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King Billy

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When I Google Manchester Airport charges all I fucking get is "One more police officer charged with...". "Another police officer charged...". blah blah blah ABSOLUTELY ZILCH on the fucking "community" Thugs who broke a female officer's nose and decided to physically assault our frontline officers guarding a high security area.   The level of media manipulation, Google manipulation and Establishment suppression and state fucking mind bending is staggering.   



Whoever voted for Labour is a fucking cunt and those few who still pop up crying how they've only been in a few weeks are cunts too. 

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

When I Google Manchester Airport charges all I fucking get is "One more police officer charged with...". "Another police officer charged...". blah blah blah ABSOLUTELY ZILCH on the fucking "community" Thugs who broke a female officer's nose and decided to physically assault our frontline officers guarding a high security area.   The level of media manipulation, Google manipulation and Establishment suppression and state fucking mind bending is staggering.   



Whoever voted for Labour is a fucking cunt and those few who still pop up crying how they've only been in a few weeks are cunts too. 

It would have been the same under the tories. .. until we destroy this idea that a 17 year old (or indeed a 14, 15, or 16 year old is still a "child" we will get nowhere .. you can be naive at 14, 15, 16 or 17 years of age but you do know right from wrong.

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1 hour ago, Miles said:

It would have been the same under the tories. .. until we destroy this idea that a 17 year old (or indeed a 14, 15, or 16 year old is still a "child" we will get nowhere .. you can be naive at 14, 15, 16 or 17 years of age but you do know right from wrong.

Well Labour wants them to have the vote?  WTF? so if you can vite you can fucking be treated the same as other scumbag criminals.   Only.... we namby pamby ALL of the cunts.   UK is called the British ISLES.  By definition we have innumerable rocky isolated outcrops we could build new heavily armed camps to start with, prisons later.   And fucking pay Prison Officers a train drivers salary to fucking poke an elecyric prodder up their arses all day long the fuckers.

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4 hours ago, and said:

My ring is twitching at the very thought. 

Given these cunts in prison need to be completely demoralised it's not enough to put them on a barren island, if they're banged up they aren't going to notice.   It's not like you or I getting up and going to work.   The fuckers need to be tortured in every conceivable eay.   It's about time we electrified the justice system.   Up the arse and everywhere else.   It's got to be so they crawl out of prison on their hands and knees totally broken with one burning ambition.   NEVER TO GO BACK. 

You'd see the crime rate drop to zero in a few years. 

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On 04/09/2024 at 20:44, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

'Clit whatever the fuck you call yourself' there's a sinister vibe about you, I cannot ignore. Changing one's avatar and name after being banished from the corner under a different guise, in itself, raises alarm bells... If you weren't already a no good wrong 'un, dark web lurking, loner, vile cunt you wouldn't try to sneak in under a new guise, in the hope of erasing your suspect past. You're clearly a beast cunt and it's not surprising you've hit it off with @Frank and his assortment of pervert friends here, you vile cunt. 

I wish the lot of you were dead, yesterday. 

Fuck off. 

Cry about it you utter non-entity.Oh and reported.

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On 04/09/2024 at 19:23, Wolfie said:

pubescent bellend

You seem to mention 'pubescent bellends' a lot...why is this? 

On 04/09/2024 at 19:23, Wolfie said:

I quite like cats as it happens, though from a gardener's perspective, they can be... well, it's all in my nom

Get a load of Alan Titwank and Ground Farce over here in his Deano Barret box. 

On 04/09/2024 at 19:23, Wolfie said:

Get off the site before I make your every visit here an absolute fucking misery.

I'm quaking in my boots.Is it true you used to run some shit forum called "Don't suck me off" and you are such a monumentally stupid prick it ended up getting shut down?? 😂



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16 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

You seem to mention 'pubescent bellends' a lot...why is this? 

Get a load of Alan Titwank and Ground Farce over here in his Deano Barret box. 

I'm quaking in my boots.Is it true you used to run some shit forum called "Don't suck me off" and you are such a monumentally stupid prick it ended up getting shut down?? 😂



You've wasted a great deal of time assembling this utter shite of a post.   All of Wolfie's contributions, which I prefer to call the "little red book" or The Thoughts of Chairman Wolfie, you quote here out of context were originally quite relevant and on the nail which can't be said about any of your efforts.   You're a random wanker who is fucking wasting your and everybody else's time.  Fuck off back into the ether. 

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5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You've wasted a great deal of time assembling this utter shite of a post.   All of Wolfie's contributions, which I prefer to call the "little red book" or The Thoughts of Chairman Wolfie, you quote here out of context were originally quite relevant and on the nail which can't be said about any of your efforts.   You're a random wanker who is fucking wasting your and everybody else's time.  Fuck off back into the ether. 

Oh dear sucking up to the wankers now are we after they've been trying to get you kicked off the site.What a fucking worm.You must be thick as fuck.Wonder who's sock account you really are.

