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Glastonbury cunts again

Guest entitled little cunt

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

ELC, did you go to the 'University of Life'?


58 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What's it got to do with you fuck face ?I'm assuming you went to an establishment of higher education that churns out gobby little cunts like you by the bucket load .You're all the fucking same .All very anti establishment without realising you  actually are the establishment .Mummy and Daddy think  them so clever .Lucky that,  considering the lazy useless cunts will be  living  at home until they're 45.Fucking useless pricks .

That's a yes then.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Decimus said:


That's a yes then.

You think it makes a difference do you ?You fucking idiot .Some  of the most dangerously  stupid people  I've ever met had  a university education.

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10 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Some  of the most dangerously  stupid people  I've ever met had  a university education.

Oh, right you are.

In that case let's disregard the hundreds of thousands of people who have gone to university and ended up providing numerous medical, scientific and technological breakthroughs after a lifetime of study just because of the odd wrongun.

What this country really needs is more salt of the earth white van drivers and plasterers.

You fucking Neanderthal cunt.

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Oh, right you are.

In that case let's disregard the hundreds of thousands of people who have gone to university and ended up providing numerous medical, scientific and technological breakthroughs after a lifetime of study just because of the odd wrongun.

What this country really needs is more salt of the earth white van drivers and plasterers.

You fucking Neanderthal cunt.

You pompous tit .This is so typical. You believe those who have a degree  become doctors , engineers and architects .Those without a degree drive a white van .A very small proportion of those with a degree actually go on to do anything remotely worthwhile .Most end up in corporate companies shifting paper around their desk .Admittedly the situation isn't helped by the likes of companies like W.H.Smith insisting the need for a degree to work on the pen counter .The belief that a person can only be sucessfull if they have a degree is rather outdated and is proved to be so by those who risk everything to start a business or do it the hard way in the corporate world .You've either had a blessed life or have very little experience in the real world .


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22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Oh, right you are.

In that case let's disregard the hundreds of thousands of people who have gone to university and ended up providing numerous medical, scientific and technological breakthroughs after a lifetime of study just because of the odd wrongun.

What this country really needs is more salt of the earth white van drivers and plasterers.

You fucking Neanderthal cunt.

I think it’s fair to say that slc is the most dangerously stupid person ever to post on CC. It goes without saying the dope has no degree.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Yeah - you’re really socking it to me! I’m reeling!

You spectacularly fucking stupid cunt.

Reported. "Socking it to me" Who the fuck are you , Joe Biden ?. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Ape™️ said:

I think it’s fair to say that slc is the most dangerously stupid person ever to post on CC. It goes without saying the dope has no degree.

22.6% of working age persons in the UK have a degree .I assume you believe the remaining 77.4% are "dopes".You utter cunt .You have the audacity to call me and others stupid  whilst you display a catastrophic lack of thinking and foresight .You fuckung muppet. 

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

22.6% of working age persons in the UK have a degree .I assume you believe the remaining 77.4% are "dopes".You utter cunt .You have the audacity to call me and others stupid  whilst you display a catastrophic lack of thinking and foresight .You fuckung muppet. 

That's your problem, you break every single issue down into majority and minority figures. There's no nuance, no analysis, just a blinkered opinion based upon the largest amount of people who can shout the loudest.

That's all very good when you're on the winning side, but what happens when you're in the minority? 

Engage your brain, fuckwit, life isn't a fucking pie chart.

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8 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

22.6% of working age persons in the UK have a degree .I assume you believe the remaining 77.4% are "dopes".You utter cunt .You have the audacity to call me and others stupid  whilst you display a catastrophic lack of thinking and foresight .You fuckung muppet. 

You’re reading way too much into my post, hunchy. You’re without doubt the most dangerously stupid person ever to post here, and you’re a fucking dope. The bit about the degree was added purely to elicit a response. 

On a different matter - when you quote statistics about degrees, can you be a little more precise? As a degree educated engineer, I work to 3 decimal places as a minimum.

lol Lol LOL. Fuck off.

