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The Cunts Corner official General Election poll

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As the only website that I well and truly trust with the advice that is freely given out by other posters on here, apart from drink bleach obviously, I just wondered if we could get a better idea of which way it's going to go tomorrow. I'm definitely not voting Labour, and Conservative have allowed to many errors to persist. Libdems and Greens is just a wasted vote and I'm not aligned to some of their policies so, I'm voting for a fellow cunt in Nigel Farage and his Reform party, simply because it really can't get any worse and it'll be entertaining if the 'two main parties' get a bit of a kick up the arse.

The current CC poll statistics therefore have Reform in the lead by one.

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7 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

As the only website that I well and truly trust with the advice that is freely given out by other posters on here, apart from drink bleach obviously, I just wondered if we could get a better idea of which way it's going to go tomorrow. I'm definitely not voting Labour, and Conservative have allowed to many errors to persist. Libdems and Greens is just a wasted vote and I'm not aligned to some of their policies so, I'm voting for a fellow cunt in Nigel Farage and his Reform party, simply because it really can't get any worse and it'll be entertaining if the 'two main parties' get a bit of a kick up the arse.

The current CC poll statistics therefore have Reform in the lead by one.

Make that 2.

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23 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

As the only website that I well and truly trust with the advice that is freely given out by other posters on here, apart from drink bleach obviously, I just wondered if we could get a better idea of which way it's going to go tomorrow. I'm definitely not voting Labour, and Conservative have allowed to many errors to persist. Libdems and Greens is just a wasted vote and I'm not aligned to some of their policies so, I'm voting for a fellow cunt in Nigel Farage and his Reform party, simply because it really can't get any worse and it'll be entertaining if the 'two main parties' get a bit of a kick up the arse.

The current CC poll statistics therefore have Reform in the lead by one.

I distrust everybody and everything.  I distrust you the most.  This is outrageous.   Somebody has to be held accountable.  It is an absolute disgrace.  You should be ashamed of yourself. 

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4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's this sort of joking about that has brought the Mother of Parliaments into disrepute plus a few cheap laughs. 


It was originally called the Parliament of Motherfuckers, but this was incorrectly transcribed at some point.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

As the only website that I well and truly trust with the advice that is freely given out by other posters on here, apart from drink bleach obviously, I just wondered if we could get a better idea of which way it's going to go tomorrow. I'm definitely not voting Labour, and Conservative have allowed to many errors to persist. Libdems and Greens is just a wasted vote and I'm not aligned to some of their policies so, I'm voting for a fellow cunt in Nigel Farage and his Reform party, simply because it really can't get any worse and it'll be entertaining if the 'two main parties' get a bit of a kick up the arse.

The current CC poll statistics therefore have Reform in the lead by one.

Hang on Big Bollock, I've made a late decision to run for PM... Here are some of my policies:

1. Any British citizen is allowed to kill @Frank, @Prints Harry, @and and @entitled little cunt without any fear of arrest or prosecution. 

2. Free alcohol for @Cunty BigBollox until he pops his clogs. 

3. I'll sign off a 4 million fund to find a cure for the @ChildeHarold virus.

4. I'll make utilities and Aquascutum Government owned. 

Will you vote for Raas and the Shut up you cunt party?


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I put my vote to useless use by spoiling my paper. A canvasser at my door last week suggested I vote for him in order to keep Labour out. I told the twat I had never voted tactically in my life. When, at something as important as a General Election, I’m asked to vote for someone I don’t like in order to keep out someone I don’t want makes me wonder what sort of fucked up democracy we live in.

Make that 3 @Cunty BigBollox (if I hadn't fucked up the ballot paper.)

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3 hours ago, Arnold said:

I put my vote to useless use by spoiling my paper. A canvasser at my door last week suggested I vote for him in order to keep Labour out. I told the twat I had never voted tactically in my life. When, at something as important as a General Election, I’m asked to vote for someone I don’t like in order to keep out someone I don’t want makes me wonder what sort of fucked up democracy we live in.

Make that 3 @Cunty BigBollox (if I hadn't fucked up the ballot paper.)

Well at least your walls don't have as much of your excrement over them if you've spoiled your paper. Well done.

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37 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Well at least your walls don't have as much of your excrement over them if you've spoiled your paper. Well done.

Talking of excrement on walls, did you know Dulux brought out a paint called 'Essence of Maze'. It was shit brown. Very popular amongst the population of Derry and Strabane. 

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I've come away to Italy for 2 reasons...shit cunt election and euro 24. I want Sunak to get a fucking good pasting but not as much as a pasting that the Swiss will give Gary Northfence and his band of cunts. Buon Giornata

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Just now, Neil said:

I've come away to Italy for 2 reasons...shit cunt election and euro 24. I want Sunak to get a fucking good pasting but not as much as a pasting that the Swiss will give Gary Northfence and his band of cunts. Buon Giornata

Oh,and the fucking wanky weather that the UK gets

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3 minutes ago, Neil said:

I've come away to Italy for 2 reasons...shit cunt election and euro 24. I want Sunak to get a fucking good pasting but not as much as a pasting that the Swiss will give Gary Northfence and his band of cunts. Buon Giornata

Do one of your travelogue videos. The one with you talking to the little dachshund statue was superb.

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22 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

As the only website that I well and truly trust with the advice that is freely given out by other posters on here, apart from drink bleach obviously, I just wondered if we could get a better idea of which way it's going to go tomorrow. I'm definitely not voting Labour, and Conservative have allowed to many errors to persist. Libdems and Greens is just a wasted vote and I'm not aligned to some of their policies so, I'm voting for a fellow cunt in Nigel Farage and his Reform party, simply because it really can't get any worse and it'll be entertaining if the 'two main parties' get a bit of a kick up the arse.

The current CC poll statistics therefore have Reform in the lead by one.


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17 minutes ago, clit licker said:


Who did you vote for then, clit licker? I imagine you arrived at the polling station, stinking of shit and piss, wiped your arse with the ballot paper and then licked it before putting in the ballot box. 

Am I wrong? You drooling spastic cunt. Lol.

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It’s the middle of the night here, but I’m happy to report after posting my ballot this morning, which I’m sure will tip the balance, I’m now settling in with tea and scones for a slow motion massacre courtesy of Sky News. This morning in Coles I lingered in the pharmacy aisle a little wondering if I might need an Inco-pad later given there’s a better than 50% chance I will piss myself laughing in the next few hours.

Truss. Mogg. Francois. Mercer. I want heads on spikes. And if Sophy Ridge wants to flash a bit of tit that’d be quite alright too.

Enjoy the show. 

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