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King Billy

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14 hours ago, The Beast said:


Shut up you coke addled manic depressive gay fucking cuckold.

After years of posting vitriol and bile of every description you are going on a moral campaign because a few fucking bricks have been thrown. You wet fucking leper.

Hark at you on your high fucking horse... as you're in punter (and not site owner) mode, let's have another chat then 'The Beast'. 

Firstly, I find it odd that you're attacking a site member for raising concerns at some of the shite that's been going on here of late. However, you do have a certain stance when it comes to non whites and other races and the UK, don't you? I remember your 'no non whites' or similar rant in the England team a while ago and our debate about it afterwards, where I pointed out the failures in your argument. People are upset and pissed off at what's happened recently and rightly so, it's brought out anger and resentment in most punters here... Even (perceived) left leaning members have got on the racist bandwagon, perhaps this is what you want, instead of 'good old fashioned cunting' as you told @Decimus in your 'Too many useless cunts' thread. 

I also find it odd that a man of Irish descent (which is what you are right?) has this stance, did you support the 'No blacks, Irish and dogs' stance back in the day? You appear to have forgotten where your origins are and the fact that if there weren't a load of non white immigrants, the racists that exist here would want you to fuck off.

For the record, I'm against illegal immigration and if in charge would stop it tomorrow, I also think that current levels of legal immigration are unsustainable and are harming quality of life in blighty.

Please accept this message in the spirit it's intended... punter to punter. Now, calm down and go and drink some of that Caribbean rum you said you like and then go fuck yourself.



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12 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Hark at you on your high fucking horse... as you're in punter (and not site owner) mode, let's have another chat then 'The Beast'. 

Firstly, I find it odd that your attacking a site member for raising concerns at some of the shite that's been going on  here of late. However, you do have a certain stance when it comes to non whites and other races and the UK, don't you? I remember your 'no non whites' or similar rant in the England team a while ago and our debate about it afterwards, where I pointed out the failures in your argument. People are upset and pissed off at what's happened recently and rightly so, it's brought out anger and resentment in most punters here... Even (perceived) left leaning members have got on the racist bandwagon, perhaps this is what you want, instead of 'good old fashioned cunting' as you told @Decimus in your 'Too many useless cunts' thread. 

I also find it odd that a man of Irish descent (which is what you are right?) has this stance, did you support the 'No blacks, Irish and dogs' stance back in the day? You appear to have forgotten where your origins are and the fact that if there weren't a load of non white immigrants, the racists that exist here would want you to fuck off.

For the record, I'm against illegal immigration and if in charge would stop it tomorrow, I also think that current levels of legal immigration are unsustainable and are harming quality of life in blighty.

Please accept this message in the spirit it's intended... punter to punter. Now, calm down and go and drink some of that Caribbean rum you said you like and then go fuck yourself.



Couldn't have put it better myself, Raas. The man is a fucking disgrace to his roots and should hang his head in shame. One can only wonder at why he was so vitriolic and personal in his attack on me, which was also completely unprovoked. I'd wager it's because he has to take orders from far more qualified black and brown individuals at whatever fucking NHS dive he cleans the toilets in.

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

I think you're scared the old bill are about to knock on your door. If there's anyone on here that deserves to go down, it's you. You're a horrible little runt. 


1 hour ago, Decimus said:

The only door they'll be knocking on soon is your plywood, Crinkly Bottom, Barbican one bed. They don't seem to be overly fond of incitement at the moment, and they can find it even in the most vague of online statements.

Let's hope you think it was worth using the circumstances around the death of innocent children to gain cheap 'likes' when you're getting your back doors smashed in by a gang of Islamists inside The Scrubs.

Desperate cunt.

Exactly, I'm sure the stupid little cunt is the only one that's been sharing Tweets on here, a website which I have no doubt Sir Keir would deem 'far right'. 

He better hope that renowned grass and thick cunt @Witheredscrotedoesn't know how share posts here with the police. 

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38 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Hark at you on your high fucking horse... as you're in punter (and not site owner) mode, let's have another chat then 'The Beast'. 

Firstly, I find it odd that you're attacking a site member for raising concerns at some of the shite that's been going on here of late. However, you do have a certain stance when it comes to non whites and other races and the UK, don't you? I remember your 'no non whites' or similar rant in the England team a while ago and our debate about it afterwards, where I pointed out the failures in your argument. People are upset and pissed off at what's happened recently and rightly so, it's brought out anger and resentment in most punters here... Even (perceived) left leaning members have got on the racist bandwagon, perhaps this is what you want, instead of 'good old fashioned cunting' as you told @Decimus in your 'Too many useless cunts' thread. 

