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Lovely Cash...

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10 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Voevod was indeed the precursor to Reverend Coitus, who became just "Rev" after the site relaunch. The name was a Transylvania / vampire reference. (Rev was also a big fan of Elizabeth Báthory.)

Flinty reappeared for a while as Cobra, and I knew I'd arrived on the Corner when thecatwoman called me a misogynist. 

If Benny ended up as Carl Sway and Flinty was Cobra, I struggle to believe that they were ever previously capable of dishing out more than a spoonful of canderel, let alone a severe cunting.

As for Rothers, I heard tell of his notoriety when I first joined and then experienced him in the flesh during a two week period where he showed up again briefly. From what I remember, Stickers and I tag teamed his stinking northern hole until he was spitting out his teeth through his sphincter, and I was distinctly unimpressed.

The moral of the story is that no one is as great as people remember, and I include myself in that, albeit whilst acknowledging that none of the aforementioned cunts ever came close to matching the halcyon days of the nonexistent clique.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

If Benny ended up as Carl Sway and Flinty was Cobra, I struggle to believe that they were ever previously capable of dishing out more than a spoonful of canderel, let alone a severe cunting.

As for Rothers, I heard tell of his notoriety when I first joined and then experienced him in the flesh during a two week period where he showed up again briefly. From what I remember, Stickers and I tag teamed his stinking northern hole until he was spitting out his teeth through his sphincter, and I was distinctly unimpressed.

The moral of the story is that no one is as great as people remember, and I include myself in that, albeit whilst acknowledging that none of the aforementioned cunts ever came close to matching the halcyon days of the nonexistent clique.

I think you’ll agree that had I resigned from the board shortly after releasing ‘Walnut’, I’d probably be remembered as the best there ever was. 

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10 minutes ago, Frank said:

I think you’ll agree that had I resigned from the board shortly after releasing ‘Walnut’, I’d probably be remembered as the best there ever was. 

Frank, 'Walnut' etc was before my time here, I've seen it and some of you other videos and I have to say they were funny. My question is, considering making said videos that make members like me laugh (even though I actually wish you were dead) why haven't you released any recently? It's got to be better than turning up and getting hidings from oldies and newbies alike, right? Lol. Have you got Aids and appear a shadow of your former already emaciated self or something. 

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14 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, 'Walnut' etc was before my time here, I've seen it and some of you other videos and I have to say they were funny. My question is, considering making said videos that make members like me laugh (even though I actually wish you were dead) why haven't you released any recently? It's got to be better than turning up and getting hidings from oldies and newbies alike, right? Lol. Have you got Aids and appear a shadow of your former already emaciated self or something. 

Do you remember 'Chestnut'?  🤔 

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2 hours ago, scotty said:

On being queried about his remarkable success with the opposite sex despite being a plug-ugly shortarse in horn rimmed specs, he also said that a man can seduce any woman he likes, as long as he's prepared to sit up til three in the morning listening to her complain.

Or groan, immobile. @Mike Hunt?

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On 22/06/2024 at 16:23, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Cash, don't you love it? I do. I love seeing a pile of cash... Cash gives you anonymity, you know, for when you want to buy the Mrs a surprise gift, or, for when you want to pay for a brass without it showing up on the bank statement, not that I'd do anything like that mind. I sometimes get better prices on things by offering cash and not requiring a receipt... lovely cash, don't you love it? I'm a generous man and like to give a cash tip, directly to the waiter/waitress instead of said tip added to my bill only for the owner to keep and not give the staff. Cash is King, I bet one of the notes in your pocket was used to sniff a line of some tarts arse... Cash, don't you love it? Give me more cash. 

The point here is the increasing amount of cunt businesses refusing my ill gotten cash... You fucking cunts. 

You'd think in this recession we're in businesses would grab whatever money they can... cash or card, who gives a fuck. Any business that refuses any of my notes with the (soon to be dead) King on them can go fuck themselves. I'm boycotting all card only businesses unless it's online. 

Will any of you join me?

Please keep this serious thread on topic, this is going to affect all of us. 


