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King Billy

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I don't know why you bother making post after post on a niche website on which you're already universally hated

Probably because you do, and it used to be a 'free' country.

Nobody gives a fuck about your love affair with the canines of your community, your sick obsession is out of control.

Kill yourself before any more damage is done, and take your four-legged-friends with you, you depraved beast. 🐩

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6 hours ago, Miles said:

We had 14 years of a government with a mandate to sort things .. all that happened was that things got much worse because there was "no business case" to do anything .. everything is a business and must offer value to stakeholders.

We have had a full scale retreat from responsibility by every level of government in Britain since the 1980s at both policy level and individual behaviour.   At the same time they have preached an ideology of individuals taking responsibility whether it be getting on your bike to find a job, not using health services unless it is "really necessary", budgeting on less money, and every fucking thing else under the sun.   In other words when you see our so called leaders shirking responsibility is it surprising society is falling apart. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

P, is it true that you hate dogs? 

Put it this way, I wouldn't be asking him to dogsit your stupendously bent mutt any time soon.

I absolutely fucking despise you and would quite happily queer bash you into the next millennium. However, you could leave your dog in a room with me and it would come away totally unharmed. That goes for your Dachshund as well.


Fuck off.

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Put it this way, I wouldn't be asking him to dogsit your stupendously bent mutt any time soon.

I absolutely fucking despise you and would quite happily queer bash you into the next millennium. However, you could leave your dog in a room with me and it would come away totally unharmed. That goes for your Dachshund as well.


Fuck off.

That doesn't mean to say you wouldn't try. 

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18 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Put it this way, I wouldn't be asking him to dogsit your stupendously bent mutt any time soon.

I absolutely fucking despise you and would quite happily queer bash you into the next millennium. However, you could leave your dog in a room with me and it would come away totally unharmed. That goes for your Dachshund as well.


Fuck off.

Talk about hit and fucking miss. Get your dopey head together.. your timing's all over the shop!

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On 01/09/2024 at 19:35, Decimus said:

I'd wager that you're the sort of basement-bound, live-at-home-with-mummy, tubby little edgelord whose browsing history is full of Saudi beheading videos and images of train suicide victims.

Not at all and i misread that as trans suicide victims lol

On 01/09/2024 at 19:35, Decimus said:

You give me the fucking creeps and I don't want to ever see you posting on this site again.









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8 hours ago, Miles said:

More ironic than funny . someone's malformed cosseted pet (actually an apex predator being dragged off by a a real natural apex predator.

Exactly, who'da thunk it that a Leopard's favourite food is large dogs! It seems they have no problem taking out alsatians either.There was another good trail cam video of a wolf wandering into a Eurasian Lynx's territory and getting a good hiding from it, just goes to show that cats are the superior species when they're equal size.

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8 hours ago, Miles said:

About 5 years ago we had a little hag from Paignton squealing that the local gulls should be exterminated because her little handbag dog had been seized and taken from her garden by a great black-back gull .. yes pure evil cruelty to turn a magnificent animal like a wolf into something the size of a rat and a wife the "cute" face of a gargoyle .. and that people who own these things think themselves to be animal lovers.

People in this country have a strange hatred of gulls and any sort of natural wildlife just doing it's thing.

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8 minutes ago, Frank said:

Talk about hit and fucking miss. Get your dopey head together.. your timing's all over the shop!

Frank, it's clear you love your dog and as an animal lover I can relate to that. What I find strange is your lack of principles... Does your desperation to top the leaderboard trump your love of your bender dog? If it doesn't, why are you so desperate to get likes from two vile dog haters in @and and @Miles? Let's not even talk about that sinister cunt @ClitWestwood. What would your dog say about this  if it could speak? 

You stupid fucking cunt.


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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

stupid little teenage boy

Not a teenager fuckwit I've already told you my age range.


4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

who uploads videos of people's dogs being killed by leopards.

Classic lol.


4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

prepare your monster cock for further bruising

That sounded pretty queer. Was your sphincter puckering in and out while you wrote that?

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1 minute ago, ClitWestwood said:

Not a teenager fuckwit I've already told you my age range.


Classic lol.


That sounded pretty queer. Was your sphincter puckering in and out while you wrote that?

Here he is! The stupid little nonce-defender boy with as many brain cells as testicles, who thinks it's "funny" to watch people's dogs get eaten by leopards.

This is a website for adults, you childish little runt.

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11 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Here he is! The stupid little nonce-defender boy with as many brain cells as testicles, who thinks it's "funny" to watch people's dogs get eaten by leopards.

This is a website for adults, you childish little runt.

Do you watch cuckold porn Wolfe? It's just you seem like the type who does.

Say...don't you live in Gloucestershire? I'd lock up your pooch if i were you lol 


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2 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

Do you watch cuckold porn Wolfe? It's just you seem like the type who does.

Say...don't you live in Gloucestershire? I'd lock up your pooch if i were you lol 


Well, I suppose it's fitting to see you've put down your copy of The Tiger Who Came To Tea to post what looks like a GCSE study program news story, appropriately.

I dunno what's worse Reptyle, the genuine pleasure you get from watching dogs suffer or your willingness to defend a suspected nonce who's reappeared (while arousing others' suspicions that you may well also swing this way... there have been a few recent PMs being exchanged).

You thick northern wanker.

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36 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Well, I suppose it's fitting to see you've put down your copy of The Tiger Who Came To Tea to post what looks like a GCSE study program news story, appropriately.

I dunno what's worse Reptyle, the genuine pleasure you get from watching dogs suffer or your willingness to defend a suspected nonce who's reappeared (while arousing others' suspicions that you may well also swing this way... there have been a few recent PMs being exchanged).