I also find it odd that a man of Irish descent (which is what you are right?) has this stance, did you support the 'No blacks, Irish and dogs' stance back in the day? You appear to have forgotten where your origins are and the fact that if there weren't a load of non white immigrants, the racists that exist here would want you to fuck off.

For the record, I'm against illegal immigration and if in charge would stop it tomorrow, I also think that current levels of legal immigration are unsustainable and are harming quality of life in blighty.

Please accept this message in the spirit it's intended... punter to punter. Now, calm down and go and drink some of that Caribbean rum you said you like and then go fuck yourself.






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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

Calling a few punters Kikes on a back alley website with about as much traffic as a Famagusta road is hardly the same as going out and smashing the country to pieces because I don't like foreigners.

I don't like the rhetoric, and neither would you if you actually remembered where you came from, Taidgh. You may choose to forget, but it wasn't that long ago when the Irishman was the n****r, subject to wild accusations and being universally accused of terrorism. 

Sound familiar? But as long as you're alright it doesn't matter I suppose. You're as fucking bad as Zia Yusuf, you reactionary fucking wanker.

Smashing the country to pieces? A few Jeremy Kyle cunts in a few deindustrialised Northern towns. It was exaggerated as "civil war" by our own state, who then point to outside interference. The mythical "far right", see same Jeremy Kyle cunts, have the wherewithal and network to organise 100 protests from out of their arse with a day's notice? You seriously believe this? These "far right thugs" were a gift to Starmer, much like Arthur Scargill was to Thatcher.


What was actually organised was 100 state sponsored antifa protests. They only got a good turnout in a dozen very diverse areas, with a rag tag coalition of shitlibs, muslamics and socialist worker rent a mob cunts. We are expected to believe "far right thugs" would venture into such areas. They may be thick, but they are not actively suicidal. I wrote on the twitter feed almost one week ago "we stood up to the far right" would be the headline and this would be a disaster for native people. It was obvious to me then

As for the Irish, they never made an industry out of victimhood during the 70's when the National Front had some degree of organisation. Their issue was and is an intra-christian dispute, wholly unrelated to the issues of demographic change that are happening in every western European country.

We had riots in 1981 in Brixton, Toxteth and Handsworth. The small minority of West Indian trouble makers were listened to, see The Scarman report, because they were feared. 

The reason why we keep getting marginalised is because we are weak. These politician cunts will always pick off or attack the weakest, much like a scrap in a nightclub, the bouncers will deal with the weaker of the two parties to defuse the situation.

Large groups of muslamics can tool up and stand outside a McDonalds in Birmingham in broad daylight, cause damage to the property of the "free press", the old bill are around the corner, standing back hiding behind the excuse that they can self police. The live story of the Sky news hack feeling intimated can't be memory holed, but the story is removed from their web page within a few hours. The message I see from this is that intimidation works.

Might makes right and we seem to have forgotten this as a people.


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15 hours ago, The Beast said:


Shut up you coke addled manic depressive gay fucking cuckold.

After years of posting vitriol and bile of every description you are going on a moral campaign because a few fucking bricks have been thrown. You wet fucking leper.

While I'm not passing judgement on the content of your comment, and as Raas has pointed out, I'd quite like to see more from Beast the punter. Or haven't you got more time for your own site?

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Hark at you on your high fucking horse... as you're in punter (and not site owner) mode, let's have another chat then 'The Beast'. 

Firstly, I find it odd that you're attacking a site member for raising concerns at some of the shite that's been going on here of late. However, you do have a certain stance when it comes to non whites and other races and the UK, don't you? I remember your 'no non whites' or similar rant in the England team a while ago and our debate about it afterwards, where I pointed out the failures in your argument. People are upset and pissed off at what's happened recently and rightly so, it's brought out anger and resentment in most punters here... Even (perceived) left leaning members have got on the racist bandwagon, perhaps this is what you want, instead of 'good old fashioned cunting' as you told @Decimus in your 'Too many useless cunts' thread. 

I also find it odd that a man of Irish descent (which is what you are right?) has this stance, did you support the 'No blacks, Irish and dogs' stance back in the day? You appear to have forgotten where your origins are and the fact that if there weren't a load of non white immigrants, the racists that exist here would want you to fuck off.

For the record, I'm against illegal immigration and if in charge would stop it tomorrow, I also think that current levels of legal immigration are unsustainable and are harming quality of life in blighty.

Please accept this message in the spirit it's intended... punter to punter. Now, calm down and go and drink some of that Caribbean rum you said you like and then go fuck yourself.



Non whites are only given bureaucratic privileges such as passports because our political class are traitors.

