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Riots in UK


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45 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're missing the point which was about the motivation of EDL types taking to the streets.

You're looking at the immigration issue with a binary mind that is backwards rather than forward looking. Stopping immigration is never going to happen. Like it or not the world has become a global village. The factors of production be it goods or services is dependant on two constituent parts, natural resources and labour both of which the UK is in short supply notably in health and social care - in a country whose demographic is getting older. You say that immigration is "the number one priority", its not, climate change and how are we going to look after an increasingly frail and ageing population are top of the list. Rather than trying to stop immigration the UK and other countries with mature markets (mainly Europe) are going to need a more robust immigration policy tailored to needs. Refusing immigrants because some racists don't like a skin colour that is non-white is a non-starter.

The global village you cite might apply to a virtual world conjured up on the internet but in the real world the concept of home or Heimatland is very precious to all cultures.   How would a small Pakistan country town feel about a sudden influx of Ukrainian refugees. (No such humanitarian gesture has ever been made east of Poland) The proof of the pudding is in the eating.   You can get on a bus in Southwark or Lambeth and be the only white British person on it.   That is now spreading out of the major connurbations into those parts of the rundown country where property prices and rents permit social rehousing of large first or second generation immigrant families.  It is not backward as you say to have a love of the place where you and generations before you were born and raised and not be appalled by it's appropriation by closed ethnic communities backed up by the politicians, commercial interests (the rentier buy to let landlords who feed off DHSS tenancies are just one example, one could mention the shitty fried food takeaways and tacky nail bars that adorn our once bustling high streets)  Next you'll be saying I am nostalgic, out of touch.   The economic argument about the need for immigrant labour is another fake argument.  None of the so- called care workers who come from abroad are trustworthy or any good.  They are second raters at best and at worst malingerers and thieves.   I don't want them as home helps, in elderly homes or hospitals.  They can fuck off.   Same with the high earners, bankers, computer experts or Russian billionaire gangster dissidents.  They can all fuck off too.  

I'd reform the constitution from top to bottom, get rid of monarchy, titles, unelected privilege.  Introduce proportional voting, a bill of rights written into the constitution.  Introduce biometric national identity cards.  Stop all forms of immigration into this country completely and start to revoke any citizenship and deport any first, second or third generation immigrant convicted of a crime back to whichever country will take them for a lump of dough.

That's just the start, there's no reason it couldn't be put into action immediately. 

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16 hours ago, Snowy said:

From my experience today it's not all white people ,my home city has been attacked in the Swan center in Yardley.

A bunch of muslim men decided to go on rampage because they thought the Edl were coming there ,I pointed out to abdul when he was emptying the wagon in the depot do you think the edl will come here you fucking twat.

I know what to get you for Christmas now. 

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8 hours ago, Miles said:

I have a raving Leftie .. there is nothing wrong with British White people in general. If a 17 year old man (a 17 year old is not a child) had not gone out and slaughtered three young girl (all of whom were children) none of these riots would have happened. Something I have noticed is that so far as I can see none of the ethnic groups nor the religious groups publicly, loudly and visibly condemned the killing of those three little girls and the same goes for the left wing "hope not hate" and other leftist groups The same can be said for the far right cunts who have rioted rather than held peaceful virgils. Yes something has gone seriously wrong and much of the problem is down to nieve patronising middle class "leftists" along with a similar number of patronising (you can't say that) "rightists". @peglegtwo you yourself have a cheek in that you appear to come from a country where use of guns is out of control with in many cases young white men of a similar age group to the Southport killer, killing large numbers of school children with guns. About 30 years ago there was a US cop drama about a cop from Ulster who had move to Detroit with his wife & kids to escape the violence in Ulster. What was not mention was that during the worst period of the troubles the crime and murder rate in Ulster was far lower than in many US cities including Detroit. Back in the UK we need to get back to called a spade a shovel and a cunt from Hartlepool a monkey. Don't forget that some cunts here call @Frank a Greek and worry about the girth of my appendage (actually my fingers are short and a bit stubby).

He was a few weeks short of his 18th birthday (Happy Returns! Cunt) but was described by one newspaper as a "very young boy".  In Somalia they have whole platoons of 10 year old deadly killers all uniformed and armed for war. 

