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King Billy

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8 hours ago, ratcum said:

that's proper fucked up Zorbs.

It's like black people complaining about the legacy of slavery, then winning all the running events in the Olympics. 

But they're shit at swimming though, global warming and the melting of the ice caps can't come quick enough.

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11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They’ve been picking some strange locations to find racists to confront.

 If they want to “confront” racists, maybe they should all march to Millwall one Saturday and see how that fucking goes for them. 
 I saw the group of around a thousand quislings in London. A fifty strong football mob would have scattered 80% and kicked fuck out of the remaining 20% in under 10 minutes.

See you in the tunnel.   I'm not a racist in terms of skin colour.  I just don't want ANY foreigners working or living in this country unless there are exceptional reasons like they are a one off genius like Albert Einstein.    This so called community talked about by Labour should be extended to our own British boys and girls leaving school to become this country's doctors, nurses, dentists and everything else.   We have the talent here it's the govt to put its big arms round them with money and support to train them up NOT import cheap inferior substitutes who nobody can understand talk and who don't have their heart in this country. 

Fuck off Labour - a line in the sand has been put down now.  Starmer knows the score.  Far from winning anything this govt and the anti-racist Left have had a sword hanging over their heads NOT to go soft on immigration.  It's a def victory for the protestors. 

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43 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

See you in the tunnel.   I'm not a racist in terms of skin colour.  I just don't want ANY foreigners working or living in this country unless there are exceptional reasons like they are a one off genius like Albert Einstein.    This so called community talked about by Labour should be extended to our own British boys and girls leaving school to become this country's doctors, nurses, dentists and everything else.   We have the talent here it's the govt to put its big arms round them with money and support to train them up NOT import cheap inferior substitutes who nobody can understand talk and who don't have their heart in this country. 

Fuck off Labour - a line in the sand has been put down now.  Starmer knows the score.  Far from winning anything this govt and the anti-racist Left have had a sword hanging over their heads NOT to go soft on immigration.  It's a def victory for the protestors. 

Ah, why didn't you say, you're a xenophobe.

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5 hours ago, Frank said:

Totally shot to pieces. Desperately sad to witness. Jesus.


1 hour ago, Miles said:

I still cannot believe what he has done to himself.

Go easy on him, he's on a downward spiral.

It was inevitable, all those misbegotten fantasies about a life in Canada, plus the raging, drug-fuelled paranoia, it was bound to have a detrimental effect on his psyche.

The best we can hope for is a long drawn-out, painful death, ASAP. 🤣

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10 hours ago, The Beast said:


Shut up you coke addled manic depressive gay fucking cuckold.

After years of posting vitriol and bile of every description you are going on a moral campaign because a few fucking bricks have been thrown. You wet fucking leper.

Calling a few punters Kikes on a back alley website with about as much traffic as a Famagusta road is hardly the same as going out and smashing the country to pieces because I don't like foreigners.

I don't like the rhetoric, and neither would you if you actually remembered where you came from, Taidgh. You may choose to forget, but it wasn't that long ago when the Irishman was the n****r, subject to wild accusations and being universally accused of terrorism. 

Sound familiar? But as long as you're alright it doesn't matter I suppose. You're as fucking bad as Zia Yusuf, you reactionary fucking wanker.

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5 hours ago, Frank said:

Totally shot to pieces. Desperately sad to witness. Jesus.

And I suppose reinventing yourself as a racist cunt in order to remain relevant to a dozen strangers is the height of cool?

You stupid old bastard.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

And I suppose reinventing yourself as a racist cunt in order to remain relevant to a dozen strangers is the height of cool?

You stupid old bastard.

Much the same as your anti-Semitic rants, in a pathetic effort elicit a few likes from the Boys Club.

Take a look in the mirror, kettle, pan, fuckin' cunt.

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15 hours ago, Frank said:

Forget all that manipulated racist shit, H.. that's for thickos Billy and Eric. We're staring in the face and all-male olympic boxing finale for women. What on earth is going on?

Well I never, A Hermaphrodite faggot cunt complaining about geezers fighting women in the Olympics. You'll be joining the rioting thick cunts shouting 'make me a kebab' next won't you? You Souvlaki scoffing, greasy cunt.

Fuck off. 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Calling a few punters Kikes on a back alley website with about as much traffic as a Famagusta road is hardly the same as going out and smashing the country to pieces because I don't like foreigners.

I don't like the rhetoric, and neither would you if you actually remembered where you came from, Taidgh. You may choose to forget, but it wasn't that long ago when the Irishman was the n****r, subject to wild accusations and being universally accused of terrorism. 

Sound familiar? But as long as you're alright it doesn't matter I suppose. You're as fucking bad as Zia Yusuf, you reactionary fucking wanker.

This is much more like it. May you, and Proper, verbally beat the shit out of one another forever and a day. 

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41 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Well I never, A Hermaphrodite faggot cunt complaining about geezers fighting women in the Olympics. You'll be joining the rioting thick cunts shouting 'make me a kebab' next won't you? You Souvlaki scoffing, greasy cunt.

Fuck off. 

You haven’t bought into the media and police narrative that all protesters against illegal immigration are right wing rioters? 

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40 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

This is much more like it. May you, and Proper, verbally beat the shit out of one another forever and a day. 

Proper is usually alright in my book, but I think it was a bit below the belt to call me a gay cuck and a manic depressive cokehead all in one post. I could have called him a pot-scrubbing, potty-cleaning old porter cunt, but I like to keep things civilised.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

And I suppose reinventing yourself as a racist cunt in order to remain relevant to a dozen strangers is the height of cool?

You stupid old bastard.

I think you're scared the old bill are about to knock on your door. If there's anyone on here that deserves to go down, it's you. You're a horrible little runt. 

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33 minutes ago, Frank said:

I think you're scared the old bill are about to knock on your door. If there's anyone on here that deserves to go down, it's you. You're a horrible little runt. 

The only door they'll be knocking on soon is your plywood, Crinkly Bottom, Barbican one bed. They don't seem to be overly fond of incitement at the moment, and they can find it even in the most vague of online statements.

Let's hope you think it was worth using the circumstances around the death of innocent children to gain cheap 'likes' when you're getting your back doors smashed in by a gang of Islamists inside The Scrubs.

Desperate cunt.

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The only door they'll be knocking on soon is your plywood, Crinkly Bottom, Barbican one bed. They don't seem to be overly fond of incitement at the moment, and they can find it even in the most vague of online statements.

Let's hope you think it was worth using the circumstances around the death of innocent children to gain cheap 'likes' when you're getting your back doors smashed in by a gang of Islamists inside The Scrubs.

Desperate cunt.

Those protestors have done more to draw attention to the issues of law and order, inadequate policing, and political indifference to the "communities" which is the word so beloved of the bullshitters than any amount of mealy mouthed platitudes mass produced by the authorities and mainstream media have done or could do.  

NO MORE COVER UP. That is crystal clear now.  

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

You haven’t bought into the media and police narrative that all protesters against illegal immigration are right wing rioters? 

Course I haven't, Eddie, there are anti illegal immigrantion protesters of all colours. There are also a minority of racist, far right, thick as fuck, riot without a mask on idiots that give the decent Brits (of all colours) that are protesting a bad name... You know, the type of cunt that loots a Greggs and then gets to go to prison. Starmer threw petrol on the fire when he kept mentioning the far right. 




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