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Labour will make every UK borough take ‘fair share’ of migrants, says Rayner


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Guest entitled little cunt
30 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’ll definitely get a stroke off the troll puppet-master for this spectacularly witty piece of work. Standby…

Do I get a free latte ?.

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Decimus said:

As the EDSL (English Dog Shit League) doesn't appear to have anyone standing in Barnet, who will you be voting for then, R-Soles?

I guess you'll be hating the French soon as well.Your least favourite person will be having fun with the illegals soon.Will she intriduce enforced repatriation? , does an illegal shit in the woods .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 28/06/2024 at 10:46, ChildeHarold said:

the latter, just a slot palace now, the glory days have gone

Hyeres is a hole but probably worth a stop on a car tour of that part of the south of France, in fact you absolutely need a car.  It's also where the French President has his summer hang out.  A peculiar very French cuntified place. 

Macrons wife looks freeze dried .Reminds me of the wrinkly ingredients in a vesta boxed meal circa.1976.

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9 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Macrons wife looks freeze dried .Reminds me of the wrinkly ingredients in a vesta boxed meal circa.1976.

What worked for Sanchez in Spain might not for Macron.  Macron is a fucking right wing cunt anyway so the voters might just go for something more right or perhaps the French Left.   I bet the fucking central London luxury estate agents are rubbing their hands at the prospect of wealthy frogs illegally/legally hopping across the channel. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You’ll get a free twatting before long, sunshine.

Reported .threat of twatting .You like to give it out biut you're not too good at getting it back are you. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

What worked for Sanchez in Spain might not for Macron.  Macron is a fucking right wing cunt anyway so the voters might just go for something more right or perhaps the French Left.   I bet the fucking central London luxury estate agents are rubbing their hands at the prospect of wealthy frogs illegally/legally hopping across the channel. 

France has waited long enough. They've been so patient .It's time .The problem is the  savages will be desperate to get to the UK and the French will be happy to kick their arses all the way across tbe channel .Who can blame the galic cunts .

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Reported .threat of twatting .You like to give it out biut you're not too good at getting it back are you. 

You intellectual midget. You can’t even construct a fucking sentence. Get @ProfB to help you, you retarded little twat.

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You intellectual midget. You can’t even construct a fucking sentence. Get @ProfB to help you, you retarded little twat.

I might not be that clever but I know a cunt when I  see one and you tick all the boxes .

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14 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Neither .I'm merely stating there's quite a few people who would agree with what was said be it a "set up " or not .

C4 have responded to the allegations stating that they have never given any money to ‘actor’ Andrew Parker (an untruth in itself as he’s been employed as an actor several times in the past by them, when all they needed to do was insert the word ‘directly’ to make the statement factual, but that one word would have given the game away from the off).
The footage of Mr Parker wasn’t at all as C4 represented it ‘We went undercover into the Reform party and filmed some shocking blah blah blah etc etc etc’.

C4 purchased the footage from a company called ‘Lee Sorrell Media’, which is owned by a bloke named Lee Sorrell, who was ‘head of investigations’ for LWT from 1993 until 2003 and then held the same position at ITV from 2004 until 2009. 🤔 As expected, the MSM after their initial display of uncontrollable anti-Farage glee, and synchronised spunking in their pants/panties/primary school PE shorts….insert whichever form of underwear is currently deemed the least offensive to the 99.9% of us who are apparently struggling with our gender identity, are now back-pedalling furiously warning that  Nigel Farage should be very careful not to make allegations that could backfire on him in a libel case. Their U-turn is a bit weird to say the least. Within just a few hours of them all piling on together to give Farage a kicking, they’re all now offering the same advice to him ie ‘Be quiet or we’ll sue you’.

Reform U.K. however have now made a complaint to Ofcom (good luck with that, they only sanction GB News) and also a criminal complaint of election interference to the police, demanding they investigate all communications between C4, Lee Sorrell Media and Andrew Parker. 
Much as I mistrust Nigel Farage I do love the fact that he’s once again thrust a lit  firework up the rotten arse of the corrupt, anti British, anti everything fucking MSM and  political establishment.


🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷


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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, King Billy said:

C4 have responded to the allegations stating that they have never given any money to ‘actor’ Andrew Parker (an untruth in itself as he’s been employed as an actor several times in the past by them, when all they needed to do was insert the word ‘directly’ to make the statement factual, but that one word would have given the game away from the off).
The footage of Mr Parker wasn’t at all as C4 represented it ‘We went undercover into the Reform party and filmed some shocking blah blah blah etc etc etc’.

C4 purchased the footage from a company called ‘Lee Sorrell Media’, which is owned by a bloke named Lee Sorrell, who was ‘head of investigations’ for LWT from 1993 until 2003 and then held the same position at ITV from 2004 until 2009. 🤔 As expected, the MSM after their initial display of uncontrollable anti-Farage glee, and synchronised spunking in their pants/panties/primary school PE shorts….insert whichever form of underwear is currently deemed the least offensive to the 99.9% of us who are apparently struggling with our gender identity, are now back-pedalling furiously warning that  Nigel Farage should be very careful not to make allegations that could backfire on him in a libel case. Their U-turn is a bit weird to say the least. Within just a few hours of them all piling on together to give Farage a kicking, they’re all now offering the same advice to him ie ‘Be quiet or we’ll sue you’.

Reform U.K. however have now made a complaint to Ofcom (good luck with that, they only sanction GB News) and also a criminal complaint of election interference to the police, demanding they investigate all communications between C4, Lee Sorrell Media and Andrew Parker. 
Much as I mistrust Nigel Farage I do love the fact that he’s once again thrust a lit  firework up the rotten arse of the corrupt, anti British, anti everything fucking MSM and  political establishment.


🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷


I watched the Biden Trump debate .It was fucking hilarious. Biden is so fucked .The bloke should be stuck in a home,  he doesn't know his arse from his elbow the poor old cunt .Le Penn in France is looking good .Macron committed political suicide the arrogant  midget .Europe is going anti illegal and the UK Will have woke   stammer and Abnott .Every savage in mainland Europe will be heading to the UK and the French know it .It's a UK perfect storm


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33 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

France has waited long enough. They've been so patient .It's time .The problem is the  savages will be desperate to get to the UK and the French will be happy to kick their arses all the way across tbe channel .Who can blame the galic cunts .

If the socialists do get in that's true.  They hate the British more than the French right. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
24 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

If the socialists do get in that's true.  They hate the British more than the French right. 

It's time for Le Penn

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Shut up you fucking dickhead.

You have to admire his uncanny ability to get everything completely arse about face though Decs. That’s a very special talent tbf.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Shut up you fucking dickhead.

The political commentator of the site has weighed in once again with his typically astute opinion.There ain't half been some clever bastards .

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Guest entitled little cunt
29 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's time you deleted your account.

You're not welcome here.

OK right I'll just go off and do that shall I?.what's your level of arrogance called  ,Annapurna ? Pompous oaf

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The political commentator of the site has weighed in once again with his typically astute opinion.There ain't half been some clever bastards .

Considering every post you make is a cut and paste hatchet job lifted from Breitbart, you have absolutely no room to accuse anyone else of being a political commentator.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Considering every post you make is a cut and paste hatchet job lifted from Breitbart, you have absolutely no room to accuse anyone else of being a political commentator.

Beitbart.Is that what your  knock off watch is called ,the one you bought from the market .

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