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4 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

Oh dear sucking up to the wankers now are we after they've been trying to get you kicked off the site.What a fucking worm.

You seem to have come back with a lot of pent up aggression seething and steaming.   I seem to remember a much funnier punter.  What happened to you?   Why so bitter?   There there, tell Harold.   

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On 04/09/2024 at 19:05, ClitWestwood said:

Weak response from a cowardly idiot who's been exposed again and is now trying to change the subject.

Where's your shovel hard man? 



It could even be you climbing out of the costume, though the man in the photo does look old enough to shave. 

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5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Forgive me for being naive, but is the lion real?   It looks heavily tranquilised next to an Indian midget. 

I'm not sure. But to make a human-lion analogy, we do have Harvey Price.

Your naivety is always assumed, but never forgiven, Harold.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

It could even be you climbing out of the costume, though the man in the photo does look old enough to shave. 

How exactly would you know if i "look old enough to shave" shit for brains? and he actually looks nothing like me.

If however this site has been committing data breach you scummy bottom feeding cunts are in BIG trouble especially with the way the current political climate is.

Uh oh!

I'd be very careful with how you answer dickhead.




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8 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

How exactly would you know if i "look old enough to shave" shit for brains? and he actually looks nothing like me.

If however this site has been committing data breach you scummy bottom feeding cunts are in BIG trouble especially with the way the current political climate is.

Uh oh!





I seem to recall that you also had a crack team of lawyers a few years ago during the Gamergate saga.

Now I'm not one to cross swords with an overly litigious fantasist, but are you sure you want to go down this route again? It didn't end well for you the last time.

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9 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

Getting worried Adolf? 

Not at all, I'd welcome you reporting the site. I've got nothing to hide, but I doubt you've considered that half of your posts would also get Keir's maggot twitching, and that once your devices have been seized you'd have a lot more to worry about than most on here.

You sinister little freak.

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39 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

How exactly would you know if i "look old enough to shave" shit for brains? and he actually looks nothing like me.

If however this site has been committing data breach you scummy bottom feeding cunts are in BIG trouble especially with the way the current political climate is.

Uh oh!

I'd be very careful with how you answer dickhead.




Blimey, sounds as though I've been seriously warned! The thing is though, Reptyle, most older members know precisely who you were & are, which you gave away within 1 about week of your re-emergence, such is your predictably vile, one-dimensional, immature northern gob.

A leopard never changes its spots.


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9 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Blimey, sounds as though I've been seriously warned! The thing is though, Reptyle, most older members know precisely who you were & are, which you gave away within 1 about week of your re-emergence, such is your predictably vile, one-dimensional, immature northern gob.

A leopard never changes its spots.


Isn't your boyfriend DC a one dimensional northern gob?

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On 06/09/2024 at 09:18, ChildeHarold said:

When I Google Manchester Airport charges all I fucking get is "One more police officer charged with...". "Another police officer charged...". blah blah blah ABSOLUTELY ZILCH on the fucking "community" Thugs who broke a female officer's nose and decided to physically assault our frontline officers guarding a high security area.   The level of media manipulation, Google manipulation and Establishment suppression and state fucking mind bending is staggering.   



Whoever voted for Labour is a fucking cunt and those few who still pop up crying how they've only been in a few weeks are cunts too. 

Much of this comes from Thatcher when she turned fairly competent council servants into managers of pretend businesses who forgot who they were actually paid by  became too grand for the rest of us.

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12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Much like the recently disbanded Tory cabinet.

They've not disbanded, they're regrouping, for their next attack. It just looks like a confused rabble, but there's some cunt behind the scenes opening doors and pulling some strings.

Have you noticed how relaxed they all look in opposition, now they're not thought to be responsible for all the ongoing fuck-ups?

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1 hour ago, Miles said:

Much of this comes from Thatcher when she turned fairly competent council servants into managers of pretend businesses who forgot who they were actually paid by  became too grand for the rest of us.

I agree it's a generation of "do it by the book" cowering Thatcherites who have never had any real contact with old fashioned Labour and working lives who now represent the "Labour" movement.   In a way it's validating Marx and a hard Left viewpoint.   "Working class" Rayner is about as genuine as Clegg on student tuition. 

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17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Blimey, sounds as though I've been seriously warned! The thing is though, Reptyle, most older members know precisely who you were & are, which you gave away within 1 about week of your re-emergence, such is your predictably vile, one-dimensional, immature northern gob.

A leopard never changes its spots.


I've tried to add you to a PM alongside @Dyslexic cnut but it wouldn't let me after I'd already added a few others. 

You'll be pleased to hear, amongst several other members on here perhaps, that after having his spotty arse tanned overnight, the little nonce loving cunt @ClitWestwood has threatened to bring the site to the Old Bill's attention.

Others may want to be aware that there's a snake within our midst. No doubt he'll claim that it was only aimed at me, but as soon as they start poking their nose in they're going to see all sorts, including that idiot's hate speech diatribes over the years, the stupid little cunt.

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