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King Billy

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23 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I may be mistaken, but I’m sure the Redakubana family have Mid-Welsh ancestry which dates back to the construction of Offa’s Dyke, and several of the family featured in the great 1970’s Welsh back row alongside JPR Williams, when they weren’t slate mining and standing as Plaid Cymru councillors. If only we had some all-knowing Welsh expert to confirm….

I look forward to reading this young man’s obituary shortly once Big Vern gets hold of him. Don’t care how much karate his Dad taught him, the little cunt is dead shortly.

Australia has this right. Any more than a speeding ticket here, your visa is cancelled and you’re on the night boat to Kigali via a short stay on Nauru. Not to say this island hasn’t got issues, but guess it’s all relative.

A fucking dreadful story. 

S’cuse my pedantry, Doc…but JPR was neither a flanker nor a number eight but a full-back therefore he was nowhere fucking near the ‘back-row.’ Furthermore, it was the 1970’s Welsh ‘front row’ that was ‘legendary’…for clarity, neither Barry John nor Gareth Edwards played at prop or hooker. Got it?

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Times Radio saying the disturbance in Southport may have been organised by Russia. WTF? The MSM are running out of lies already.

Fuckin hell, Bill. You’re standing there completely naked with your arse painted red matey-boy. After yesterday’s tirade (from Twitter) about a Muslim illegal, you even gave his name, I’d have thought that you’d have kept your head down for a bit. With all due respect, lashing out at Starmer and the MSM really doesn’t cover the fact that in light of actual factual information about this vile culprit, you’re looking like something of a cunt on here…an ill-informed one too. Daft twat.

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13 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

hard right wing propaganda as perpetuated by radio stations and hacks like Ferrari and LBC,

I’ve suspected that James O’Brien was a far-right Neo-Nazi for quite some time and now you’ve confirmed it. Cheers H.

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56 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Fuckin hell, Bill. You’re standing there completely naked with your arse painted red matey-boy. After yesterday’s tirade (from Twitter) about a Muslim illegal, you even gave his name, I’d have thought that you’d have kept your head down for a bit. With all due respect, lashing out at Starmer and the MSM really doesn’t cover the fact that in light of actual factual information about this vile culprit, you’re looking like something of a cunt on here…an ill-informed one too. Daft twat.

Doesn’t really matter though. The sooty cunt couldn’t have done it if his tree swinging parents hadn’t been allowed in here to spawn the walking turd.

But more importantly….Fuck off.

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11 hours ago, Frank said:

I thought @Dyslexic cnut had been quiet this evening. You poor scousers are always at the arse end. Nice grey trackies DC!...



The sad thing is, is that Southport is or was a nice gentile town, not really Scouse or part of Murkyside, there were some nice quaint shops there. Actually what we are seeing would have happened anywhere where there had been a stabbing like this .. even in Surbiton, Solihull or Wilmslow. All this publicity about his name is likely to make  if difficult for him to be brought to trial.

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Well this is just brilliant; a dreadful incident involving murdered children made worse by blatant disinformation disseminated on Twitter/X. Anyone with a few brain cells would have realised that that the "information" on the perp's background was a pile of cack promulgated by actors of bad faith but because there are retards who feel they have to parade an insight that they don't posses repeat the allegation anyway. The result is that false information spreads across social media at an exponential rate. I'm sure that Southport citizens wanted to grieve in peace instead they're invaded by EDL-type morons.

Oh yeah, one mo' thing - Farage and Co, Tommy Robinson and some of the Corner puntership are part of the problem, not the solution.

As I intimated earlier, some of you guys have lost your minds...

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Tommy Robinson and some of the Corner puntership are part of the problem

So he shouldn't criticise the organised rape gangs in Rochdale then, unless they're Christians?

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13 minutes ago, scotty said:

So he shouldn't criticise the organised rape gangs in Rochdale then, unless they're Christians?

It’s a different story when they’re identifying their own murdered child in a hospital with no police about because they’re all busy protecting the murderer.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well this is just brilliant; a dreadful incident involving murdered children made worse by blatant disinformation disseminated on Twitter/X. Anyone with a few brain cells would have realised that that the "information" on the perp's background was a pile of cack promulgated by actors of bad faith but because there are retards who feel they have to parade an insight that they don't posses repeat the allegation anyway. The result is that false information spreads across social media at an exponential rate. I'm sure that Southport citizens wanted to grieve in peace instead they're invaded by EDL-type morons.

Oh yeah, one mo' thing - Farage and Co, Tommy Robinson and some of the Corner puntership are part of the problem, not the solution.

As I intimated earlier, some of you guys have lost your minds...

A quite marvellous description of Farage by Chris Patten to our Emily…’Tommy Robinson in a cravat!’ Made me grin anyway.

