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All the bad luck in one go

Cap'n Cunt

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15 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Kinnell Decs. Shouldn’t be more concerned about Innuits shagging your bird while you’re at work?

Even Inuits ain't that desperate.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Smilla was a cunt.

Intelligent and thought provoking as ever .What would the site do without you ?

Reported . Grassed up Ape style for being irreplaceable .

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 hours ago, Decimus said:

Don't misunderstand me, Eric. I absolutely fucking despise the "Religion of Peace" and all who worship at the paedo prophet's door. 

What I don't like is how the four by twos are being ignored by the far right these days as viable targets, and that's exactly what they have planned since the formation of the illegal nation of Israel.

After being kicked out of hundreds of countries and being generally despised by every right minded gentile over the last two thousand years, the cunts changed tact in the 40s by:

1-Playing the Holohoax victim card.

2-Creating a destabilised Middle-East along with their Jew controlled American allies in order to establish a Muslim fundamentalist terrorist movement who will become the new despised minority of the 20th and 21st century.

3-Fostering a Middle-East that has been absolutely decimated to the point that millions of Muslim refugees flood Europe, because the Jews want the demographics to shift to the point that the white race has been irreversibly diluted.

Why? Because the white European race has historically been their greatest enemy and we are the only hope for mankind to avoid a Zionist dominated new world order.

Watch Europa: The Last Battle. The Jews are the ultimate puppet masters and whilst the west is fixated on Muslim immigrants they're laughing their fucking arses off that it's all going to plan.

Fucking hell.Henry Kissenger has left the building .Reported , grassed up Ape style for goosestepping to Asda local .



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Guest entitled little cunt
On 27/06/2024 at 22:42, Decimus said:

Don't misunderstand me, Eric. I absolutely fucking despise the "Religion of Peace" and all who worship at the paedo prophet's door. 

What I don't like is how the four by twos are being ignored by the far right these days as viable targets, and that's exactly what they have planned since the formation of the illegal nation of Israel.

After being kicked out of hundreds of countries and being generally despised by every right minded gentile over the last two thousand years, the cunts changed tact in the 40s by:

1-Playing the Holohoax victim card.

2-Creating a destabilised Middle-East along with their Jew controlled American allies in order to establish a Muslim fundamentalist terrorist movement who will become the new despised minority of the 20th and 21st century.

3-Fostering a Middle-East that has been absolutely decimated to the point that millions of Muslim refugees flood Europe, because the Jews want the demographics to shift to the point that the white race has been irreversibly diluted.

Why? Because the white European race has historically been their greatest enemy and we are the only hope for mankind to avoid a Zionist dominated new world order.

Watch Europa: The Last Battle. The Jews are the ultimate puppet masters and whilst the west is fixated on Muslim immigrants they're laughing their fucking arses off that it's all going to plan.

Decimus studied at the Holyfuckzagoat University, Baghdad  studying Hamas. He attained a first with honours and is allowed to remove his blinkers once a month. 

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