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DEMOCRACY Is there any such fucking thing nowadays?

King Billy

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Little Miss Davros has been playing with her edit pen, Eric…🤷🏿

For no reason. The contraction of ‘Pakistani’ is the first four letters of the word.

 Is it also offensive to refer to the British as ‘Brits’? 

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2 hours ago, and said:

Misogynistic wankers come on here to ridicule and abuse women in ways they wouldn't dare to if their wife/girlfriend/lover was around, it makes them feel macho. 🦾

All my ex wives used to come out with shit like this to me before I chucked them out and moved a younger, prettier Doris in.
Waving goodbye as they left me forever on the bus to the homeless shelter, for a fresh start and chance of a new life one day with someone better, was gut wrenching every time for a few minutes tbh, even knowing for sure they were actually far more distraught than I thought I would have been (the first time).

And then having to pull myself together (thanks to  my SAS training) go down the pub for a few dozen pints with my hard as fuck pals as if nothing had happened, then drive home in my imaginary M4, Ferrari F50 or 911 turbo totally pissed, quickly ram one up my new birds’ wrongun, and then spend the rest of the night burning all the exes clothes and stuff on a massive bonfire in the grounds of my huge country mansion.

I’m not saying I’m perfect but I defy anyone to point out one thing I’ve ever done wrong ever? (ever).

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

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You better hope you don’t end up on the same wing as Eddie after this shameful display of outright racism DC. It’s very likely that you will as I’ve grassed the black cunt up to the bizzies today for that brake pad fraud he perpetrated on me some years ago. Don’t go anywhere near the showers when you’re in there, but I don’t really need to tell you that, bearing in mind that you’re a scouser.

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21 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You better hope you don’t end up on the same wing as Eddie after this shameful display of outright racism DC. It’s very likely that you will as I’ve grassed the black cunt up to the bizzies today for that brake pad fraud he perpetrated on me some years ago. Don’t go anywhere near the showers when you’re in there, but I don’t really need to tell you that, bearing in mind that you’re a scouser.

The showers advice seemed to be based on personal experience.  Tell us the full story 

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41 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You better hope you don’t end up on the same wing as Eddie after this shameful display of outright racism DC. It’s very likely that you will as I’ve grassed the black cunt up to the bizzies today for that brake pad fraud he perpetrated on me some years ago. Don’t go anywhere near the showers when you’re in there, but I don’t really need to tell you that, bearing in mind that you’re a scouser.

Ask @Roadkill, Bill…the wife’s a Mackem. She thinks that a swim in the local sewer constitutes a spa treatment. True story.

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:



There you go, talking like I meant ALL UK women, when in fact I said some... Something I haven't said appears have annoyed you. Do you spend all your time getting annoyed at things you've decided people have said, when in fact they haven't actually said it? I think it's fair to say you've been 'clumsy' with your rather arrogant response, don't you think?

With regards to your 'budget airline' put down, are you telling us you've never set (your Royal like) foot onboard an Easyjet or Ryanair plane? Sometimes it's the only sensible option, and other times possibly the only option. Me personally, I'd rather travel cheaper (short haul) and stay somewhere nicer and/or spend more money wherever I go. Does it really matter what class you travel when on a plane for 2 hours?



Trust me Raas, she turns right when she boards…unlike me, coz I fly the fuckers…the Job Centre have rumbled me.

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34 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The showers advice seemed to be based on personal experience.  Tell us the full story 

I know you’re trying, H. But you’re fucking rubbish. You’ve as much chance of being accepted on here as my daughter has of doing a handstand. She’s a Thalidomide.

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54 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Ask @Roadkill, Bill…the wife’s a Mackem. She thinks that a swim in the local sewer constitutes a spa treatment. True story.

To be fair, living under a roof that isn't fiberglass or corrugated metal is probably a hell of a culture shock for her.

Understandable she wants to go for a paddle once in a while.

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19 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

To be fair, living under a roof that isn't fiberglass or corrugated metal is probably a hell of a culture shock for her.

Understandable she wants to go for a paddle once in a while.



🍚 🍚 🐕 

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45 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

To be fair, living under a roof that isn't fiberglass or corrugated metal is probably a hell of a culture shock for her.

Understandable she wants to go for a paddle once in a while.

Howay man Killa. She’s a clean ‘un .Every August she de-slimes her flannel and does the three Fs. Face, Fanny and Feet. In that order mind, which told me she was classy y’knaa.

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17 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:



There you go, talking like I meant ALL UK women, when in fact I said some... Something I haven't said appears have annoyed you. Do you spend all your time getting annoyed at things you've decided people have said, when in fact they haven't actually said it? I think it's fair to say you've been 'clumsy' with your rather arrogant response, don't you think?

With regards to your 'budget airline' put down, are you telling us you've never set (your Royal like) foot onboard an Easyjet or Ryanair plane? Sometimes it's the only sensible option, and other times possibly the only option. Me personally, I'd rather travel cheaper (short haul) and stay somewhere nicer and/or spend more money wherever I go. Does it really matter what class you travel when on a plane for 2 hours?



Still unimpressed, squire and you protest too much.

