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Riots in UK


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From my experience today it's not all white people ,my home city has been attacked in the Swan center in Yardley.

A bunch of muslim men decided to go on rampage because they thought the Edl were coming there ,I pointed out to abdul when he was emptying the wagon in the depot do you think the edl will come here you fucking twat.

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4 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

What is wrong with British white people ? 

How dare the white indigenous majority wake up and object to their children being stabbed to death or their teenage daughters gang raped by the mostly peaceful ‘doctors, teachers and scientists’ living at our expense in every hotel in the country.
If there was ever any clearer evidence of the systemic white supremacist racism of the bigoted British people I’ve yet to see it. But I’m sure the BBC, ITV, Sly News and C4 etc. will inform us all soon how we’re actually far worse than that.

I’ve been extremely concerned recently about one of my neighbours (a 94 year old white woman) who told me that her Somalian lodger had been arse raping her instead of paying rent, and she wasn’t really happy about the arrangement. Needless to say I’ve reported the racist old  bitch and told the filth I’m more than happy to testify against her in court.


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7 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

What is wrong with British white people ? 

I have a raving Leftie .. there is nothing wrong with British White people in general. If a 17 year old man (a 17 year old is not a child) had not gone out and slaughtered three young girl (all of whom were children) none of these riots would have happened. Something I have noticed is that so far as I can see none of the ethnic groups nor the religious groups publicly, loudly and visibly condemned the killing of those three little girls and the same goes for the left wing "hope not hate" and other leftist groups The same can be said for the far right cunts who have rioted rather than held peaceful virgils. Yes something has gone seriously wrong and much of the problem is down to nieve patronising middle class "leftists" along with a similar number of patronising (you can't say that) "rightists". @peglegtwo you yourself have a cheek in that you appear to come from a country where use of guns is out of control with in many cases young white men of a similar age group to the Southport killer, killing large numbers of school children with guns. About 30 years ago there was a US cop drama about a cop from Ulster who had move to Detroit with his wife & kids to escape the violence in Ulster. What was not mention was that during the worst period of the troubles the crime and murder rate in Ulster was far lower than in many US cities including Detroit. Back in the UK we need to get back to called a spade a shovel and a cunt from Hartlepool a monkey. Don't forget that some cunts here call @Frank a Greek and worry about the girth of my appendage (actually my fingers are short and a bit stubby).

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1 minute ago, Miles said:

I have a raving Leftie .. there is nothing wrong with British White people in general. If a 17 year old man (a 17 year old is not a child) had not gone out and slaughtered three young girl (all of whom were children) none of these riots would have happened. Something I have noticed is that so far as I can see none of the ethnic groups nor the religious groups publicly, loudly and visibly condemned the killing of those three little girls and the same goes for the left wing "hope not hate" and other leftist groups The same can be said for the far right cunts who have rioted rather than held peaceful virgils. Yes something has gone seriously wrong and much of the problem is down to nieve patronising middle class "leftists" along with a similar number of patronising (you can't say that) "rightists". @peglegtwo you yourself have a cheek in that you appear to come from a country where use of guns is out of control with in many cases young white men of a similar age group to the Southport killer, killing large numbers of school children with guns. About 30 years ago there was a US cop drama about a cop from Ulster who had move to Detroit with his wife & kids to escape the violence in Ulster. What was not mention was that during the worst period of the troubles the crime and murder rate in Ulster was far lower than in many US cities including Detroit. Back in the UK we need to get back to called a spade a shovel and a cunt from Hartlepool a monkey. Don't forget that some cunts here call @Frank a Greek and worry about the girth of my appendage (actually my fingers are short and a bit stubby).

How fascinatingly insightful. Now…fuck off, Kong Schlong.

