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Police Brutality

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Conversely, by allowing this thug to get away with a serious assault on a member of the public and setting a precedent, you're also putting every law abiding citizen in danger. The more leeway and tolerance you give, the more it will get abused, to the point that it's YOU getting your head stamped on for the simple crime of doing something that a copper with total carte blanche to do whatever the fuck he wants disagrees with.

You're presenting this as a false dichotomy, it's possible to deplore both the actions of the criminal and the pig. Someone stating that they don't believe that a man in uniform paid to uphold peace and order should be stamping on a prostrate man's head, doesn't then automatically think the recipient of said abuse should be walking around as a free man.

It's simple, the piece of shit who went berserk and assaulted police officers needs to be locked up for a considerable amount of time. But the copper regardless of provocation, needs to lose his job. Yes as @scotty says he's a human being without the self-control of a robot, but tough shit. There has to be standards otherwise you sleepwalk into a world where the filth are battering people on a daily basis.

I really don't see what's so hard to understand about this, you're coming across like the sort of reactionary cunt who wants thieves to have their hands cut off and police to go around killing people willy fucking nilly.


You're an idiot.

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14 minutes ago, Frank said:

You're an idiot.

Alright, Frank, you disgusting old whoopsie?

What with the Old Bill's record of police brutality towards the gay community, especially during your cock sucking heyday of the 1980s, I'm somewhat surprised you haven't actually got an opinion on this.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Conversely, by allowing this thug to get away with a serious assault on a member of the public and setting a precedent, you're also putting every law abiding citizen in danger. The more leeway and tolerance you give, the more it will get abused, to the point that it's YOU getting your head stamped on for the simple crime of doing something that a copper with total carte blanche to do whatever the fuck he wants disagrees with.

You're presenting this as a false dichotomy, it's possible to deplore both the actions of the criminal and the pig. Someone stating that they don't believe that a man in uniform paid to uphold peace and order should be stamping on a prostrate man's head, doesn't then automatically think the recipient of said abuse should be walking around as a free man.

It's simple, the piece of shit who went berserk and assaulted police officers needs to be locked up for a considerable amount of time. But the copper regardless of provocation, needs to lose his job. Yes as @scotty says he's a human being without the self-control of a robot, but tough shit. There has to be standards otherwise you sleepwalk into a world where the filth are battering people on a daily basis.

I really don't see what's so hard to understand about this, you're coming across like the sort of reactionary cunt who wants thieves to have their hands cut off and police to go around killing people willy fucking nilly.


Well fuck my old boots, let's hear you repeat these arguments to a copper standing between you and a group of violent thugs.  See how you get on then Mr High and Mighty. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well fuck my old boots, let's hear you repeat these arguments to a copper standing between you and a group of violent thugs.  See how you get on then Mr High and Mighty. 

Hardly either. He is 5ft 6", and has a cock like a coypu. 

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14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I'm not going for the deep cut broad generalisation

Why not?

That's what the fuckin' media do when they want to convince us that immigration = cultural enrichment.

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18 minutes ago, and said:

Why not?

That's what the fuckin' media do when they want to convince us that immigration = cultural enrichment.

When was the last time England had ANY culture to dilute?   England is a decultured nation and deliberately so by the elite ruling classes since the Enclosures in the 18th Century, the colonisation of Scotland and Ireland and Wales too.  The fucking Victorians were destroying folk music and replacing it with the fucking bible bashing hymns and killing working class culture and ideas with the aid of the Oxbridge mafia. 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Alright, Frank, you disgusting old whoopsie?

What with the Old Bill's record of police brutality towards the gay community, especially during your cock sucking heyday of the 1980s, I'm somewhat surprised you haven't actually got an opinion on this.

Frank has happy memories of large men in police uniforms violently truncheoning his arse (during his time in the 80’s and 90’s as a Dreamboys groupie).

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55 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well fuck my old boots, let's hear you repeat these arguments to a copper standing between you and a group of violent thugs.  See how you get on then Mr High and Mighty. 

Let's hear you repeat your arguments to the parents of Sarah Everard.

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26 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Wow, clinging at straws now.  

Not really, is it? I'm insisting that the police need to be held to account, whilst you're advocating a slap on the wrist and a telling off. Wayne Couzens had numerous complaints made about him prior to raping and murdering Sarah Everard, but they were all overlooked by the police.