Of course I've flown on budget airlines. Our company policy is that we should use the cheapest option if the flight is less than three hours unless there are scheduling difficulties - longer flights and it business class or in some cases first class. These days most people can afford a cheap weekend break so long as they travel light.

As for the make-up issue why the inequitable comparison if your now inferring that "some" = "few"? 'Some' Scandi women go heavy with the slap just as much as 'some' British. That said I know what your trying to say; for a start makeup doesn't work well in colder climes unless one forks out a fortune on a strong hydrating base and makeup. Secondly, Scandi women tend to go for makeup routine where it looks like none is used but its there if you look closely enough - its all about hygge, simplicity and minimalism or the look thereof.

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20 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:



There you go, talking like I meant ALL UK women, when in fact I said some... Something I haven't said appears have annoyed you. Do you spend all your time getting annoyed at things you've decided people have said, when in fact they haven't actually said it? I think it's fair to say you've been 'clumsy' with your rather arrogant response, don't you think?

With regards to your 'budget airline' put down, are you telling us you've never set (your Royal like) foot onboard an Easyjet or Ryanair plane? Sometimes it's the only sensible option, and other times possibly the only option. Me personally, I'd rather travel cheaper (short haul) and stay somewhere nicer and/or spend more money wherever I go. Does it really matter what class you travel when on a plane for 2 hours?




3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Still unimpressed, squire and you protest too much.

Of course I've flown on budget airlines. Our company policy is that we should use the cheapest option if the flight is less than three hours unless there are scheduling difficulties - longer flights and it business class or in some cases first class. These days most people can afford a cheap weekend break so long as they travel light.

As for the make-up issue why the inequitable comparison if your now inferring that "some" = "few"? 'Some' Scandi women go heavy with the slap just as much as 'some' British. That said I know what your trying to say; for a start makeup doesn't work well in colder climes unless one forks out a fortune on a strong hydrating base and makeup. Secondly, Scandi women tend to go for makeup routine where it looks like none is used but its there if you look closely enough - its all about hygge, simplicity and minimalism or the look thereof.

It's not only Scandinavian females: the firmer physique and more natural, youthful looks appear to brush their way among those Germanic peoples south of Denmark; chiefly Holland, Belgium and of course Germany. Flatter stomachs, firmer bottoms, and importantly, tits naturally more resistant to the onset of gravity and age.

Your average middle-age British housewife, by comparison, seems to think a plethora of tattoos will help divert attention from the Dowager's hump and lure of the South Pole.

Care to prove me wrong, Mrs Roops?

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:


It's not only Scandinavian females: the firmer physique and more natural, youthful looks appear to brush their way among those Germanic peoples south of Denmark; chiefly Holland, Belgium and of course Germany. Flatter stomachs, firmer bottoms, and importantly, tits naturally more resistant to the onset of gravity and age.

Your average middle-age British housewife, by comparison, seems to think a plethora of tattoos will help divert attention from the Dowager's hump and lure of the South Pole.

Care to prove me wrong, Mrs Roops?

You forgot the haute couture French madmoiselles who dress in nothing but Chanel 5.   Unlike the gaping big titted monsters from Leicester who confront you when you log into a bit of high class porn. 

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:


It's not only Scandinavian females: the firmer physique and more natural, youthful looks appear to brush their way among those Germanic peoples south of Denmark; chiefly Holland, Belgium and of course Germany. Flatter stomachs, firmer bottoms, and importantly, tits naturally more resistant to the onset of gravity and age.

Your average middle-age British housewife, by comparison, seems to think a plethora of tattoos will help divert attention from the Dowager's hump and lure of the South Pole.

Care to prove me wrong, Mrs Roops?

Looks like @Wolfie's renewed his Pornhub subscription, again!

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29 minutes ago, ProfB said:

I've bookmarked pronhub

I've noticed the deliberate misspelling direction you're taking, ProfB, in order to entertain the membership. I haven't found your Mrs Roots misspelling very funny over the years and neither the highlighted above to be honest. 

In fact, I haven't found anything you've written funny of late... You better drink some 'womens' Vodka and give me a laugh soon, otherwise, I'm going fucking flip and you won't like it. 

Do you understand?

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It's all a sham nowadays.  Just talk and posturing.   Listen to Streeting about NHS - I don't see any real commitment.   How the fuck did this country under a tory government in tje 1950s afford to build council homes, all well built with good gardens, all across the country?   Is there some new capitalist unwritten law that prevents a government from actually putting its hand in its pocket and start measuring up to its responsibilities?   Is the cunt sustem so skewed to the top of the food chain and the Yankee elite that there's nothing for lower down the ladder? 

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19 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've noticed the deliberate misspelling direction you're taking, ProfB, in order to entertain the membership. I haven't found your Mrs Roots misspelling very funny over the years and neither the highlighted above to be honest. 

In fact, I haven't found anything you've written funny of late... You better drink some 'womens' Vodka and give me a laugh soon, otherwise, I'm going fucking flip and you won't like it. 

Do you understand?

I am dylexic, so don't be nasty. I ain't trying to make you laugh, look in the mirroe if you want a laff 😛

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30 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm going fucking flip and you won't like it. 

Is that a euphemism for changing your sexual orientation? ♀️♂️

Asking for a friend.

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