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1 hour ago, Miles said:

I have a raving Leftie .. there is nothing wrong with British White people in general. If a 17 year old man (a 17 year old is not a child) had not gone out and slaughtered three young girl (all of whom were children) none of these riots would have happened. Something I have noticed is that so far as I can see none of the ethnic groups nor the religious groups publicly, loudly and visibly condemned the killing of those three little girls and the same goes for the left wing "hope not hate" and other leftist groups The same can be said for the far right cunts who have rioted rather than held peaceful virgils. Yes something has gone seriously wrong and much of the problem is down to nieve patronising middle class "leftists" along with a similar number of patronising (you can't say that) "rightists". @peglegtwo you yourself have a cheek in that you appear to come from a country where use of guns is out of control with in many cases young white men of a similar age group to the Southport killer, killing large numbers of school children with guns. About 30 years ago there was a US cop drama about a cop from Ulster who had move to Detroit with his wife & kids to escape the violence in Ulster. What was not mention was that during the worst period of the troubles the crime and murder rate in Ulster was far lower than in many US cities including Detroit. Back in the UK we need to get back to called a spade a shovel and a cunt from Hartlepool a monkey. Don't forget that some cunts here call @Frank a Greek and worry about the girth of my appendage (actually my fingers are short and a bit stubby).

You're the gift that keeps on giving, Pen!

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2 hours ago, Miles said:

Don't forget that some cunts here call @Frank a Greek and worry about the girth of my appendage (actually my fingers are short and a bit stubby).

Did you wear them down through masturbation (like The Donald did?)

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

Needless to say I’ve reported the racist old  bitch and told the filth I’m more than happy to testify against her in court.

As is your civic duty, you're to be commended. Ssssssssssss

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10 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

What is wrong with British white people ? 


Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

Aside from being child murderers, anyone spot a common denominator?

To all you men of honour out there, polish your pitchforks, re-charge the straw torches and storm the citadels of jam, Jerusalem and white angst to unleash hell...cos you only want to protect 'our' children...right?

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Nothing.  Also they are NOT riots they are DEMOS or PROTESTS.  As in padt times (the oft cited by Lefties Brick Lane 1930s violent demos against the Blackshirts who were actually marching peacefully.  The 1926 General Strike when the white working class were treated like shit by the Welsh Rees Moggs Coal Mine Owners cutting wages for example.  Going back before that.  The Peterloo Massacre.  Working class protest has been the life blood of the history of our country never taught in our schools just the fucking shit kings and queens history propaganda. 


Letting prisoners off 60% of their sentence instead of 50% due to lack of space doesn’t really sit with finding 500 prison places immediately for "rioters".  (It used to be 30% then crept up to 40%)


Not charging any of the Manchester Airport thugs and allowing the cunt who broke a female officer's nose out on bail doesn't sit with holding arrested "rioters" in custody on remand. 

It IS Two Tier policing and justice.  Shamima Begum is waiting to be shipped in through the back door afyer ALL THAT FUCKING MONEY AND EFFORT BY THE PREVIOUS GOVT TO KEEP THE MURDERING CUNT OUT. 

Starmer is visibily shaking because he knows the clock is ticking now to stop mass legal and illegal immigraion into the UK in its tracks.  I think he has six months to show results on this issue.  Everything else is secondary now.  It's fucked, we know it's fucked.  Immigration is the number one priority. 


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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

How dare the white indigenous majority wake up and object to their children being stabbed to death or their teenage daughters gang raped by the mostly peaceful ‘doctors, teachers and scientists’ living at our expense in every hotel in the country.
If there was ever any clearer evidence of the systemic white supremacist racism of the bigoted British people I’ve yet to see it. But I’m sure the BBC, ITV, Sly News and C4 etc. will inform us all soon how we’re actually far worse than that.

I’ve been extremely concerned recently about one of my neighbours (a 94 year old white woman) who told me that her Somalian lodger had been arse raping her instead of paying rent, and she wasn’t really happy about the arrangement. Needless to say I’ve reported the racist old  bitch and told the filth I’m more than happy to testify against her in court.


Because of the physique which includes very long thin arms, Somali "refugees" rehoused (after disembarking as unaccompanied minors at Heathrow) in West London developed a nice little racket of burglaring houses by getting their arms through the letterbox and undoing the lock from the inside. 