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4 hours ago, scotty said:

You've seen nothing yet Harold. Might I plead with you to abandon this discussion before it develops into the usual terminal Roops Last Word borefest? 

Actually I want to ask Roops a favour so I will follow your advice.  If I am shunned I will ask Cuntspotter. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, I've been reading Private Eye's two-part article on this, a considered analysis the publication of which was delayed by court injunction. IMO the article was thought provoking rather than compelling, even the author had to issue a caveat in that article's findings establishes neither guilt nor innocence. Still, The Eye has got the bit in its teeth so I suspect we're going to see more of the same.

People were questioning the conviction virtually immediately after her convictions. At the time I said I will go with the court’s decision as I never looked at the prosecution’s evidence. I thought those proclaiming a miscarriage of justice were a bit wild.

However, many articles have been written from various sources questioning the expert evidence.

Not to devalue experts, but having worked in healthcare, you can always get more than one opinion on the management of many of the most common diseases and presentations.

One thing for sure, the mass murderers in healthcare make care giving a whole lot more difficult for those who just want to do their best for the person in front of them.

We will see what happens.

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On 06/08/2024 at 13:28, The Beast said:

If we want to get to the nuts and bolts about the problem of mass non European immigration into Western Europe, we have all the evidence that it is harmful to the well being and safety of the host nations. I can't be bothered to dick about with file size of my non admin login to put up graph after graph of the disproportionate over representation of non Europeans involvement in violent and sexual crimes in every Western European country. This evidence is always ignored and it is always overlaid with another narrative to snuff it out or cause discombobulation.

The difficulty is that the shitlib mind has to focus on the "far right" being the problem. It validates their existing beliefs and covers any fault or scrutiny of their World view. They would rather victim blame than admit they were wrong.

There is very much a class element to this too. The average sneering shitlib is comfortable in their middle class idyll, believing they are too smart, intelligent and academically accomplished to be wrong. It's easier for them to watch children die and young girls be pimped out than acknowledge their own naive and complicit role in this shit show.

Our borderline Maoist Prime Minister has royally fucked up his messaging too, which has compounded the situation. Blair must be shaking his head at the ineptitude.

The 'liberal' middle-class left, many born into wealth, are the prime reason the UK never had the honest immigration debate it so desperately needed, particularly under the stewardship of Blair's administration in the late 90s & early noughties. Obviously it's a sensitive topic, and the M&S food-shopping left didn't want it discussed, and so allowed anyone who insisted on raising it to be smeared, damingly, as "racist". Like Sweden, the UK's left under Labour has played on the open, tolerant Western society card – and the current situation unfolding is some of the result.

Meanwhile, particularly since the mid-90s under EU meddling, our country has become home to increasingly large numbers of immigrants – most legal, many illegal. It's the Guardian & BBC shits who've ensured discussions about foreigners coming here is a subject that has remained strictly off-limits. Why has this extremely important part of British politics been forced as a subterranean issue, something often discussed in the pub or kitchen, for fear of losing jobs or being publicly scorned? The powerful left have made it a taboo subject while brandishing 'racism!' time and again. Shame on them.

As a result, millions of immigrants have arrived in numbers to our metropolitan areas, often arriving as unskilled workers, many turning to crime to make a living. No government under the growing influence of the selfish lefties decided to enforce meaningful restrictions, Cameron or Johnson included.

And this is some of the product. Fuck the BBC, fuck the wanky Guardian, and fuck all the Oxbridge-educated lefties with influence over Parliament (George Monbiot a gilt-edged example). By the time Sir Steamer leaves no.10, it'll probably be a crime to wave an England flag at Wembley.  

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5 hours ago, scotty said:

You've seen nothing yet Harold. Might I plead with you to abandon this discussion before it develops into the usual terminal Roops Last Word borefest? 

I’m not having Harold jump in and put her ‘just about still breathing’ bloodied carcass to the sword, then do a victory lap of the corner like some sort of 21st century Spartacus (Spasticus).  I’ve put a lot of my time and effort into slowly and painfully destroying the insufferable Welsh hag, and no cunt is going to just stroll in uninvited and hijack my legacy.

