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King Billy

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Apparently so Harold. But I’m guessing that the victims skin colour puts them in the demographic whose lives don’t matter. We’ve already been reassured that there is no whiff of terrorism and nothing to see here. A bystander named Abdullah is the hero of the hour and the government, media and police will be working round the clock to protect the attacker and his ‘community’.

 The 11 year old girl and her mother were probably showing a bit too much flesh and got what they deserved will be the attitude of our new PM who will continue to condone the slaughter of white British people, and will continue to lock up anyone who objects to being slaughtered. 
 Welcome to totatitarian fascist rule. 
 We’ll all be locked up or wearing yellow stars on our arms by 2029.

The disinformation curtain has come down as this very young boy of 34 years of age is whisked off onto custody.   Not terror related prob means he's an ethnic - I hear those rumour mills grinding away. 

The 14 year old in Wales accused of 3 stabbings at a school, one adult and two kids, has had warnings issued by the police to social media not to release video of her attack online.   Ha ha ha!   She's pleading NOT guilt of attempted murder - of course! 


The BBC masters of cover up have investigated Valdo Volcano and found a psychiatrist warned that he "could likely kill someone" after the cunt broke onto a neighbour flat and terrified her.  Nothing was done.   This would remain covered up if Volcano's own parents hadn't volunteered the info.  

It's not just Two Tier Starmer its Cover Up Britain. 

We now know that 60% of knife crime perpetrators NEVER see the inside of a jail. 

Swift justice?   Deterrent to would be rioters?. What does Max Headroom Starmer know about deterrent? 

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This isn’t ringing true. A clear picture of the suspect being arrested, published hours after the incident? When do they ever do that? I’m guessing the victims will not be identified but the motive will be connected to the far right. It seems very convenient to Starmers narrative. MI6 could’ve had all the actors involved paid and back home within a few hours. The Muslim man coming to the rescue seems very convenient to the same narrative too. 
 Who knows anymore. I’m not saying that’s what happened but it really wouldn’t surprise me if this turned out to be a stage managed stunt to further the anti white agenda. Nothing would surprise me anymore. This country’s fucked.

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14 hours ago, scotty said:

Yesterday saw the first article I've spotted which involves the BBC actually accepting that the public has a legitimate interest in illegal immigration and that the government has a duty to consider those concerns. The MSM has doggedly stuck to the Party line of dismissing out of hand any protest and locking up any complainers they can find an excuse to. 


Their hasn’t been a reasoned debate. Anyone who disagrees with the left is seen as a racist bigot. Anyone who disagrees with the right is a namby pamby leftie apologist. There is no acknowledged middle ground. It’s been fuelled by toxic media and bungled by inept  ingenue politicians .

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14 hours ago, scotty said:

Yesterday saw the first article I've spotted which involves the BBC actually accepting that the public has a legitimate interest in illegal immigration and that the government has a duty to consider those concerns. The MSM has doggedly stuck to the Party line of dismissing out of hand any protest and locking up any complainers they can find an excuse to. 



12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The disinformation curtain has come down as this very young boy of 34 years of age is whisked off onto custody.   Not terror related prob means he's an ethnic - I hear those rumour mills grinding away. 

The 14 year old in Wales accused of 3 stabbings at a school, one adult and two kids, has had warnings issued by the police to social media not to release video of her attack online.   Ha ha ha!   She's pleading NOT guilt of attempted murder - of course! 


The BBC masters of cover up have investigated Valdo Volcano and found a psychiatrist warned that he "could likely kill someone" after the cunt broke onto a neighbour flat and terrified her.  Nothing was done.   This would remain covered up if Volcano's own parents hadn't volunteered the info.  

It's not just Two Tier Starmer its Cover Up Britain. 

We now know that 60% of knife crime perpetrators NEVER see the inside of a jail. 

Swift justice?   Deterrent to would be rioters?. What does Max Headroom Starmer know about deterrent? 

