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Police Brutality

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12 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Seen the latest footage, Gypps? The lead up to this duskie getting hoofed? The copper’s career and life is now fucked…the duskie will get a suspended sentence and compo for twatting four bobbys and breaking a woman’s nose. Does that sit well with you?

@camberwell gypsy Any chance of an answer now, hopefully your precious indignation has subsided…?

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37 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

When someone feels their life is threatened, they either run or fight. If you don’t have the option to run, you have to become a more primeval version of yourself and rules and conduct go out of the window. I don’t blame him for kicking the vile piece of shit in the head. I had a Jock colleague who used to stamp on collar bones to stop them getting back up. 
 The coppers behaviour was unprofessional but excusable on the grounds that in that particular moment, he was just a human being fighting for what could have been his life if things had gone differently.

I was a bit harsh on Gypps but it really fucking winds me up when I hear people who’ve never been in that kind of situation pontificating about ‘restraint’ etc when the blood and heartbeat is up, there’s anxiety and real fear to get over and often a matter of seconds to do it in. The cop was daft, I’m not sure that these guys were armed as the Firearms Unit at MAP wear weird little caps and none of these cops had them on. He should, however have been more than aware of cameras and phones and waited until the goat-fucking pig was in the back of the Black Maria.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s almost as if she’s extremely rattled scotty. I like it.

I'm following your example Bill, by leaving The Roopster with her traditional Last Word and withdrawing gracefully from the fray. 😎👍

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I have been exposed to explosive and very violent incidents in my life as a young man.

The ‘Wild West’ period in Liverpool, before the invention of ‘locking wheel nuts’ and ‘removable car stereos’ restored peace and calm to the North West.

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You stupid fucking cow. He’s just watched his female colleague get twatted in the face and his blood was up. Fuck you. That goat-fucker would have been shot in his home country or France and especially in the good ole US of A. ‘Restraint’ my fucking arse you wanker. Fuck off.

 US of A   Did you mean "ANUS"? 

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3 hours ago, Miles from Dublin said:

I was mugged about 35 years ago .. I had finished a late shift on a Friday night and decided to walk home rather than catch a bus ..  t took a usual short cut across some open ground and was jumped on by a a man and girl who tried to snatch my bag, foolishly I tried hang on to my bag and they ot me on the ground where one of them started kicking my head .. I was fully aware what was happening but could not move. They were disturbed and ran off when two railwaymen going home came along. They got caught a couple of night later when they tried to mug someone else elsewhere in the town, this time a man who got the better of them and punched the girl on the nose and got her boyfriend onto the ground and gave him a good kicking. Had they not connected them with the attack on me they police were going prosecute the man that they had tried to rob.

Bullshit. Never happened and by the way, if by some remote chance it did happen, what exactly do you mean by ‘this time a man’?

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I loved Hill Street Blues.

The guy who played the SWAT leader plays almost the same character in other films. He played a pipe smoking hitman in Point Blank, where he took out two blokes from a bridge,  and a pipe smoking SWAT leader in another film I can't remember the name of. 

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31 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The guy who played the SWAT leader plays almost the same character in other films. He played a pipe smoking hitman in Point Blank, where he took out two blokes from a bridge,  and a pipe smoking SWAT leader in another film I can't remember the name of. 

James B Sikking.

 I liked the little scruffy curly haired bloke who was the undercover cop. He was about 5’ 4” but had a habit of jumping on people and biting them in the face. His name was Bruce something. Fuck it, I’ll Google him.

Edited by Eric Cuntman
Bruce Weitz
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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

James B Sikking.

 I liked the little scruffy curly haired bloke who was the undercover cop. He was about 5’ 4” but had a habit of jumping on people and biting them in the face. His name was Bruce something. Fuck it, I’ll Google him.

I got bored tbh with the programme because episodes always seemed to end with Furillo(?) In the sack with that lawyer sort. 

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11 hours ago, Miles from Dublin said:

I was mugged about 35 years ago .. I had finished a late shift on a Friday night and decided to walk home rather than catch a bus ..  t took a usual short cut across some open ground and was jumped on by a a man and girl who tried to snatch my bag, foolishly I tried hang on to my bag and they ot me on the ground where one of them started kicking my head .. I was fully aware what was happening but could not move. They were disturbed and ran off when two railwaymen going home came along. They got caught a couple of night later when they tried to mug someone else elsewhere in the town, this time a man who got the better of them and punched the girl on the nose and got her boyfriend onto the ground and gave him a good kicking. Had they not connected them with the attack on me they police were going prosecute the man that they had tried to rob.

