two female officers and breaking the nose of one, haven't been charged. Anyone with half a brain can see the barrage of violent punches took place before the policeman's kick and stamp, after they had very clearly resisted arrest – itself a serious crime.

Of course, the matter is still being Investigated by the police's independent watchdog, but how the actual fuck is this fair?  

It is neither fair nor unfair. This rioting bollocks is an ongoing matter with potential to escalate. The Manchester Airport incident is done and dusted and will be dealt with in due course. There is a public order emergency going on and, rightly, judicial expediency is being implemented to deter repetition and escalation. This is not the case with the airport case which will be dealt with as per.  I’m surprised at you,  casually conflagrating these two different issues and pointing towards this ‘two-tier’ horseshit. Snap out of it, pause and think.

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55 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I've seen on the news three white men who assaulted policeman during last week's unrest in Southport and Liverpool have each been jailed – one for three years for punching a police officer.

I'm just wondering why the two Asian thugs at Manchester Airport, Fahir and Amaad Amaaz, both of whom violently attacked three police officers, flooring two female officers and breaking the nose of one, haven't been charged. Anyone with half a brain can see the barrage of violent punches took place before the policeman's kick and stamp, after they had very clearly resisted arrest – itself a serious crime.

Of course, the matter is still being Investigated by the police's independent watchdog, but how the actual fuck is this fair?  

There's been a notable absence of even the pretence of fairness. Starmer managed to get through an address to the nation without once mentioning the issues behind the disorder. I'm half expecting him to Godwin it tomorrow, and call the protesters Nazis.

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8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

That Oscar Wilde statue opposite Charing X on the Strand has that on a plaque.  More clearly.  Look it up. 


6 hours ago, and said:

I'm not particularly wild about Oscar, the filthy shirt-lifting cunt.

Oscar Wilde was alright until Steven Fry portrayed him. At that precise moment, he became a cunt. 

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5 minutes ago, scotty said:


Oscar Wilde was alright until Steven Fry portrayed him. At that precise moment, he became a cunt. 

I'll concede he wasn't too bad with prose, but all that messing about with other bloke's botties is beyond the pale.

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9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

When you get the likes of Harold the dense comparing what’s going on now to the Peterloo Massacre you can only raise your eyebrows and shake your head. Having been coal face at far worse instances of civil disobedience and large riots I can tell you that whatever excuse apportioned be it racism, immigration or police brutality that is only a limited factor. Toxteth was explained, by man-of-the-people Michael Showers, on Granada reports no less as a response to police brutality and racism. This from an organised crime leader and powerful drug lord. I’d contend that the combination of a hot summer, one heavy-handed arrest of a young black crim and a sign of police weakness ignited a fairly small disturbance. What it turned into was nothing more than a looting spree conducted in a carnival atmosphere and that is precisely what occurred in some of our cities this past week. Feral 13-17 year old little cunts with masks on, attacking anyone black or dusky in the middle of Liverpool’s main shopping thoroughfare to the point that the staff at John Lewis had to give anyone non-white shelter.

This is fucking disgraceful. Pray for rain tonight and tomorrow and see the difference. If not, standby for Footlocker, JD Sports and maybe your Apple shops to get screwed. ‘Immigration’ my fucking arse. Water cannon and gas the cunts.

I drove through Toxteth a couple of days after the riots DC, and tbh I couldn’t help thinking it looked a hell of a lot better than it did before.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I've seen on the news three white men who assaulted policeman during last week's unrest in Southport and Liverpool have each been jailed – one for three years for punching a police officer.

I'm just wondering why the two Asian thugs at Manchester Airport, Fahir and Amaad Amaaz, both of whom violently attacked three police officers, flooring two female officers and breaking the nose of one, haven't been charged. Anyone with half a brain can see the barrage of violent punches took place before the policeman's kick and stamp, after they had very clearly resisted arrest – itself a serious crime.

Of course, the matter is still being Investigated by the police's independent watchdog, but how the actual fuck is this fair?  

The entire rhetoric from 2 Tier Kier and his commie apparatchiks is so pro Muslim and anti white British that he’s basically openly declaring war on the majority in the country. 
The disgusting bias in the MSM who not only aren’t reporting the gangs of machete carrying Muslims attacking pubs, beating up innocent white people on the streets and smashing up cars if they’re being driven by white people, but are actively hiding this from and deceiving the public using very vague descriptions of the perpetrators to make it look like they’re the same protestors  (far right).

The enemy are in full propaganda mode and their objective is a complete silencing of anyone who objects to their treasonous plans or even dissents from the narrative they’ve decided is the only one allowed from now on.

Dark fucking times.

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The entire rhetoric from 2 Tier Kier and his commie apparatchiks is so pro Muslim and anti white British that he’s basically openly declaring war on the majority in the country. 
The disgusting bias in the MSM who not only aren’t reporting the gangs of machete carrying Muslims attacking pubs, beating up innocent white people on the streets and smashing up cars if they’re being driven by white people, but are actively hiding this from and deceiving the public using very vague descriptions of the perpetrators to make it look like they’re the same protestors  (far right).

The enemy are in full propaganda mode and their objective is a complete silencing of anyone who objects to their treasonous plans or even dissents from the narrative they’ve decided is the only one allowed from now on.

Dark fucking times.

Give us all a break, Billy, you complete and utter tool. 

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