Consider this……. Who reads a newspaper any more? Where are we getting our news? How clean is it?  I don’t detect any cover up . I see difficulty in accessing clean, unadulterated news. Tv news is sound bites. Internet news is spun to death and filtered through the echo chamber of agendas set according to be bias of the provider. The contraction of printed media has had the effect of accentuating the bias of the proprietor. There is no cover up…..there is just universal disinformation 

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29 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:


Consider this……. Who reads a newspaper any more? Where are we getting our news? How clean is it?  I don’t detect any cover up . I see difficulty in accessing clean, unadulterated news. Tv news is sound bites. Internet news is spun to death and filtered through the echo chamber of agendas set according to be bias of the provider. The contraction of printed media has had the effect of accentuating the bias of the proprietor. There is no cover up…..there is just universal disinformation 

Again there's a lot of truth in that if I think you're saying that the news is always put out there with a specific calculated purpose.   But in government 's case, especially Britain which is notoriously secretive and clandestine,  it's got to the state of what Orwell said:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. 

EG  only because of Valdo Calocane' s parents now disclosing and volunteering info do we now know about his past and one psychiatrist assessment "he will probably go onto kill".     It took me five minutes to find out on a PakistNews website that the Leicester Square stabber was white - no British MSM reported it.     The authorities hide behind "patient confidentiality" or "protection of living people's reputation" when they seal court documents.   Then there's the super injunctions which our courts pompously forbid anybody in any part of the world disclosing identities or information.   

I still think the govt wants a monopoly on information or disinformation.   It should also be mentioned that manipulation of the education system is a standard practice in every regime and country to achieve social control.   

The National Curriculum under Baker and the Thatcherites was introduced to counter perceived Leftie teachers and teaching.   In fact, they abolished ILEA and the GLC (both had inbuilt Labour majorities) and decimated fringe theatre and radical arts by defunding Councils.  The Feztival Hall, Southbank Centre and National Theatre unfortunately became victims of this rightwing political onslaught. 

Behind all that is joint stock (privatisation) colonialism applied to the British economy. 

Britain is now the new East India company. 

Run by lying thieving bastards on behalf of the usual rich and powerful.   Definitely 1984. 

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35 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Again there's a lot of truth in that if I think you're saying that the news is always put out there with a specific calculated purpose.   But in government 's case, especially Britain which is notoriously secretive and clandestine,  it's got to the state of what Orwell said:

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. 

EG  only because of Valdo Calocane' s parents now disclosing and volunteering info do we now know about his past and one psychiatrist assessment "he will probably go onto kill".     It took me five minutes to find out on a PakistNews website that the Leicester Square stabber was white - no British MSM reported it.     The authorities hide behind "patient confidentiality" or "protection of living people's reputation" when they seal court documents.   Then there's the super injunctions which our courts pompously forbid anybody in any part of the world disclosing identities or information.   

I still think the govt wants a monopoly on information or disinformation.   It should also be mentioned that manipulation of the education system is a standard practice in every regime and country to achieve social control.   

The National Curriculum under Baker and the Thatcherites was introduced to counter perceived Leftie teachers and teaching.   In fact, they abolished ILEA and the GLC (both had inbuilt Labour majorities) and decimated fringe theatre and radical arts by defunding Councils.  The Feztival Hall, Southbank Centre and National Theatre unfortunately became victims of this rightwing political onslaught. 

Behind all that is joint stock (privatisation) colonialism applied to the British economy. 

Britain is now the new East India company. 

Run by lying thieving bastards on behalf of the usual rich and powerful.   Definitely 1984. 

In my view, the last three lines of your comment just mean that it’s business as usual. Media manipulation is as it ever was.

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In a world where old people read and believe every word printed in the daily mail and are amused by cartoons drawn by cartoonists who draw to order and lack a conscience there is little hope. the social media companies are of course not social.

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Assbook and Twatter are also idle companies .. twatter is struggling due to the gormless penny pinching of its new owner .. Assbook i still profitable but cares little for the people it encourages to advertise with it. I local artist I know was doing fairly by posing some of his work on his Assbook feed. He got the usual invite from Assbook to make his posts sponsored to reach out to more people, I advised him not to fall for this ploy sadly he ignored my advice .. Yes he reached out to more people, the trouble was that most of those people did not want his sponsored posts flooding their timelines, and he actually received little in the way of more sales and has now spotted some of his work being resold by others as their own work.

