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DEMOCRACY Is there any such fucking thing nowadays?

King Billy

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On 13/07/2024 at 00:16, ClitWestwood said:

Being a corpse in a coffin for funeral service pamphlets?

Lol lol

All that specialist stuff is available for your type on my Onlyfans site. PM me your mums debit card details while you’re little stiffy is still twitching and I’ll give you the paywall info. Hopefully you’ll be finished in time to chuck your spunky underpants in the wash before your mum finds out what you’re up to.

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

What do you make of this Kemi Badcock for Tory leader?  She don't give up does she?  The fucking ugly cunt. 

The current nonentity, formerly known as The Tory Party are at the moment not anything which in the past would have fitted the description of a political party. No ideological reason for existing, a rapidly vanishing number of MPs with no loyalty to, and therefore no support from the actual grass roots membership (also rapidly vanishing) of the party to which they owe their existence. Their refusal to acknowledge that they’re no longer the party of the right in Britain, even after the huge rejection by the electorate on the 4th July and are now ludicrously pretending that they don’t know whether they need to steer further to the left or to the right is surely the final proof, as if any was needed that they aren’t fit to call themselves Conservatives, and should be consigned to the dustbin of history as the traitorous bunch they have showed themselves to be.

Fuck the lot of them.



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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

The current nonentity, formerly known as The Tory Party are at the moment not anything which in the past would have fitted the description of a political party. No ideological reason for existing, a rapidly vanishing number of MPs with no loyalty to, and therefore no support from the actual grass roots membership (also rapidly vanishing) of the party to which they owe their existence. Their refusal to acknowledge that they’re no longer the party of the right in Britain, even after the huge rejection by the electorate on the 4th July and are now ludicrously pretending that they don’t know whether they need to steer further to the left or to the right is surely the final proof, as if any was needed that they aren’t fit to call themselves Conservatives, and should be consigned to the dustbin of history as the traitorous bunch they have showed themselves to be.

Fuck the lot of them.



Given that most of their core vote disappeared to Reform, they need to move sharply right. But they'll bring in another moderate along the lines of Cameron so as not to frighten the London liberal elite, which is rapidly becoming more and more irrelevant to the rest of the country.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

The current nonentity, formerly known as The Tory Party are at the moment not anything which in the past would have fitted the description of a political party. No ideological reason for existing, a rapidly vanishing number of MPs with no loyalty to, and therefore no support from the actual grass roots membership (also rapidly vanishing) of the party to which they owe their existence. Their refusal to acknowledge that they’re no longer the party of the right in Britain, even after the huge rejection by the electorate on the 4th July and are now ludicrously pretending that they don’t know whether they need to steer further to the left or to the right is surely the final proof, as if any was needed that they aren’t fit to call themselves Conservatives, and should be consigned to the dustbin of history as the traitorous bunch they have showed themselves to be.

Fuck the lot of them.



I bet in 10-15 years gullible Joe Public will be voting them back in with a super majority.  Bread and circuses! 

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12 hours ago, scotty said:

Given that most of their core vote disappeared to Reform, they need to move sharply right. But they'll bring in another moderate along the lines of Cameron so as not to frighten the London liberal elite, which is rapidly becoming more and more irrelevant to the rest of the country.

What’s left of The Conservative Party seem to be still fully committed to their mission ie total self inflicted extinction. I sincerely hope they succeed, but tbh I’m not sure they’ll even get that right as their track record over the last 30 years or so is a long pathetic list of absolute failure.

I want them all dead.

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27 minutes ago, King Billy said:

What’s left of The Conservative Party seem to be still fully committed to their mission ie total self inflicted extinction. I sincerely hope they succeed, but tbh I’m not sure they’ll even get that right as their track record over the last 30 years or so is a long pathetic list of absolute failure.

I want them all dead.

Regardless of whether or not you agreed with them, Heath and Thatcher both had clear agendas. Since those two, all we've had is purely reactive tory administrations without any comprehensible vision of what they think they're trying to achieve. 

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6 minutes ago, scotty said:

Regardless of whether or not you agreed with them, Heath and Thatcher both had clear agendas. Since those two, all we've had is purely reactive tory administrations without any comprehensible vision of what they think they're trying to achieve. 

I agree Scotty. Thatcher was a formidable politician who fought hard for and won the leadership of the Tory party and then the general election in 1979. Britain was in an absolute Labour Party inflicted fucking mess, and she had a plan to fix things. More so she didn’t give a fuck that she’d be hated and worse by the left who would have turned Britain into a satellite state of the USSR if they’d got their way.

The Iron Lady was possibly the last Tory to possess an actual pair of bollocks imo, but eventually the parliamentary Conservative Party, as they always do, stabbed her in the back and told her to fuck off as a thank you.

Treacherous scum. It’s in their DNA.

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1 hour ago, scotty said:

Regardless of whether or not you agreed with them, Heath and Thatcher both had clear agendas. Since those two, all we've had is purely reactive tory administrations without any comprehensible vision of what they think they're trying to achieve. 

Boris had the incredibly vague idea of Brexit behind him, even if it was just nicked from Cameron after he didn't have the bollocks.