This sounds like a letter to Forum from about 1974.

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20 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

@camberwell gypsy Any chance of an answer now, hopefully your precious indignation has subsided…?

All I'm saying is that kicking a person's head and stamping on his head when he is faced down on the ground is unprofessional and fucking dangerous. He could have killed him. If this is left to ride without consequences, it would give coppers carte blanche to kick the shit out of people. Do you want to see coppers acting like nazi Brownshirts? Because I don't. This has more or less been covered by other members of this site. 

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7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

All I'm saying is that kicking a person's head and stamping on his head when he is faced down on the ground is unprofessional and fucking dangerous. He could have killed him. If this is left to ride without consequences, it would give coppers carte blanche to kick the shit out of people. Do you want to see coppers acting like nazi Brownshirts? Because I don't. This has more or less been covered by other members of this site. 

Until we get woke-ised robot police officers this sort of thing will continue, yes it should not go unpunished but a danger is that self appointed vigilantes will decide to fill the gap.

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On 27/07/2024 at 21:51, Decimus said:

Question all authority and hold them to account, because as soon as you start excusing their actions it won't be long until it's your own head getting stamped on.

If I were to initiate an assault upon someone and follow it up by smashing his female colleague in the face, I'd fully expect a beating whoever they were. 

The problem here is that regardless of the "they're in authority and supposed to be above the normal reactions of us ordinary folk" argument is that they are still just people who aren't going to take kindly to themselves and their female colleagues being set upon. While I can understand the logic, it's not going to happen without a RoboCop scenario, and I'm not sure Peter Weller is still up for that. 

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1 hour ago, scotty said:

If I were to initiate an assault upon someone and follow it up by smashing his female colleague in the face, I'd fully expect a beating whoever they were. 

The problem here is that regardless of the "they're in authority and supposed to be above the normal reactions of us ordinary folk" argument is that they are still just people who aren't going to take kindly to themselves and their female colleagues being set upon. While I can understand the logic, it's not going to happen without a RoboCop scenario, and I'm not sure Peter Weller is still up for that. 

It has, as usual, been blown out of all proportion. It's a known fact that, generally, ethnics have very thick skulls, and use them for various jobs, such as knocking in fence posts, demolishing walls, nutting the wife etc. @Eddie uses his for panel beating cars.


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I notice the number of members who piled in against the officer has shrunk to two or three.   The media is working overtime to "balance" public opinion 50/50.  The officer will be crippled from a career point of view whatever the outcome.   The cunt causing actual bodily harm to a police officer is currently allowed to walk the streets out on bail.  It will be interesting how many sweaty arse cheek bureaucrats,  politicians and lawyers will resolve this case.  I think it has probably already caused a lot of decent people to tear up their applications to join the police force.   

They should be backed up 100% and that officer after a light ticking off and possible few weeks of "retraining" be completely exonerated.  The cunts assaulting the police and in particular the one who attacked the female offucer should be made an example of and given substantial sentences. 

Otherwise frontline policing in this country will be irretrievably damaged putting every law abiding citizen in danger.   

If the fucking muslim community and their various advocacy groups can't see that as well as everyone else then we have a deep social problem in Britain. 


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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

 They should be backed up 100% and that officer after a light ticking off and possible few weeks of "retraining" be completely exonerated...  

Otherwise frontline policing in this country will be irretrievably damaged putting every law abiding citizen in danger.   

Conversely, by allowing this thug to get away with a serious assault on a member of the public and setting a precedent, you're also putting every law abiding citizen in danger. The more leeway and tolerance you give, the more it will get abused, to the point that it's YOU getting your head stamped on for the simple crime of doing something that a copper with total carte blanche to do whatever the fuck he wants disagrees with.

You're presenting this as a false dichotomy, it's possible to deplore both the actions of the criminal and the pig. Someone stating that they don't believe that a man in uniform paid to uphold peace and order should be stamping on a prostrate man's head, doesn't then automatically think the recipient of said abuse should be walking around as a free man.

It's simple, the piece of shit who went berserk and assaulted police officers needs to be locked up for a considerable amount of time. But the copper regardless of provocation, needs to lose his job. Yes as @scotty says he's a human being without the self-control of a robot, but tough shit. There has to be standards otherwise you sleepwalk into a world where the filth are battering people on a daily basis.

I really don't see what's so hard to understand about this, you're coming across like the sort of reactionary cunt who wants thieves to have their hands cut off and police to go around killing people willy fucking nilly.


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