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34 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The 'liberal' middle-class left, many born into wealth, are the prime reason the UK never had the honest immigration debate it so desperately needed, particularly under the stewardship of Blair's administration in the late 90s & early noughties. Obviously it's a sensitive topic, and the M&S food-shopping left didn't want it discussed, and so allowed anyone who insisted on raising it to be smeared, damingly, as "racist". Like Sweden, the UK's left under Labour has played on the open, tolerant Western society card – and the current situation unfolding is the result.

Meanwhile, particularly since the mid-90s under EU meddling, our country has become home to increasingly large numbers of immigrants – most legal, many illegal. It's the Guardian & BBC shitcunts who've ensured discussions about foreigners coming here is a subject that has remained strictly off-limits. Why has this extremely important part of British politics been forced as a subterranean issue, something often discussed in the pub or kitchen, for fear of losing jobs or being publicly scorned? The powerful left have made it a taboo subject while brandishing 'racism!' time and again. Shame on them.

As a result, millions of immigrants have arrived in numbers to our metropolitan areas, often arriving as unskilled workers, turning to crime to make a living. No government under the growing influence of the selfish lefties decided to enforce meaningful restrictions, Cameron or Johnson included.

And this is the result. Fuck the BBC, fuck the wanky Guardian, and fuck all the Oxbridge-educated lefties with influence over Parliament (George Monbiot a gilt-edged example). By the time Sir Steamer leaves no.10, it'll be a crime to wave an England flag at Wembley.  

In Islington aboard a bus a group of loud mouthed Pakistani young men were openly repeating the derogatory word "Whiteys" to describe the people going about their business on the street below.  The Tower Hamlets Education Service and Children's Protection openly condone (as legitimate cultural and religious reason) for Pakistani and Bangladeshi schoolboys (the girls dinget that chance) to be extracted from school for up to sux months at a time to be sent back to the "home" village to tjeir tribe or extended family so they don't get TOO BRITISH.   Compare that wirh recent controversy over white families taking a week off school at the end of term to get a cheaper holiday abroad.   

That's ANOTHER example of TWO TIER BRITAIN. 

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’m not having Harold jump in and put her ‘just about still breathing’ bloodied carcass to the sword, then do a victory lap of the corner like some sort of 21st century Spartacus (Spasticus).  I’ve put a lot of my time and effort into slowly and painfully destroying the insufferable Welsh hag, and no cunt is going to just stroll in uninvited and hijack my legacy.

Remember who you're talking too (Cuthbert teacher's pet of the Bash Street Kids) 

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Not to devalue experts, but having worked in healthcare, you can always get more than one opinion on the management of many of the most common diseases and presentations.

With the obvious exception of Covid 19 where no one was allowed to question ‘the science’, not even doctors and academics who were pre 2020 highly respected experts but overnight found themselves  ostracised and vilified as dangerous ‘conspiracy theorists. 

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The global village you cite might apply to a virtual world conjured up on the internet but in the real world the concept of home or Heimatland is very precious to all cultures.   How would a small Pakistan country town feel about a sudden influx of Ukrainian refugees. (No such humanitarian gesture has ever been made east of Poland) The proof of the pudding is in the eating.   You can get on a bus in Southwark or Lambeth and be the only white British person on it.   That is now spreading out of the major connurbations into those parts of the rundown country where property prices and rents permit social rehousing of large first or second generation immigrant families.  It is not backward as you say to have a love of the place where you and generations before you were born and raised and not be appalled by it's appropriation by closed ethnic communities backed up by the politicians, commercial interests (the rentier buy to let landlords who feed off DHSS tenancies are just one example, one could mention the shitty fried food takeaways and tacky nail bars that adorn our once bustling high streets)  Next you'll be saying I am nostalgic, out of touch.   The economic argument about the need for immigrant labour is another fake argument.  None of the so- called care workers who come from abroad are trustworthy or any good.  They are second raters at best and at worst malingerers and thieves.   I don't want them as home helps, in elderly homes or hospitals.  They can fuck off.   Same with the high earners, bankers, computer experts or Russian billionaire gangster dissidents.  They can all fuck off too.  