Ah the games children play! 

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54 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:


Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

Aside from being child murderers, anyone spot a common denominator?

To all you men of honour out there, polish your pitchforks, re-charge the straw torches and storm the citadels of jam, Jerusalem and white angst to unleash hell...cos you only want to protect 'our' children...right?

That doesn't take away the facts that 700,00 immigrants from diametrically opposed cultures all of whom are diluting the white cultural basis of Britain has to be stopped now, not next year, or the end of the five year term, or doing our best, or just restricting it this way or that.  Stopped Now.   That's what the protests are about.  The murders was just the spark. 

You are splitting hairs over nothing. 

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23 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are splitting hairs over nothing. 

You've seen nothing yet Harold. Might I plead with you to abandon this discussion before it develops into the usual terminal Roops Last Word borefest? 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

Aside from being child murderers, anyone spot a common denominator?

To all you men of honour out there, polish your pitchforks, re-charge the straw torches and storm the citadels of jam, Jerusalem and white angst to unleash hell...cos you only want to protect 'our' children...right?

Should have put Beverley Allitt instead of Letby.

 Letby's convictions may be scrutinised again in the not too distant future.

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A lot of this was avoidable.

When fake muslamic names were being circulated on the internet about the killer, our trustworthy authorities knew who the killer was.

Their framing and management of the situation wasn't ready for Axel, the fine son of Wales.

These people are as disgusting as the killer.

No wonder this country is a nut house.

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On 06/08/2024 at 10:29, Mrs Roops said:


Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

Aside from being child murderers, anyone spot a common denominator?

To all you men of honour out there, polish your pitchforks, re-charge the straw torches and storm the citadels of jam, Jerusalem and white angst to unleash hell...cos you only want to protect 'our' children...right?

Quite right dear, we have plenty of our own child killing scum, we don’t need any help

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If we want to get to the nuts and bolts about the problem of mass non European immigration into Western Europe, we have all the evidence that it is harmful to the well being and safety of the host nations. I can't be bothered to dick about with file size of my non admin login to put up graph after graph of the disproportionate over representation of non Europeans involvement in violent and sexual crimes in every Western European country. This evidence is always ignored and it is always overlaid with another narrative to snuff it out or cause discombobulation.

The difficulty is that the shitlib mind has to focus on the "far right" being the problem. It validates their existing beliefs and covers any fault or scrutiny of their World view. They would rather victim blame than admit they were wrong.

There is very much a class element to this too. The average sneering shitlib is comfortable in their middle class idyll, believing they are too smart, intelligent and academically accomplished to be wrong. It's easier for them to watch children die and young girls be pimped out than acknowledge their own naive and complicit role in this shit show.

Our borderline Maoist Prime Minister has royally fucked up his messaging too, which has compounded the situation. Blair must be shaking his head at the ineptitude.

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On 06/08/2024 at 10:29, Mrs Roops said:


Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

Aside from being child murderers, anyone spot a common denominator?

To all you men of honour out there, polish your pitchforks, re-charge the straw torches and storm the citadels of jam, Jerusalem and white angst to unleash hell...cos you only want to protect 'our' children...right?

I see your point very well. I think everyone does.

The fact is the UK's BAME community, despite making up around 10% of the total demographic, accounts for approximately 65% of knife or blade murders. People from black, Asian, Somali, Sudanese, Rwandan ethnicities et al. – even if they are born in the UK, as with Rudakubana – hail from countries in which knives, machetes, zombie slashing etc. is more commonplace. While I vehemently disagree with methods used by some white gorillas on the street, the recent child murders have been the catalyst for people to speak out against mass immigration. It's been simmering for some while, and now it's boiled over.

It's disappointing mosques have been targeted from the outset, however, the violence serves as a metaphor for the bigger picture, with millions from the silent majority being spoken for by those taking the wrong action, imo. Without wishing to quote certain politicians, some from the BAME community have no intention of integrating and never will, staying divided from traditional British values through a different religious and political ideology, and in many cases, a different value for human (and animal) life. Some who preach in mosques exemplify this secularisation. Islamism has and is proving a profoundly destabilising force across our country (and throughout much of the West).