They were completely out of ideas after that though. I don't even know what Labour plan to do aside from not being the Tories. Or hard line communists.

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41 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Boris had the incredibly vague idea of Brexit behind him, even if it was just nicked from Cameron after he didn't have the bollocks.

They were completely out of ideas after that though. I don't even know what Labour plan to do aside from not being the Tories. Or hard line communists.

Perhaps fairly good government cobbling it together as it goes along is about as good as it gets.   We've had at least ten years of zero if not sub zero under the tories.   A modicum of good governance and decisive action under Starmer is all that is necessary. 

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26 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Perhaps fairly good government cobbling it together as it goes along is about as good as it gets.   We've had at least ten years of zero if not sub zero under the tories.   A modicum of good governance and decisive action under Starmer is all that is necessary. 

Starmer is a grade A cunt, and so are you if you can’t see it.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

I agree Scotty. Thatcher was a formidable politician who fought hard for and won the leadership of the Tory party and then the general election in 1979. Britain was in an absolute Labour Party inflicted fucking mess, and she had a plan to fix things. More so she didn’t give a fuck that she’d be hated and worse by the left who would have turned Britain into a satellite state of the USSR if they’d got their way.

The Iron Lady was possibly the last Tory to possess an actual pair of bollocks imo, but eventually the parliamentary Conservative Party, as they always do, stabbed her in the back and told her to fuck off as a thank you.

Treacherous scum. It’s in their DNA.

John Major wasn’t particularly dynamic or possessed of Maggie’s steel, but he was from what I remember a fairly solid reliable cunt. Certainly not one of the greats but a competent PM compared to the absolute shower of limp fucking worm shit that we’ve been enduring for the last ten years.

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37 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Perhaps fairly good government cobbling it together as it goes along is about as good as it gets.   We've had at least ten years of zero if not sub zero under the tories.   A modicum of good governance and decisive action under Starmer is all that is necessary. 

Fuck off, Harold. No politics for you, you dirty, filthy little politics slut.

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

John Major wasn’t particularly dynamic or possessed of Maggie’s steel, but he was from what I remember a fairly solid reliable cunt. Certainly not one of the greats but a competent PM compared to the absolute shower of limp fucking worm shit that we’ve been enduring for the last ten years.

He got trounced out of power following his utterly ridiculous "Family Values" campaign, during which it seemed that literally everyone he'd selected for office was either knobbing away from home or on the fiddle financially. It even transpired that he himself had conducted a clandestine affair with Edwina Currie while espousing marital fidelity and sacking most of his cabinet for breaking his supposedly cardinal rule.

In fact, as I recall it his solitary notable achievement was to negotiate our EU opt outs, which saved us from entering the fully integrated superstate it was always designed to become. And even that cost him a raft of pro-European ministers, so I honestly don't think his tenure can be viewed as a success.


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1 hour ago, scotty said:

He got trounced out of power following his utterly ridiculous "Family Values" campaign, during which it seemed that literally everyone he'd selected for office was either knobbing away from home or on the fiddle financially. It even transpired that he himself had conducted a clandestine affair with Edwina Currie while espousing marital fidelity and sacking most of his cabinet for breaking his supposedly cardinal rule.

In fact, as I recall it his solitary notable achievement was to negotiate our EU opt outs, which saved us from entering the fully integrated superstate it was always designed to become. And even that cost him a raft of pro-European ministers, so I honestly don't think his tenure can be viewed as a success.


Was it Viz who sent him up with Baxster Basics? At least Edwina liked her eggs.

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The last decent prime minister was Margaret Thatcher .. her idea of share ownership by ordinary people and workers was almost socialist. The trouble was that vacuous union leaders did not wait and see, she knew how to deal with the EU. The trouble was that Scargill and the other unions overestimated their power and support and turned it into a fight to the death, I did read somewhere that right through the miners strike more than 50% of the miners actually turned up for work.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Starmer is a grade A cunt, and so are you if you can’t see it.

I couldn't vote for the cunt and he is now living down (already!) to my expectations.  Water (cunt) Ukraine (double cunt) the TV Licence (cunt squared plus ten million more cunts plus another knighthood in cuntdem) I lay myself wide open to your observations.  Be gentle. 

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15 hours ago, scotty said:

Regardless of whether or not you agreed with them, Heath and Thatcher both had clear agendas. Since those two, all we've had is purely reactive tory administrations without any comprehensible vision of what they think they're trying to achieve. 

Multi-millionaire status, most probably, and fuck anybody who gets in their way while they're doing it.

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4 hours ago, Prints Harry said:

 her idea of share ownership by ordinary people and workers was almost socialist. 

An astute political observation, Pen. As any economist knows, Thatcher invented the concept of shares, dividends and the PLC, all of which are the key foundations of classic socialism.

Even by your standards this is idiocy on a whole new level never before seen on these pages, and I thought Harold talked shit when it came to politics!

You absolutely fucking stupid fucking cunt. If you've got nothing intelligent to say, how about keeping your massive, hairy fingers away from the keyboard until such time as you have?

You disgusting fucking wanker.

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