It's as simple as that as far as I am concerned.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Couldn't have put it better myself, Raas. The man is a fucking disgrace to his roots and should hang his head in shame. One can only wonder at why he was so vitriolic and personal in his attack on me, which was also completely unprovoked. I'd wager it's because he has to take orders from far more qualified black and brown individuals at whatever fucking NHS dive he cleans the toilets in.

I hope you're feeling some of this pain Dickless as you're a filthy fucking migrant in Canada aren't you? Have you started your banjo lessons yet or do you just do the squealing??

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10 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Non whites are only given bureaucratic privileges such as passports because our political class are traitors.

It's as simple as that as far as I am concerned.

After a few conversations I've had with you here, I still cannot understand your position. In a world where The Beast ruled, would you remove all non whites from Europe? What is your definition of a non white? Is it a simple as the shade of skin colour? What about someone who has a black ancestor but looks white like Ross Barkley, or Jamie Oliver having an African ancestor? Would The Beast provide DNA testing for everyone? After getting Europe back to its racial purity (that wasn't ever pure anyways) would you allow whites to settle in other white countries... Like an Irishman settling in England for example?


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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Couldn't have put it better myself, Raas. The man is a fucking disgrace to his roots and should hang his head in shame. One can only wonder at why he was so vitriolic and personal in his attack on me, which was also completely unprovoked. I'd wager it's because he has to take orders from far more qualified black and brown individuals at whatever fucking NHS dive he cleans the toilets in.

Ah diddums…..an unprovoked attack. The cunt that has been destroying people he doesn’t like on this site for 10 years crying about being tickled.

I’m all broken up about it, wanker.




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39 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

After a few conversations I've had with you here, I still cannot understand your position. In a world where The Beast ruled, would you remove all non whites from Europe? What is your definition of a non white? Is it a simple as the shade of skin colour? What about someone who has a black ancestor but looks white like Ross Barkley, or Jamie Oliver having an African ancestor? Would The Beast provide DNA testing for everyone? After getting Europe back to its racial purity (that wasn't ever pure anyways) would you allow whites to settle in other white countries... Like an Irishman settling in England for example?


I don’t wish to be rude to you as you seem to be a decent punter. 
The people that have inhabited these islands for a millennia are the natives and they are white. That is incontrovertible.

We only have this homeland, we can’t go anywhere else. Other groups do have their own homeland they can retreat to if things get bad. We don’t.

Giving political power away to alien groups is stupid and treacherous.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Shut the fuck up, the far left are vile cunts and your desperate attempts of late to fit in by getting racist is embarrassing. You stupid, daft,  chameleon cunt. 

You don't know your far left from your far right


your far arse from your far elbow

silly cunt. 

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

Ah diddums…..an unprovoked attack. The cunt that has been destroying people he doesn’t like on this site for 10 years crying about being tickled.

I’m all broken up about it, wanker.




I was being flippant, P. You've never liked me and I've never particularly cared for you either. But I didn't get to be the chief purveyor of paperclips in the council post room without kissing arse, so I suck your cock every now and again whilst mostly ignoring you.

I'd like to go back to that arrangement, but if you insist on belligerence I'll shove your racist, fat fucking head down the next toilet you scrub.


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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I was being flippant, P. You've never liked me and I've never particularly cared for you either. But I didn't get to be the chief purveyor of paperclips in the council post room without kissing arse, so I suck your cock every now and again whilst mostly ignoring you.

I'd like to go back to that arrangement, but if you insist on belligerence I'll shove your fucking racist fat head down the next toilet you scrub.


Coke addled gay cuck cunt, fuck off.

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Just now, BuggerLugs said:

This is turning out like a proper CC Friday night. 

I'm on the coke, Bugs, and my husband is in the next room sucking my best friend's cock.

To say that I'm baying for blood and ready for a ruck would be an understatement.

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm on the coke, Bugs, and my husband is in the next room sucking my best friend's cock.

To say that I'm baying for blood and ready for a ruck would be an understatement.

It only works if it’s funny. You just seem bitter and totally drained of any humour. What’s happening to you? 

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Just now, Frank said:

It only works if it’s funny. You just seem bitter and totally drained of any humour. What’s happening to you? 

Logged on for fifteen minutes whilst staring gormleslly at this thread and trying to work out what you were going to say...was this really your final draft?


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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

To say that I'm baying for blood and ready for a ruck would be an understatement.

Mrs. Lugs is 12 inches away, sat watching 8 out of 10 cats and banging on about the fucking cat flap. Tomorrow's headlines:

"Scunthorpe woman abandoned outside A & E with a cat flap wedged up her arse and cat superglued to her lap"



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