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28 minutes ago, Miles said:

Assbook and Twatter are also idle companies .. twatter is struggling due to the gormless penny pinching of its new owner .. Assbook i still profitable but cares little for the people it encourages to advertise with it. I local artist I know was doing fairly by posing some of his work on his Assbook feed. He got the usual invite from Assbook to make his posts sponsored to reach out to more people, I advised him not to fall for this ploy sadly he ignored my advice .. Yes he reached out to more people, the trouble was that most of those people did not want his sponsored posts flooding their timelines, and he actually received little in the way of more sales and has now spotted some of his work being resold by others as their own work.

Social media is for cunts!

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3 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

In my view, the last three lines of your comment just mean that it’s business as usual. Media manipulation is as it ever was.

Stock Company Colonies: Clegg and Facebook California.  A bit like Teddy in The Homecoming, "We have a wonderful life, Ruth, me and the children...." 

Teddy to a "T". 

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Now we have yet another stabbing with this time a Romanian national arrested .. an 11 years old girl was seized in a headlock and stabbed 11 times .. her mother was also stabbed .. seemingly they were tourists visiting Leicester Square in London and were unknown to the assailant. Doubtless the young girl gave the stabber a "dirty look".

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On 13/08/2024 at 13:08, Miles said:

Now we have yet another stabbing with this time a Romanian national arrested .. an 11 years old girl was seized in a headlock and stabbed 11 times .. her mother was also stabbed .. seemingly they were tourists visiting Leicester Square in London and were unknown to the assailant. Doubtless the young girl gave the stabber a "dirty look".

He probably couldn't vet his hand in their bags to nick their stuff so he stabbed them.  As for Rwandan Refugees: thankyou Britain for taking is in this is our way of rewarding you, three kids dead and eight fighting for their lives in hospital. 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/08/2024 at 16:34, and said:

Well, that was worth waiting for!

We could do with a few more Leopards in Britain.

Absolutely! Write to your local mp and make it a policy to introduce emotional support leopards for the vulnerable and more leopards on the streets of Britain.Say do leopards like the taste of 'immigrants' cos we could kill two birds with one stone here, less dog shit on the street by proxy of less dogs and less murdering scum from dinghies.Excellent.

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On 10/08/2024 at 19:31, and said:

It was truly terrifying, it was like watching a serial predator stalking it's prey, 3 or 4 minutes of quiet, while it sussed out the situation, then when it struck, there was no escape.

I must confess, I thought the dog was going to wake up and chase it off, they looked a similar size, but that leopard was a psycho killer.

It was probably just mulling over which condiment would go best with fido once he dragged it back to his tree.My fave part was when it rag dolled the dog down the stairs into the darkness like some sort of horror film lol lol.

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6 hours ago, ClitWestwood said:

It was probably just mulling over which condiment would go best with fido once he dragged it back to his tree.My fave part was when it rag dolled the dog down the stairs into the darkness like some sort of horror film lol lol

I'd wager that you're the sort of basement-bound, live-at-home-with-mummy, tubby little edgelord whose browsing history is full of Saudi beheading videos and images of train suicide victims.

You give me the fucking creeps and I don't want to ever see you posting on this site again.


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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

You give me the fucking creeps and I don't want to ever see you posting on this site again.


@Frank wants his script back ASAP, you've been using it long enough, you plagiarising cunt.

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On 01/09/2024 at 12:44, ClitWestwood said:

It was probably just mulling over which condiment would go best with fido once he dragged it back to his tree.My fave part was when it rag dolled the dog down the stairs into the darkness like some sort of horror film lol lol.

About 5 years ago we had a little hag from Paignton squealing that the local gulls should be exterminated because her little handbag dog had been seized and taken from her garden by a great black-back gull .. yes pure evil cruelty to turn a magnificent animal like a wolf into something the size of a rat and a wife the "cute" face of a gargoyle .. and that people who own these things think themselves to be animal lovers.

