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King Billy

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In practice whatever your aspirations and heartfelt beliefs diversity is dead .. we have a hard enough job mingling English, Welsh, Scots , Irish and a few white European descendants and stopping them from fighting each other.

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2 hours ago, Miles said:

I was a bit shot when I frst saw this picture .. I thought "Golly".

Surely there are more recent photos of the cunt?  Those little boy pics dressed in his school uniform is deliberate window dressing by the authorities are pretty peculiar.   The way the authorities are twisting on a stick over this is paranoid.  We have the shitfest in Notting Hill coming up soon.  I don’t see any sympathy for the residents or the community having their peace and quiet destroyed while a riit is going on their doorstep with predictable violent thuggery crime. 

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If it does go to trial Mental Health will be the cop out .. it is all based on how they rationalise what they what they have done and the thought processes during that time. In the case of the Exeter killing of the 3 old men the court and jury accepted that killer thought that it was a "Moral Thing to do" and he was just sent to a nuthouse indefinitely. In the Nottingham case the get out was "Whilst The Balance of his mind was disturbed". I do contrast that with the Darren Pencile case where he was shit scared when he was called to task by a cunt who was twice his size and weight. A situation where anyone would have been shit scared.

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8 minutes ago, Miles said:

If it does go to trial Mental Health will be the cop out .. it is all based on how they rationalise what they what they have done and the thought processes during that time. In the case of the Exeter killing of the 3 old men the court and jury accepted that killer thought that it was a "Moral Thing to do" and he was just sent to a nuthouse indefinitely. In the Nottingham case the get out was "Whilst The Balance of his mind was disturbed". I do contrast that with the Darren Pencile case where he was shit scared when he was called to task by a cunt who was twice his size and weight. A situation where anyone would have been shit scared.

What, like how women must feel when you lumber into the ladies toilets with three days worth of stubble on your powdered Desperate Dan chin then? 

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4 hours ago, Miles said:

Sainsburys is for puffs.

I don't know about that, I was in Sainsbury's on Wednesday. And I definitely ain't a shirt-lifter, oh no, not me, never in a million years.

Anyway, the thing is, a couple of moths ago I was in M&S with the girlfriend, she was buying something from the women's department and, fuck me, there was this six foot, Caitlyn Jenner cunt, swanning around in an M&S uniform.

I didn't say anything, but when we were back outside, she says "Did you see that?"

I said "What?"

She goes "That fuckin' bloke in a dress"

Well, can you imagine the kerfuffle if that fucker was intent on giving a hand to some middle-aged, Home Counties biddy, wanting to try on a dress or get measured for a bra?

I won't name which M&S it was, and obviously the cunt has to earn a living, but if the girlfriend thinks it's a bit iffy, what would other people think?

I mean, you're a bloke, you put a dress on, and get a job in the women's dept. of any high street retailer, and nobody is allowed to say anything, FFS

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16 hours ago, Miles said:

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana .. a good Welsh name.

It is, if you've got a Richard Burton accent.

I wonder if he was the only stabby cunt in 'the village'?

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1 hour ago, and said:

I don't know about that, I was in Sainsbury's on Wednesday. And I definitely ain't a shirt-lifter, oh no, not me, never in a million years.

Anyway, the thing is, a couple of moths ago I was in M&S with the girlfriend, she was buying something from the women's department and, fuck me, there was this six foot, Caitlyn Jenner cunt, swanning around in an M&S uniform.

I didn't say anything, but when we were back outside, she says "Did you see that?"

I said "What?"

She goes "That fuckin' bloke in a dress"

Well, can you imagine the kerfuffle if that fucker was intent on giving a hand to some middle-aged, Home Counties biddy, wanting to try on a dress or get measured for a bra?

I won't name which M&S it was, and obviously the cunt has to earn a living, but if the girlfriend thinks it's a bit iffy, what would other people think?

I mean, you're a bloke, you put a dress on, and get a job in the women's dept. of any high street retailer, and nobody is allowed to say anything, FFS

One of my nieces is 6' 2"  and given birth to two children so far .. she is plastic scouser and would doubtless put you right, are you a 4' 3" midget?

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34 minutes ago, Miles said:

One of my nieces is 6' 2"  and given birth to two children so far .. she is plastic scouser and would doubtless put you right, are you a 4' 3" midget?

