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The Cunts Corner official General Election poll

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7 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You’re already looking ahead towards November.   Life under Starmer

# we will still be hostages to the energy and water company rip off merchants

# we will still be America's glove puppet with the thumb stuck up our arse operating our government's brain

# the UK will still continue to decline relative to other countries economically and influentially

#  child poverty, food banks and inequality will carry on at obscene levels while the rich carry on as before

# MPs and unelected Lords plus an outofdate monarchy will carry on feathering their nests

# the NHS and our elderly care services will carry on unreformed and failing with no long term fix in sight

# relying on Father Time and geological processes of cover up and forgetting, the British public, while sharing the two or three brain cells that have survived generations of dumbing down and poor educational standards, will welcome back the Conservatives to power after 14 years of chaotic misrule by Labour. 

Get back to me when you’ve sorted your crayons, put your pyjamas on, said your prayers and learned to wipe your own arse.

Alistair Campbell is a retarded, war criminal cunt.


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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Channel 4 already getting their knickers in a twist after one declared result (Sunderland) where Reform have come second with more than twice the votes than the Tory traitors and taken thousands from the commie/Mackem cuntess Bridget Phillipson. Lololol.

This looks like the end of democracy (sorry not democracy, just the scumbag uniparty gravy train that all you sheep were trained to put your X to). Oh dear. 😂

This is outrageous.  You ought to be ashamed of yourself.  I am going to complain at the highest level. 

Baaaa! 😅 

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38 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

SNP managing an even greater fuck up than the Scottish football team. They're actually predicting a reasonable chance that the Conservatives will GAIN a seat or two in Scotland.

A fuck up indeed CB. Scotland should be closed, then reopened as a theme park for American tourists. Nessie could be re-branded as a revolting slug and played by Sir Philip Green.  

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30 minutes ago, ratcum said:

A fuck up indeed CB. Scotland should be closed, then reopened as a theme park for American tourists. Nessie could be re-branded as a revolting slug and played by Sir Philip Green.  


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6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You’re already looking ahead towards November.   Life under Starmer

# we will still be hostages to the energy and water company rip off merchants

# we will still be America's glove puppet with the thumb stuck up our arse operating our government's brain

# the UK will still continue to decline relative to other countries economically and influentially

#  child poverty, food banks and inequality will carry on at obscene levels while the rich carry on as before

# MPs and unelected Lords plus an outofdate monarchy will carry on feathering their nests

# the NHS and our elderly care services will carry on unreformed and failing with no long term fix in sight

# relying on Father Time and geological processes of cover up and forgetting, the British public, while sharing the two or three brain cells that have survived generations of dumbing down and poor educational standards, will welcome back the Conservatives to power after 14 years of chaotic misrule by Labour. 

Free school dinners.

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6 hours ago, ratcum said:

Scotland should be closed, then reopened as a theme park for American tourists.

That's already happened Rat, some years ago. It started when The Donald turned half of the coastline into a golf course.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I think I might move to your area of the swamp Dickless, Great Yarmouth have voted Reform in.

Yeah, looks like his fantasy move to Canada will need to become a reality, he's not a fan of our Nigel.

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Earl of Punkape.   You lost your seat twice.  At the Golf Club and now.  You will always have a seat in my heaaaart

How sweet! ❤️

But will he always have a seat on your knee? 

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5 hours ago, scotty said:

That's already happened Rat, some years ago. It started when The Donald turned half of the coastline into a golf course.

You're quite right Splotto. Edinburgh is basically Australian street theatre and caricature jocks performing oral sex on cats. Burns would have been quite at home.

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21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Well that’s the exit poll in then. Labour landslide. Yawn. But for me, the story is Nige and 13 seats. Fuck me. The Tory party lies before him, trembling.

Erm…5 seats. 4.2m votes though, while the LibDems got 71 seats with just 3.5m votes. What a system eh? If only Farage had spent six weeks falling in Lakes full of shit and bungee jumping (as well as spasticating one of his kids.)

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20 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

There was a girl called Judy in the sixth form at the Girls School across the road from our boys school.  She had a big front.   Cross fertilisation was educationally beneficial to all. 

Fanciful. You attending a school I mean. Thick fuckhead.

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5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

This place isn't fucking Insults Corner.   Don't you have any interest in constructive debate mate? 

H. You’re a bit marmite, but you’re not a real wanker and you do have your moments. Tell me, after @and’s recent disgusting post on beating kids to give them sexual ‘arousal’, will you be distancing yourself from this weird little pervert or not? Thanks in advance, H.

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13 hours ago, scotty said:

That's already happened Rat, some years ago. It started when The Donald turned half of the coastline into a golf course.

Donald may get outcompeted by a hyper wanker taco Dan Peña. This piece of garbage has big plans for Scotland:


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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Erm…5 seats. 4.2m votes though, while the LibDems got 71 seats with just 3.5m votes. What a system eh? If only Farage had spent six weeks falling in Lakes full of shit and bungee jumping (as well as spasticating one of his kids.)

Have you ever thought about a career in the church DC? You've certainly got the measure of these mischievous dogs and their unscrupulous acolytes 


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14 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I think I might move to your area of the swamp Dickless, Great Yarmouth have voted Reform in.

Go for it.

To be honest I always felt like a bit of an outsider there, Drew. However, being a thick racist cunt with a crippling substance abuse problem, you'll fit right in, 'mate'.

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59 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

H. You’re a bit marmite, but you’re not a real wanker and you do have your moments. Tell me, after @and’s recent disgusting post on beating kids to give them sexual ‘arousal’, will you be distancing yourself from this weird little pervert or not? Thanks in advance, H.

This slid under my radar so until I locate what you're talking about I can't comment.  What was the nom? 

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21 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Go for it.

To be honest I always felt like a bit of an outsider there, Drew. However, being a thick racist cunt with a crippling substance abuse problem, you'll fit right in, 'mate'.

Yarmouth was used for dummy runs by the Luftwaffe prior to full on Blitz in London.   Yarmouth as target practice is so fucking ironic.  NOT WORTH A FULL SCALE BOMBING.  As for Clacton: Jaywick now has a voice in Farage.   Another fucking coastal shanty town. 

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