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On 12/08/2024 at 20:38, ChildeHarold said:

The disinformation curtain has come down as this very young boy of 34 years of age is whisked off onto custody.   Not terror related prob means he's an ethnic - I hear those rumour mills grinding away. 

The 14 year old in Wales accused of 3 stabbings at a school, one adult and two kids, has had warnings issued by the police to social media not to release video of her attack online.   Ha ha ha!   She's pleading NOT guilt of attempted murder - of course! 


The BBC masters of cover up have investigated Valdo Volcano and found a psychiatrist warned that he "could likely kill someone" after the cunt broke onto a neighbour flat and terrified her.  Nothing was done.   This would remain covered up if Volcano's own parents hadn't volunteered the info.  

It's not just Two Tier Starmer its Cover Up Britain. 

We now know that 60% of knife crime perpetrators NEVER see the inside of a jail. 

Swift justice?   Deterrent to would be rioters?. What does Max Headroom Starmer know about deterrent? 

We had 14 years of a government with a mandate to sort things .. all that happened was that things got much worse because there was "no business case" to do anything .. everything is a business and must offer value to stakeholders.

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On 01/09/2024 at 12:42, ClitWestwood said:

Absolutely! Write to your local mp and make it a policy to introduce emotional support leopards for the vulnerable and more leopards on the streets of Britain.Say do leopards like the taste of 'immigrants' cos we could kill two birds with one stone here, less dog shit on the street by proxy of less dogs and less murdering scum from dinghies.Excellent.

Re-wilding the streets.

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3 hours ago, Miles said:

About 5 years ago we had a little hag from Paignton squealing that the local gulls should be exterminated because her little handbag dog had been seized and taken from her garden by a great black-back gull .. yes pure evil cruelty to turn a magnificent animal like a wolf into something the size of a rat and a wife the "cute" face of a gargoyle .. and that people who own these things think themselves to be animal lovers.

Shut up you dog-hating piece of shit. The more comments you make such as this, the more it confirms you actually never owned two Jack Russells, which you allegedly "adored". You're full of shit, as with the plethora of conflicting dates your sisters allegedly died from cancer. Bullshit, all of it. And a huge disrespect to those who've lost loved ones to the disease.

I don't know why you bother making post after post on a niche website on which you're already universally hated – and then further exacerbate your situation by advocating the posts of some stupid little teenage boy who uploads videos of people's dogs being killed by leopards. How old are you, seriously? Aren't you about 70? You ought to know better.

The bullying will never stop – unless you do. In the absence of Billy, prepare your monster cock for further bruising, 'Lady' P.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Shut up you dog-hating piece of shit. The more comments you make such as this, the more it confirms you actually never owned two Jack Russells, which you allegedly "adored". You're full of shit, as with the plethora of conflicting dates your sisters allegedly died from cancer. Bullshit, all of it. And a huge disrespect to those who've lost loved ones to the disease.

I don't know why you bother making post after post on a niche website on which you're already universally hated – and then further exacerbate your situation by advocating the posts of some stupid little teenage boy who uploads videos of people's dogs being killed by leopards. How old are you, seriously? Aren't you about 70? You ought to know better.

The bullying will never stop – unless you do. In the absence of Billy, prepare your monster cock for further bruising, 'Lady' P.

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42 minutes ago, Miles said:
2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Shut up you dog-hating piece of shit. The more comments you make such as this, the more it confirms you actually never owned two Jack Russells, which you allegedly "adored". You're full of shit, as with the plethora of conflicting dates your sisters allegedly died from cancer. Bullshit, all of it. And a huge disrespect to those who've lost loved ones to the disease.

I don't know why you bother making post after post on a niche website on which you're already universally hated – and then further exacerbate your situation by advocating the posts of some stupid little teenage boy who uploads videos of people's dogs being killed by leopards. How old are you, seriously? Aren't you about 70? You ought to know better.

The bullying will never stop – unless you do. In the absence of Billy, prepare your monster cock for further bruising, 'Lady' P.

P, is it true that you hate dogs? 

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