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49 minutes ago, scotty said:

So he shouldn't criticise the organised rape gangs in Rochdale then, unless they're Christians?

If anyone is aware of grooming gangs then they should report where necessary, irrespective of religion. Mr Robinson would tell you that he did what he did "to protect our girls" - all very laudable. Robinson made some money generating documentaries on the matter. He also recruited teams to interview victims, a job that should only be done by highly trained councillors and not by a bunch of characters who have a racially motivated axe to grind against brown-skinned non-Christian faiths. It transpired that two councillors (that is, two that we know of) ended up bedding two women, one was a victim of a Telford grooming gang, the other a highly vulnerable mother of a victim. Robinson admitted that that none of the money made from his video went into providing support to the survivors he was meeting. He also seemed to concentrate on victims of Muslim abuse and ignored child sex abuse and exploitation perpetrated by white men so you'll have to excuse me for taking a jaundiced view about his concern to protect "our girls".

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18 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

If anyone is aware of grooming gangs then they should report where necessary, irrespective of religion. Mr Robinson would tell you that he did what he did "to protect our girls" - all very laudable. Robinson made some money generating documentaries on the matter. He also recruited teams to interview victims, a job that should only be done by highly trained councillors and not by a bunch of characters who have a racially motivated axe to grind against brown-skinned non-Christian faiths. It transpired that two councillors (that is, two that we know of) ended up bedding two women, one was a victim of a Telford grooming gang, the other a highly vulnerable mother of a victim. Robinson admitted that that none of the money made from his video went into providing support to the survivors he was meeting. He also seemed to concentrate on victims of Muslim abuse and ignored child sex abuse and exploitation perpetrated by white men so you'll have to excuse me for taking a jaundiced view about his concern to protect "our girls".

I have just been reading about the case of the devout Christian former BBC newsreader .. for a while almost the voice of the UK, certainly one of the most recognisable voices . A man with a very well paid job, a wife and 5 children. Yet he liked to look at illegal sexually explicate picture of young children and teenagers. What the fuck was/is going on in his tiny mind?

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12 hours ago, Frank said:

Axel Muganwa Redakubana. No doubt the parents and umpteen offspring will be given some form of life-long protection at our expense. 


He's not going to bite you embarrassing little shit-cunt, drop it and move on.

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39 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I can't imagine you had many friends as a kid.

Back in the 1970s and early 80s a fiver could mean a kid could have friends all week .. One Sunday evening back in 1965 I found a 10/- note, I had true friends for life until the following Thursday.

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Don't seem to make much sense shitting on your own doorstep after someone has been on a murder spree.

Whether or not the peaceful with a knife was the catalyst is an excuse, I do not know.

The shitlibs cleaning up outside the terrorist training camp this morning has government nudge unit written all over it.

Southend, also last night, had dozens of Bomalians running about, some wielding sharp objects. Given Southend is 90% white, well known for drug and alcohol problems, most of these uninvited aliens come from outside, usually London, to visit adventure island, a theme park. Having been there numerous times with my family, it is disproportionately patronised by Bomalians.

My question would be simple.

How many innocent lives are worth sacrificing on the alter of multiculturalism?

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20 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Don't seem to make much sense shitting on your own doorstep after someone has been on a murder spree.

Whether or not the peaceful with a knife was the catalyst is an excuse, I do not know.

The shitlibs cleaning up outside the terrorist training camp this morning has government nudge unit written all over it.

Southend, also last night, had dozens of Bomalians running about, some wielding sharp objects. Given Southend is 90% white, well known for drug and alcohol problems, most of these uninvited aliens come from outside, usually London, to visit adventure island, a theme park. Having been there numerous times with my family, it is disproportionately patronised by Bomalians.

My question would be simple.

How many innocent lives are worth sacrificing on the alter of multiculturalism?

That’s deliberate, right?

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7 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

S’cuse my pedantry, Doc…but JPR was neither a flanker nor a number eight but a full-back therefore he was nowhere fucking near the ‘back-row.’ Furthermore, it was the 1970’s Welsh ‘front row’ that was ‘legendary’…for clarity, neither Barry John nor Gareth Edwards played at prop or hooker. Got it?

Do you have any idea how much red wine I’ve put away since 1973? As far as I’m concerned, Robbie Williams played at Flanker for six seasons, Serena Williams had a cracking set of sideburns and was a dab hand at Orthopaedics, and Gareth Edwards was played by Mackenzie Crook in the The Office. The only hookers I can remember are Brian Moore, Julia Roberts and Cynthia Payne, and every one of them had a musty quim. Fuck knows.

But enough of this, I’ve got half a bottle of Margaret River’s finest to polish off in front of the swimming. Piss off back to your Max Boyce LP, boyo.

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