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Weekly illegals figures

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

In the past week (ending 19th June ) 987 illegals arrived by small boats. 882 on one day alone .These are only those who  have been registered and given a mobile phone   pocket money , recieved instant  medical treatment and dental treatment if needed then  shipped to a hotel.The number of illegals who have arrived by other means  or not presented themselves is unknown .They're at best  working in takeaways or some other shit workhouse profession. At worst they will be involved in criminality virtually immediately just to survive .

I will post  illegal  arrival figures every week.Dont eat shitty  takeaways and wash your own car .Dont fund illegal immigration.


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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I will post  illegal  arrival figures every week.Dont eat shitty  takeaways and wash your own car .Dont fund illegal immigration.

I never eat takeaways, the car is washed by yours truly (I wouldn't trust a foreigner with my 'year old Bentley'), and I refuse to give to charity, any fuckin' charity, because they're self-serving the cunts at the top (only the volunteers do any work, out of the goodness in their hearts).

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17 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

In the past week (ending 19th June ) 987 illegals arrived by small boats. 882 on one day alone .These are only those who  have been registered and given a mobile phone   pocket money , recieved instant  medical treatment and dental treatment if needed then  shipped to a hotel.The number of illegals who have arrived by other means  or not presented themselves is unknown .They're at best  working in takeaways or some other shit workhouse profession. At worst they will be involved in criminality virtually immediately just to survive .

I will post  illegal  arrival figures every week.Dont eat shitty  takeaways and wash your own car .Dont fund illegal immigration.


The recent strange phenomenon of the RNLI picking up the vast majority of the cross channel dinghy travellers mid channel and delivering them to fleets of waiting luxury coaches at Dover is anything but strange if you look a little bit deeper into how and why this has become the norm, and very very few of these vessels make it as far as dry land in the U.K. nowadays.

The reason is that anyone arriving on U.K. territory intentionally without the necessary documentation is breaking U.K. law and subject to immediate arrest, criminal charge, detention and removal to the country they set off from. 
However anyone ‘rescued’ at sea and brought to the U.K. by say the RNLI for example 🤔are not classed as ‘illegal immigrants’, but instead as ‘controlled entrants’ having arrived in the U.K. lawfully. This saves our traitorous, lying government from the embarrassment of arresting, locking up and kicking the cunts (sorry doctors, teachers and scientists) back to France (because that would be racist).

The fact is that none of the Westminster uniparty have now or ever had the slightest intention of ‘stopping the small boats’, as they keep lying (sorry promising) to the fucking gormless public who they despise on the same scale as Frank is despised by most punters on here (excepting the obvious handful of  lickspittles who need no introduction).

So next time some cunt rattles a collection tin labelled RNLI in your face outside Tesco, kick the cunt in the bollocks, or even better, if you happen to find yourself shipwrecked, floating out to sea and these RNLI cunts try to pull you onto one of their orange fucking dinghys, tell the fuckers to do one pronto, and try to puncture their stupid fucking toy blow up boat before they turn around and fuck off to look for some more foreigners.


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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

The recent strange phenomenon of the RNLI picking up the vast majority of the cross channel dinghy travellers mid channel and delivering them to fleets of waiting luxury coaches at Dover is anything but strange if you look a little bit deeper into how and why this has become the norm, and very very few of these vessels make it as far as dry land in the U.K. nowadays.

The reason is that anyone arriving on U.K. territory intentionally without the necessary documentation is breaking U.K. law and subject to immediate arrest, criminal charge, detention and removal to the country they set off from. 
However anyone ‘rescued’ at sea and brought to the U.K. by say the RNLI for example 🤔are not classed as ‘illegal immigrants’, but instead as ‘controlled entrants’ having arrived in the U.K. lawfully. This saves our traitorous, lying government from the embarrassment of arresting, locking up and kicking the cunts (sorry doctors, teachers and scientists) back to France (because that would be racist).

The fact is that none of the Westminster uniparty have now or ever had the slightest intention of ‘stopping the small boats’, as they keep lying (sorry promising) to the fucking gormless public who they despise on the same scale as Frank is despised by most punters on here (excepting the obvious handful of  lickspittles who need no introduction).

So next time some cunt rattles a collection tin labelled RNLI in your face outside Tesco, kick the cunt in the bollocks, or even better, if you happen to find yourself shipwrecked, floating out to sea and these RNLI cunts try to pull you onto one of their orange fucking dinghys, tell the fuckers to do one pronto, and try to puncture their stupid fucking toy blow up boat before they turn around and fuck off to look for some more foreigners.