You thick northern wanker.

Ruhoh! sounds like someone better sound the hypocritical fuckwit klaxon again Mr angry little man cat killer.


On 15/11/2019 at 13:42, Wolfie said:

There are few words to describe just how much these intensely annoying little fuckers get right on my tits.

Like thousands of others up and down the country, I'm a keen gardener who has to continually battle these selfish cunts who shit daily in my vegetable patches and raised beds. While I get on with my neighbour, who has three of them, things have gotten to the stage where I'm now throwing cat shit back over the garden fence. Yesterday Mrs Wolfie and I spent all day preparing our winter veg and mulch for the coming months, yet just this morning, the place looked like a war zone because the little shits decided to deposit their vile, disgusting, germ-spreading discharge among my chard and rhubarb. What's more concerning is when our little niece comes to stay during summer months, as a matter of being sensible, we have to locate the rancid cat shit before she might.

People who own cats obviously feed them roughly twice each day. Where does all the shit go, I wonder? It appears to be OK if it's not their garden. I've always been respectful of others' pets, in particular keeping a watchful eye on my dogs (one of whom 'likes' cats), but now I've decided to turn a blind eye if they come into contact with one another and nature takes its course. I've also been eyeing up my shovel near the garage door, which may be put to good use well before the rain and snow come about.

Your nonce accusations were boring the first 1000x but it's now pretty much the go to insult for thick reactionary chavs with England tattoos up and down the country isn't it.

Wonder how your stinking mutt would react to getting a torch that's actually a high powered laser shone in it's eyes.By the way it's probably your own dog's shit you thicko as cats generally bury or cover their own.

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10 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Sometimes a fitting pun almost writes itself, lol.

Not surprisingly, you were too stupid to see it.

Weak response from a cowardly idiot who's been exposed again and is now trying to change the subject.

Where's your shovel hard man? 



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1 hour ago, ClitWestwood said:

Ruhoh! sounds like someone better sound the hypocritical fuckwit klaxon again Mr angry little man cat killer.


Your nonce accusations were boring the first 1000x but it's now pretty much the go to insult for thick reactionary chavs with England tattoos up and down the country isn't it.

Wonder how your stinking mutt would react to getting a torch that's actually a high powered laser shone in it's eyes.By the way it's probably your own dog's shit you thicko as cats generally bury or cover their own.

It's not my fault you can't grasp some irony in my topic, boy. Then again, one can't argue with stupid. Or perhaps that you're just too immature to blend in.

I quite like cats as it happens, though from a gardener's perspective, they can be... well, it's all in my nom.

You obnoxious, sinister pubescent bellend. Get off the site before I make your every visit here an absolute fucking misery.

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Look at this dirty illegal cunt, apparently 38 weeks sentence.... yep you heard that right.   Out in leds than ten weeks.    Can't the cunt have his life in this country terminated and send him to somewhere in the world where he'll be fighting all day and night with his knife. 


Southport mk 2 

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2 hours ago, ClitWestwood said:

This "boys club" is seeming more and more like a gay Turkish bath house by the day.

'Clit whatever the fuck you call yourself' there's a sinister vibe about you, I cannot ignore. Changing one's avatar and name after being banished from the corner under a different guise, in itself, raises alarm bells... If you weren't already a no good wrong 'un, dark web lurking, loner, vile cunt you wouldn't try to sneak in under a new guise, in the hope of erasing your suspect past. You're clearly a beast cunt and it's not surprising you've hit it off with @Frank and his assortment of pervert friends here, you vile cunt. 

I wish the lot of you were dead, yesterday. 

Fuck off. 

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13 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

'Clit whatever the fuck you call yourself' there's a sinister vibe about you, I cannot ignore. Changing one's avatar and name after being banished from the corner under a different guise, in itself, raises alarm bells... If you weren't already a no good wrong 'un, dark web lurking, loner, vile cunt you wouldn't try to sneak in under a new guise, in the hope of erasing your suspect past. You're clearly a beast cunt and it's not surprising you've hit it off with @Frank and his assortment of pervert friends here, you vile cunt. 

I wish the lot of you were dead, yesterday. 

Fuck off. 

By the way OCR, this gay Turkish Steam Bath thingy is there an ANNUal MEMBERship?   

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13 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

By the way OCR, this gay Turkish Steam Bath thingy is there an ANNUal MEMBERship?   

Enough shit talk, Harold. 

What do think about @Frank's blatant neglect of his bumder dog and principles, with regards to his desperate pandering to dog haters, @and and @Miles in search of likes to boost his massive insecurities.

The man has flipped, running around like a headless chicken on some demented website for the unhinged in search of validation and appreciation, what a pathetic cunt, eh? He's even resorted to posting decade old shit to top the leaderboard. 

Do you agree with me in wishing he was dead... for his own good. 

Fucking hell. 




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21 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Enough shit talk, Harold. 

What do think about @Frank's blatant neglect of his bumder dog and principles, with regards to his desperate pandering to dog haters, @and and @Miles in search of likes to boost his massive insecurities.

The man has flipped, running around like a headless chicken on some demented website for the unhinged in search of validation and appreciation, what a pathetic cunt, eh? He's even resorted to posting decade old shit to top the leaderboard. 

Do you agree with me in wishing he was dead... for his own good. 

Fucking hell. 




There's no simple answer. 

To be frank I like Frank.   He's coming into his prime - a bit like one of those expensive little potted orchids in the hospital foyer shop waiting to be carried up to a terminally ill patient in the Oncology Unit.  I hope this answers your question and if it doesn't fuck off.  

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