I'm with you old chap. I've a list of shifty bastards who dictate card only. Every time I encounter these cunts I give them a hard time. Take comfort in the fact we are not alone when it comes to the uprising.

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3 minutes ago, Arnold said:

I'm with you old chap. I've a list of shifty bastards who dictate card only. Every time I encounter these cunts I give them a hard time. Take comfort in the fact we are not alone when it comes to the uprising.

We all should give them a hard time, they should be grateful for our money, however we choose to pay it. You know if these businesses were facing bankruptcy they'd accept cash. 

Good to see you back, Arnold. 

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Why are dogs better than women?

1) the later you come home, the more pleased they are to see you.

2) a dog doesn’t demand to know about every other dog you’ve had.

3) most women won’t lick Pedigree Chum off your arse without a large sum of cash changing hands first.

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58 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, 'Walnut' etc was before my time here, I've seen it and some of you other videos and I have to say they were funny. My question is, considering making said videos that make members like me laugh (even though I actually wish you were dead) why haven't you released any recently? It's got to be better than turning up and getting hidings from oldies and newbies alike, right? Lol. Have you got Aids and appear a shadow of your former already emaciated self or something. 

Nothing stay's the same, Raasters. When are you gonna learn?

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14 hours ago, Decimus said:

The moral of the story is that no one is as great as people remember, and I include myself in that

Well, how fuckin' generous of you, condescending, narcissistic cunt!

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Never, and I repeat ‘never’ use teenage text format on here. Am I making myself clear?

When are you gonna stop pretending that anyone gives a fuck about what you're ordering people to do?

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4 hours ago, and said:

Well, how fuckin' generous of you, condescending, narcissistic cunt!

Never mind this shit, C.K., has it never crossed your turd-addled mind that anytime your mate Frank turns up in some hot as fuck, spic shithole a young British national goes missing?

I knew little Jay was a scuttler the first time I saw his gay as fuck face grinning up at me from my phone. Now it seems he was on holiday with a friend (who was a girl) and went off in a car for a night of hiding the sausage with two complete strangers (men of course).

Now I'm no Columbo, and you're a stupid little cunt, but even you must admit that if you connect the above dots together something smells fishier than your cocker spaniel's minge.

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On 22/06/2024 at 16:23, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Cash, don't you love it? I do. I love seeing a pile of cash... Cash gives you anonymity, you know, for when you want to buy the Mrs a surprise gift, or, for when you want to pay for a brass without it showing up on the bank statement, not that I'd do anything like that mind. I sometimes get better prices on things by offering cash and not requiring a receipt... lovely cash, don't you love it? I'm a generous man and like to give a cash tip, directly to the waiter/waitress instead of said tip added to my bill only for the owner to keep and not give the staff. Cash is King, I bet one of the notes in your pocket was used to sniff a line of some tarts arse... Cash, don't you love it? Give me more cash. 

The point here is the increasing amount of cunt businesses refusing my ill gotten cash... You fucking cunts. 

You'd think in this recession we're in businesses would grab whatever money they can... cash or card, who gives a fuck. Any business that refuses any of my notes with the (soon to be dead) King on them can go fuck themselves. I'm boycotting all card only businesses unless it's online. 

Will any of you join me?

Please keep this serious thread on topic, this is going to affect all of us. 


Cash is king - & the King is on cash, I got 7 notes with Charles on, I screamed with excitememt in Sains carpark.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I wouldn't like to speculate, but I do know for a fact that his favourite album is 'Band On The Run', make of that what you will...

I wonder why?


McCartney undid all his previous good work when he inflicted Mull Of Kintyre on a defenceless public. Then compounded it by allowing his wife to peddle sausages without any meat in them, what was he thinking?? 😡😡

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 minutes ago, scotty said:

McCartney undid all his previous good work when he inflicted Mull Of Kintyre on a defenceless public. Then compounded it by allowing his wife to peddle sausages without any meat in them, what was he thinking?? 😡😡

Those sausages are fucking horrible , who the fuck buys them fuck only knows .I assume Paul has a warehouse where he stores the cunting things along with dresses his daughter doesn't sell.Talent doesn't necessarily breed talent. 

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