I don't need 'putting right'(kindly explain what you're suggesting) and I ain't a 4' 3" midget (unlike @Decimus)

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On 01/08/2024 at 19:25, Stubby Pecker said:


I see “Sir” Keir Starmer has already successfully shifted the narrative to far right thugs being the root cause to the current shite state of society. I’d put the blame on the rag heads, paedos, council estate scum and druggies who exist in their millions. Perhaps if we shot these cunts the UK would be a better place?


On 02/08/2024 at 09:57, Eric Cuntman said:

He’s announced that he’s giving the police extra powers to deal with mobs… which means any gathering of more than three white men will probably be labelled a far right mob and arrested. 
 Meanwhile, huge gangs of armed black and Asian men will be ignored and anyone objecting to being attacked or terrorised by them will also be labelled a far right troublemaker and be put on the watch list.


I knew this spin would happen under a new Labour government; I just hadn't expected it so quickly. The EDL was foolish to jump to conclusions (at the hands of alleged Russian media meddling via 'Ali Al-Shakati'), however, perhaps the far-right's reaction wouldn't have come about had mosque-based political activists (Anjam Choudary a good example) not been responsible for motivating their disciples to carry out such a high proportion of religious bullshit knife and other violent crimes against the British public in the recent past.

While mental illness is a possibility, it remains to be seen whether Axel Muganwa Rudakubana has jihadi links, and if he does you can bet our new 'liberal' government will be keen to keep this under wraps. Meanwhile, footage of machetes and zombie knives being wielded in Hyde Park and South London last year, for example, which were very clearly turf wars between rival immigrant gangs, are quickly forgotten. Why is this, I wonder?

Anyway, Rwanda has among the worst human rights records in recent history, to rival the Roman, Nazi and Amin regimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide. I'm a bit happy the Tory's Rwanda scheme is failing, as part of this deal means more of the central Africans being granted UK citizenship. 

With the influx of immigrants typically expected under Labour throughout the coming years, and with more Britons being given less autonomy to take matters into their own hands, I really do fear the worst. It doesn't matter if the adomination was born in Cardiff. He's still the son of first-generation immigrants. To quote Arthur Wellesley: "Being born in a stable does not make one a horse."

Enoch Powell's words have been proven absolutely correct, too, yet again. My only hope is we don't become what Sweden has at the hands of a leftwing government that's probably going to reign for about eight fucking years (https://www.dailywire.com/news/how-muslim-migration-made-malmo-sweden-crime-michael-qazvini_)

Racist? Or reality? I'm past caring.

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17 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


I knew this spin would happen under a new Labour government; I just hadn't expected it so quickly. The EDL was foolish to jump to conclusions (at the hands of alleged Russian media meddling via 'Ali Al-Shakati'), however, perhaps the far-right's reaction wouldn't have come about had mosque-based political activists (Anjam Choudary a good example) not been responsible for motivating their disciples to carry out such a high proportion of religious bullshit knife and other violent crimes against the British public in the recent past.

While mental illness is a possibility, it remains to be seen whether Axel Muganwa Rudakubana has jihadi links, and if he does you can bet our new 'liberal' government will be keen to keep this under wraps. Meanwhile, footage of machetes and zombie knives being wielded in Hyde Park and South London last year, for example, which were very clearly turf wars between rival immigrant gangs, are quickly forgotten. Why is this, I wonder?

Anyway, Rwanda has among the worst human rights records in recent history, to rival the Roman, Nazi and Amin regimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide. I'm a bit happy the Tory's Rwanda scheme is failing, as part of this deal means more of the central Africans being granted UK citizenship. 

With the archetypal influx of immigrants typically expected under Labour throughout the coming years, and with more Britons being given less autonomy to take matters into their own hands, I really do fear the worst. It doesn't matter if the adomination was born in Cardiff. He's still the son of first-generation immigrants. To quote Arthur Wellesley: "Being born in a stable does not make one a horse."

Enoch Powell's words have been proven absolutely correct, too, yet again. My only hope is we don't become what Sweden has at the hands of a leftwing government that's probably going to reign for about eight fucking years (https://www.dailywire.com/news/how-muslim-migration-made-malmo-sweden-crime-michael-qazvini_)

Racist? Or reality? I'm past caring.