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14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

22.6% of working age persons in the UK have a degree .I assume you believe the remaining 77.4% are "dopes".You utter cunt .You have the audacity to call me and others stupid  whilst you display a catastrophic lack of thinking and foresight .You fuckung muppet. 

If you raise your game by, say 20% I reckon there’s an outside chance of you achieving the status of ‘fucking abysmal’ on here. Thick as a Gurkha’s foreskin.

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28 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You pompous tit .This is so typical. You believe those who have a degree  become doctors engineers and architects .

Well, as it's an actual prerequisite of those professions, yes, yes I do.

It's hardly pompous to state an actual fact, although the anti-intellectual thick cunts who make up the vast amount of Reform voters such as yourself are quick to scream 'woke snob' at anyone who points these universal truths out.

You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. Now fuck off.

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Guest entitled little cunt
13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

That's your problem, you break every single issue down into majority and minority figures. There's no nuance, no analysis, just a blinkered opinion based upon the largest amount of people who can shout the loudest.

That's all very good when you're on the winning side, but what happens when you're in the minority? 

Engage your brain, fuckwit, life isn't a fucking pie chart.

Fine words from tbe individual  who cynically  stated those without a degree are "salt of the earth white van drivers and plasterers".Fucks sake .It's like responding to the Look-in magazine problem page .

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fine words from tbe individual  who cynically  stated those without a degree are "salt of the earth white van drivers and plasterers".Fucks sake .It's like responding to the Look-in magazine problem page .

Although that's not what I said, is it? Have you ever heard of hyperbole? Obviously not, as you don't place any stock in academia, I doubt you even know what 'hypocritical' means. Which is just as well, because your head would probably explode trying to reconcile your own unashamed outbursts today with what you spewed out yesterday.

Fucking cretin.

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Well, as it's an actual prerequisite of those professions, yes, yes I do.

It's hardly pompous to state an actual fact, although the anti-intellectual thick cunts who make up the vast amount of Reform voters such as yourself are quick to scream 'woke snob' at anyone who points these universal truths out.

You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. Now fuck off.

What  I said was "do you think that ALL those with a degree go on to be doctors,  engineers and architects " some do of course .The point I was making is that the vast majority do not .Infact the vast majority just become very mundane , very boring , forgettable and ultimately superfluous wastes of space .of which you're the prime example .

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

What  I said was "do you think that ALL those with a degree go on to be doctors,  engineers and architects " some do of course .The point I was making is that the vast majority do not .Infact the vast majority just become very mundane , very boring , forgettable and ultimately superfluous wastes of space .of which you're the prime example .

Don't try and use semantics to cement your original argument, especially when you clearly don't understand the definition of the word. Your post clearly implied that anyone without a degree could become whatever the fuck they want. 

Why do you think the NHS is full of foreign doctors and nurses? Do you believe that there are thousands of post graduate qualified British people being kept out of jobs by the 'illegals'? There isn't even enough native born, dole bludging fucking simpletons available to pick fruit in place of eastern European migrants, let alone Anglo-Saxon brain surgeons waiting in the wings.

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25 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

If you raise your game by, say 20% I reckon there’s an outside chance of you achieving the status of ‘fucking abysmal’ on here. Thick as a Gurkha’s foreskin.

Thick as a Gurkha’s foreskin is worth a like as far as I’m concerned DC.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Thick as a Gurkha’s foreskin is worth a like as far as I’m concerned DC.

He's probably pulled a few back before the vinegar stroke. 

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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Don't try and use semantics to cement your original argument, especially when you clearly don't understand the definition of the word. Your post clearly implied that anyone without a degree could become whatever the fuck they want. 

Why do you think the NHS is full of foreign doctors and nurses? Do you believe that there are thousands of post graduate qualified British people being kept out of jobs by the 'illegals'? There isn't even enough native born, dole bludging fucking simpletons available to pick fruit in place of eastern European migrants, let alone Anglo-Saxon brain surgeons waiting in the wings.