I'd reform the constitution from top to bottom, get rid of monarchy, titles, unelected privilege.  Introduce proportional voting, a bill of rights written into the constitution.  Introduce biometric national identity cards.  Stop all forms of immigration into this country completely and start to revoke any citizenship and deport any first, second or third generation immigrant convicted of a crime back to whichever country will take them for a lump of dough.

That's just the start, there's no reason it couldn't be put into action immediately. 

I'd better get my caravan hidden then. Because my lot will be next on the list. Or will I be behind the gays when Kristalnacht happens. 

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3 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

None of whom claimed to be acting on behalf of their sky-fairy and none of whom is held in anything but revulsion by their compatriots and co-religionists.

Unlike so many of the "martyrs" that have found their way here.

I like the butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth muslims being wheeled out across the radio and tv.  Filmed clean up operations by the "community coming together" are actually Nazi style stage events first used in the student riots of the 2000s.  Propaganda stunts. 

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

The 'liberal' middle-class left, many born into wealth, are the prime reason the UK never had the honest immigration debate it so desperately needed, particularly under the stewardship of Blair's administration in the late 90s & early noughties. Obviously it's a sensitive topic, and the M&S food-shopping left didn't want it discussed, and so allowed anyone who insisted on raising it to be smeared, damingly, as "racist". Like Sweden, the UK's left under Labour has played on the open, tolerant Western society card – and the current situation unfolding is the result.

Meanwhile, particularly since the mid-90s under EU meddling, our country has become home to increasingly large numbers of immigrants – most legal, many illegal. It's the Guardian & BBC shitcunts who've ensured discussions about foreigners coming here is a subject that has remained strictly off-limits. Why has this extremely important part of British politics been forced as a subterranean issue, something often discussed in the pub or kitchen, for fear of losing jobs or being publicly scorned? The powerful left have made it a taboo subject while brandishing 'racism!' time and again. Shame on them.

As a result, millions of immigrants have arrived in numbers to our metropolitan areas, often arriving as unskilled workers, turning to crime to make a living. No government under the growing influence of the selfish lefties decided to enforce meaningful restrictions, Cameron or Johnson included.

And this is the result. Fuck the BBC, fuck the wanky Guardian, and fuck all the Oxbridge-educated lefties with influence over Parliament (George Monbiot a gilt-edged example). By the time Sir Steamer leaves no.10, it'll be a crime to wave an England flag at Wembley.  

I was going to give you a 'like' for this, then I realised, you're a total clockwork fuckin' elephant.

BTW, have you paid your tv licence fee, cunt?


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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I like the butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth muslims being wheeled out

They call it ghee H. I think you might find a large quantity of previously melted (now congealed) ghee in Franks back passage, as it’s commonly used by the Asian rent boy community in Brick Lane as a halal alternative to good old fashioned British fisting butter.

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6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

He was a few weeks short of his 18th birthday (Happy Returns! Cunt) but was described by one newspaper as a "very young boy".  In Somalia they have whole platoons of 10 year old deadly killers all uniformed and armed for war. 

Let’s hope Frank reads this post and books a seat on the next flight to Somalia,  as his penchant for young extremely boyish looking chaps (over 16 obviously) in uniform has long been his raison/d’etre.

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32 minutes ago, King Billy said:

They call it ghee H. I think you might find a large quantity of previously melted (now congealed) ghee in Franks back passage, as it’s commonly used by the Asian rent boy community in Brick Lane as a halal alternative to good old fashioned British fisting butter.

It's a perfectly legal drug apparently.  It's funny how the palm tree, year long hot sun and a predisposition to be a fucking lazy good for nothing dago or other, all coincide to produce a perfectly legal drug.  Seems the white working class aren't good enough for that as they have to fucking work all day and night for fuck all. 

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Let’s hope Frank reads this post and books a seat on the next flight to Rwanda, as his penchant for young extremely boyish looking chaps (over 16 obviously) in uniform has long been his raison/d’etre.

Is that the Virgin Airlines uniform with very tight trousers? 

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12 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's a perfectly legal drug apparently.  It's funny how the palm tree, year long hot sun and a predisposition to be a fucking lazy good for nothing dago or other, all coincide to produce a perfectly legal drug.  Seems the white working class aren't good enough for that as they have to fucking work all day and night for fuck all. 

Wtf are you talking about?

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