If you're in a position of power you should be expected to conduct yourself in a manner befitting that role. They let Couzens off and he then raped and killed a woman. You want to let this cunt off but who's to say that he won't go on to do the same thing again, this time actually killing someone, maybe even someone you care about?

It's a strange man who advocates for a police force who can inflict unnecessary violence upon the public without fear of punishment.

As I said, you're a brownshirt and it's becoming more apparent by the day.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Alright, Frank, you disgusting old whoopsie?

What with the Old Bill's record of police brutality towards the gay community, especially during your cock sucking heyday of the 1980s, I'm somewhat surprised you haven't actually got an opinion on this.

Frank affects what he probably considers a dignified neutrality on the issue, in a feeble and transparent effort to project a cosmopolitan air of sophisticated aloofness. It's a bit pathetic if I'm honest, but no more than one could expect from a Greek. 

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11 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Says the 60 year old poofter who posts videos of himself wearing a stupid wig on his stupid head, singing stupid songs, whilst 'playing' his stupid guitar or his stupid drum kit. 

You really are an idiot, Frank.

Imagine it was him kicking off at the airport after one and a half Bacardi Breezers, doing the windmill and screaming in his queer, shrill voice "let me at 'em, let me at 'em!".

It would never have got to the point where the big tank of a copper was forced to smash his skull in, the 5'1 she-pig would have sparked him out within seconds.


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Not really, is it? I'm insisting that the police need to be held to account, whilst you're advocating a slap on the wrist and a telling off. Wayne Couzens had numerous complaints made about him prior to raping and murdering Sarah Everard, but they were all overlooked by the police.

If you're in a position of power you should be expected to conduct yourself in a manner befitting that role. They let Couzens off and he then raped and killed a woman. You want to let this cunt off but who's to say that he won't go on to do the same thing again, this time actually killing someone, maybe even someone you care about?

It's a strange man who advocates for a police force who can inflict unnecessary violence upon the public without fear of punishment.

As I said, you're a brownshirt and it's becoming more apparent by the day.

You don't give up do you?  I tell you want go to the responders in Southport and discuss it with them. 

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30 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Imagine it was him kicking off at the airport after one and a half Bacardi Breezers, doing the windmill and screaming in his queer, shrill voice "let me at 'em, let me at 'em!".

It would never have got to the point where the big tank of a copper was forced to smash his skull in, the 5'1 she-pig would have sparked him out within seconds.

I find it odd that the 41kg weighing cunt that is Frank thinks he's some sort of hard man. Can you imagine being outnumbered and getting into some aggro with only Frank as back up? The only hope would be him bending over and exposing his rancid, AIDS ridden arsehole to the would be opponents... Any reasonably intelligent man would walk away, rather than risk giving him a hiding and catching AIDS. 

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30 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You don't give up do you?  I tell you want go to the responders in Southport and discuss it with them. 

Irrelevant, other than the race and religion of those involved. I've already said that the waters are getting muddied by both the left and the right because this has been turned into yet another instalment of the culture wars. I don't give a fuck about any of that, what I care about is those in power being held to account.

Have you ever had any experience with the police, Harold? As in a genuine experience that lasted longer than a five minute interaction? 

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16 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I find it odd that the 41kg weighing cunt that is Frank thinks he's some sort of hard man. Can you imagine being outnumbered and getting into some aggro with only Frank as back up? The only hope would be him bending over and exposing his rancid, AIDS ridden arsehole to the would be opponents... Any reasonably intelligent man would walk away, rather than risk giving him a hiding and catching AIDS. 

You’re wrong there.  "Go and get Frank" in a south London accent was a sure way to make the troublemakers scarper out of the front door in a cloud of dust or just put their hands in their pockets and leave it alone. 

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Irrelevant, other than the race and religion of those involved. I've already said that the waters are getting muddied by both the left and the right because this has been turned into yet another instalment of the culture wars. I don't give a fuck about any of that, what I care about is those in power being held to account.

Have you ever had any experience with the police, Harold? As in a genuine experience that lasted longer than a five minute interaction? 

I'll leave that to your fetid imagination.  Personal anecdotage of being banged up for this or that isn't necessary to make a reasonable argument. 

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Personal anecdotage of being banged up for this or that isn't necessary to make a reasonable argument. 

And I never said that it was, you've just assumed that I was coming at it from the point of view of a suspect/criminal. I think you'll find that there are plenty of people who are classified as victims who haven't got a good word to say about the animals you appear to want to be given paramilitary powers.

So I ask you again, have you ever dealt with them in any meaningful way?

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