@entitled little cunt…you’re getting completely annihilated by a man 4-5 time zones away who’s spent most of his day seal-clubbing and fighting polar bears in his children’s nursery…and you still can’t lay a glove on the cunt. Give-up and fuck off.

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Don't try and use semantics to cement your original argument, especially when you clearly don't understand the definition of the word. Your post clearly implied that anyone without a degree could become whatever the fuck they want. 

Why do you think the NHS is full of foreign doctors and nurses? Do you believe that there are thousands of post graduate qualified British people being kept out of jobs by the 'illegals'? There isn't even enough native born, dole bludging fucking simpletons available to pick fruit in place of eastern European migrants, let alone Anglo-Saxon brain surgeons waiting in the wings.

Read my post .I repeat again,  there are some profession's were a degree is necessary .A doctor, an Engineer,  an architect and so on. I do believe a person without a degree can go on to do , within reason what ever they wish to do if they have the drive , ambition and intelligence. Your position seems to be you believe a person cannot achieve anything other than to become a plasterer or white van driver without a degree .It might be diffucult for you to accept but there's actually some quite happy and  wealthy intelligent   plasterers .There's also many very successfull  people with no formal education what so ever , or with dyslexia for instance .There's a lot who aren't successful  obviously as there are a lot of deeply unhappy unsuccessfull people with a degree .A university education is not the be all and end all .Self belief and an ability to communicate effectively  is  a far more useful  attribute for most people .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Read my post .I repeat again,  there are some profession's were a degree is necessary .A doctor, an Engineer,  an architect and so on. I do believe a person without a degree can go on to do , within reason what ever they wish to do if they have the drive , ambition and intelligence. Your position seems to be you believe a person cannot achieve anything other than to become a plasterer or white van driver without a degree .It might be diffucult for you to accept but there's actually some quite happy and  wealthy intelligent   plasterers .There's also many very successfull  people with no formal education what so ever , or with dyslexia for instance .There's a lot who aren't successful  obviously as there are a lot of deeply unhappy unsuccessfull people with a degree .A university education is not the be all and end all .Self belief and an ability to communicate effectively  is  a far more useful  attribute for most people .

I hear a rattle. lol lol.

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9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

You’re reading way too much into my post, hunchy. You’re without doubt the most dangerously stupid person ever to post here, and you’re a fucking dope. The bit about the degree was added purely to elicit a response. 

On a different matter - when you quote statistics about degrees, can you be a little more precise? As a degree educated engineer, I work to 3 decimal places as a minimum.

lol Lol LOL. Fuck off.

There are a lot of stabby cunts in the inner cities who are very good with knives. Instead of sending these stabby cunts to prison couldn't we retrain them to be surgeons?

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Guest entitled little cunt
45 minutes ago, scotty said:

...lads, lads...... can't we all just get along? 


45 minutes ago, scotty said:

...lads, lads...... can't we all just get along? 

Apparently not .According to Decimus there's strict hierarchy within society  that needs to be observed.Those with a degree are the real  movers and shakers , the decision makers and should be trusted on all things .Those without degrees are merely minions .White van drivers and plasterers apparently. (Not that there's anything wrong with van drivers or plasterers) .He was using those occupations as an example of what he believes are the typical uneducated type . Another example of his rather  large tar  brushing is that I and people like me see things in a 2 dimensional way , black and white with no nuance .I wouldn't be able to understand that apparently. The following may well be an example of that according to that cunt . The great and good amongst us , the educated classes are by all accounts the ones who cause the mess the uneducated have to eventually sort out .They spend the money,  we make it with our businesses and our toil .They cannot explain what a woman is. There are 57 genders at last count .Its the educated who make the rules that dont work and govern to suit and enrich themselves .It's the educated  who oversee a system that is designed to keep people down .An ordinary person becomes successful despite the system. A system that is  generated and run by the so called "educated" Cunts and traitors, one and all.

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