Adomination my arse. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Adomination my arse. 

It's a privilege to know someone who tries to create an image of tl;dr nonchalance made it at least 4/5 through my analytical post, to pick up on a typo posted on a shitty device made for little Chinky fingers. Much like Ming's, I would imagine.

Get fucked.

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On 29/07/2024 at 23:12, King Billy said:

As far as I’m aware Islam is the only major religion nowadays which mandates the execution of non believers, apostates, queers and Muslim women or children who’ve been raped (usually by fellow Muslims). The Quran also promotes the beating with a stick of any woman who disrespects her husband in any way or refuses his sexual demands (with no excuses permitted). Encourages Muslim men to rape young girls the second they reach puberty, permits married Muslim men to groom and collect numerous female non believers as property and use as sexual slaves. 
I could go on but I think most reasonable human beings would agree that these fucking modern day subhumans deserve no place in the civilised world into which they’ve gatecrashed en masse and are now being welcomed with open arms by the people elected to keep the masses safe, to continue their barbaric fucking practices.

Fucking sand rat Cunts.

These extreme views are not held by the majority.they seem to be held by the uneducated , conservative peasantry who have not modified or evolved their beliefs. Your standard townie pakistani wouldn’t be seen dead in Islamabad… it’s hard to get a drink for a start.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:


I knew this spin would happen under a new Labour government; I just hadn't expected it so quickly. The EDL was foolish to jump to conclusions (at the hands of alleged Russian media meddling via 'Ali Al-Shakati'), however, perhaps the far-right's reaction wouldn't have come about had mosque-based political activists (Anjam Choudary a good example) not been responsible for motivating their disciples to carry out such a high proportion of religious bullshit knife and other violent crimes against the British public in the recent past.

While mental illness is a possibility, it remains to be seen whether Axel Muganwa Rudakubana has jihadi links, and if he does you can bet our new 'liberal' government will be keen to keep this under wraps. Meanwhile, footage of machetes and zombie knives being wielded in Hyde Park and South London last year, for example, which were very clearly turf wars between rival immigrant gangs, are quickly forgotten. Why is this, I wonder?

Anyway, Rwanda has among the worst human rights records in recent history, to rival the Roman, Nazi and Amin regimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide. I'm a bit happy the Tory's Rwanda scheme is failing, as part of this deal means more of the central Africans being granted UK citizenship. 

With the archetypal influx of immigrants typically expected under Labour throughout the coming years, and with more Britons being given less autonomy to take matters into their own hands, I really do fear the worst. It doesn't matter if the adomination was born in Cardiff. He's still the son of first-generation immigrants. To quote Arthur Wellesley: "Being born in a stable does not make one a horse."

Enoch Powell's words have been proven absolutely correct, too, yet again. My only hope is we don't become what Sweden has at the hands of a leftwing government that's probably going to reign for about eight fucking years (https://www.dailywire.com/news/how-muslim-migration-made-malmo-sweden-crime-michael-qazvini_)

Racist? Or reality? I'm past caring.

Brexit….. the gift that keeps on giving. Discuss!

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12 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Brexit….. the gift that keeps on giving. Discuss!

I have have come to the conclusion that we should have rebuilt the Atlantic wall after invading Normandy and sorting Adolf and his lot out.

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15 hours ago, Eddie said:

Weak, pull your socks up Frank, you’ve been shit recently, just saying. 

He doesn't need to, he achieved his objective when @Decimus fucked off.

Mind you, he better be stocking up with some ammo for when the narcissistic sociopath returns from his nappy-wetting tantrum. LOL

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On 02/08/2024 at 13:16, ChildeHarold said:

Surely there are more recent photos of the cunt?  Those little boy pics dressed in his school uniform is deliberate window dressing by the authorities are pretty peculiar.   The way the authorities are twisting on a stick over this is paranoid.  We have the shitfest in Notting Hill coming up soon.  I don’t see any sympathy for the residents or the community having their peace and quiet destroyed while a riit is going on their doorstep with predictable violent thuggery crime. 

As if it could not get any worse .. the little cunt was on Children in need!

Children in Need video of Southport suspect removed


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