In spite of your international lifestyle, perhaps it's easier for you to opine from the depths of the beautiful Welsh countryside, while I have spent most of my life in London, Surrey or Essex, and I've seen the negative effects of these changes perhaps more than you. Well done the Guardian-reading, white middle-class leftie brigade. I apportion much of the blame on them for what's happening.

I'd rather a white person attempt to assault me with a pitchfork, quite frankly.

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

Should have put Beverley Allitt instead of Letby.

 Letby's convictions may be scrutinised again in the not too distant future.

Yes, I've been reading Private Eye's two-part article on this, a considered analysis the publication of which was delayed by court injunction. IMO the article was thought provoking rather than compelling, even the author had to issue a caveat in that article's findings establishes neither guilt nor innocence. Still, The Eye has got the bit in its teeth so I suspect we're going to see more of the same.

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2 hours ago, scotty said:

You've seen nothing yet Harold. Might I plead with you to abandon this discussion before it develops into the usual terminal Roops Last Word borefest? 

A forum myth I'm afraid, usually espoused by last word merchants more guilty than myself.

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

How dare the white indigenous majority wake up and object to their children being stabbed to death or their teenage daughters gang raped by the mostly peaceful ‘doctors, teachers and scientists’ living at our expense in every hotel in the country.
If there was ever any clearer evidence of the systemic white supremacist racism of the bigoted British people I’ve yet to see it. But I’m sure the BBC, ITV, Sly News and C4 etc. will inform us all soon how we’re actually far worse than that.

I’ve been extremely concerned recently about one of my neighbours (a 94 year old white woman) who told me that her Somalian lodger had been arse raping her instead of paying rent, and she wasn’t really happy about the arrangement. Needless to say I’ve reported the racist old  bitch and told the filth I’m more than happy to testify against her in court.


I loved the speech some cunt gave in the assembly saying "Rioting, throwing missiles at the police and burning property is not what Belfast is about". No? So what were seeing over there since the early 70s, street carnivals? 

The soppy, blue nose bastard. 

Mind you, it was nice to see the union flag and the tri colour side by side during the riots. Knew something would unite the micks. 

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

That doesn't take away the facts that 700,00 immigrants from diametrically opposed cultures all of whom are diluting the white cultural basis of Britain has to be stopped now, not next year, or the end of the five year term, or doing our best, or just restricting it this way or that.  Stopped Now.   That's what the protests are about.  The murders was just the spark. 

You are splitting hairs over nothing. 

You're missing the point which was about the motivation of EDL types taking to the streets.

You're looking at the immigration issue with a binary mind that is backwards rather than forward looking. Stopping immigration is never going to happen. Like it or not the world has become a global village. The factors of production be it goods or services is dependant on two constituent parts, natural resources and labour both of which the UK is in short supply notably in health and social care - in a country whose demographic is getting older. You say that immigration is "the number one priority", its not, climate change and how are we going to look after an increasingly frail and ageing population are top of the list. Rather than trying to stop immigration the UK and other countries with mature markets (mainly Europe) are going to need a more robust immigration policy tailored to needs. Refusing immigrants because some racists don't like a skin colour that is non-white is a non-starter.

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

Aside from being child murderers, anyone spot a common denominator?

To all you men of honour out there, polish your pitchforks, re-charge the straw torches and storm the citadels of jam, Jerusalem and white angst to unleash hell...cos you only want to protect 'our' children...right?

Did you watch the programme last night on Lucy Letby throwing some doubt on her conviction? Interesting 

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ian Brady

Myra Hindley

Ian Huntley

Fred West

Rose West

Lucy Letby

None of whom claimed to be acting on behalf of their sky-fairy and none of whom is held in anything but revulsion by their compatriots and co-religionists.

Unlike so many of the "martyrs" that have found their way here.

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