You are just another gibbering mick, fuck off.

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, King Billy said:

The recent strange phenomenon of the RNLI picking up the vast majority of the cross channel dinghy travellers mid channel and delivering them to fleets of waiting luxury coaches at Dover is anything but strange if you look a little bit deeper into how and why this has become the norm, and very very few of these vessels make it as far as dry land in the U.K. nowadays.

The reason is that anyone arriving on U.K. territory intentionally without the necessary documentation is breaking U.K. law and subject to immediate arrest, criminal charge, detention and removal to the country they set off from. 
However anyone ‘rescued’ at sea and brought to the U.K. by say the RNLI for example 🤔are not classed as ‘illegal immigrants’, but instead as ‘controlled entrants’ having arrived in the U.K. lawfully. This saves our traitorous, lying government from the embarrassment of arresting, locking up and kicking the cunts (sorry doctors, teachers and scientists) back to France (because that would be racist).

The fact is that none of the Westminster uniparty have now or ever had the slightest intention of ‘stopping the small boats’, as they keep lying (sorry promising) to the fucking gormless public who they despise on the same scale as Frank is despised by most punters on here (excepting the obvious handful of  lickspittles who need no introduction).

So next time some cunt rattles a collection tin labelled RNLI in your face outside Tesco, kick the cunt in the bollocks, or even better, if you happen to find yourself shipwrecked, floating out to sea and these RNLI cunts try to pull you onto one of their orange fucking dinghys, tell the fuckers to do one pronto, and try to puncture their stupid fucking toy blow up boat before they turn around and fuck off to look for some more foreigners.


I'm a lickspittle who needs no introduction.That is a very good post.The RNLI begging adverts dont show the boatloads of flip flop wearing misogynistic rapist vagabonds being "rescued".Doris from Harrogate wouldn't like that and would  cancel her subscription.Fucking silly arse cunts .

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

The recent strange phenomenon of the RNLI picking up the vast majority of the cross channel dinghy travellers mid channel and delivering them to fleets of waiting luxury coaches at Dover is anything but strange if you look a little bit deeper into how and why this has become the norm, and very very few of these vessels make it as far as dry land in the U.K. nowadays.

The reason is that anyone arriving on U.K. territory intentionally without the necessary documentation is breaking U.K. law and subject to immediate arrest, criminal charge, detention and removal to the country they set off from. 
However anyone ‘rescued’ at sea and brought to the U.K. by say the RNLI for example 🤔are not classed as ‘illegal immigrants’, but instead as ‘controlled entrants’ having arrived in the U.K. lawfully. This saves our traitorous, lying government from the embarrassment of arresting, locking up and kicking the cunts (sorry doctors, teachers and scientists) back to France (because that would be racist).

The fact is that none of the Westminster uniparty have now or ever had the slightest intention of ‘stopping the small boats’, as they keep lying (sorry promising) to the fucking gormless public who they despise on the same scale as Frank is despised by most punters on here (excepting the obvious handful of  lickspittles who need no introduction).

So next time some cunt rattles a collection tin labelled RNLI in your face outside Tesco, kick the cunt in the bollocks, or even better, if you happen to find yourself shipwrecked, floating out to sea and these RNLI cunts try to pull you onto one of their orange fucking dinghys, tell the fuckers to do one pronto, and try to puncture their stupid fucking toy blow up boat before they turn around and fuck off to look for some more foreigners.


That's always been the case since the Immigration Act (1971) went on the statute books, that is to say any illegal, whether intercepted by Border Force (on land or sea) Royal Navy, Coastguard controlled or RNLI or discovered in the back of a lorry has the choice of being catalogued into the immigration approval system or prosecuted. You're talking as if this is something new. Incidentally any vessel whether govt or privately owned is required under UN Charter to render assistance to those in distress. No conspiracy by the "Westminster uniparty".

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40 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Incidentally any vessel whether govt or privately owned is required under UN Charter to render assistance to those in distress.

So, once the cunts have got in a boat, dinghy, whatever, and set sail for England, there's fuck-all we can do about it because, under the UN Charter, we're compelled to rescue them, take them in, clothe, feed, and house them, and we're not even allowed to send them back to wherever they came from, either the EU or their country of birth?

Basically, we're fucked.

Thanks for that, very enlightening.


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Guest entitled little cunt
58 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

That's always been the case since the Immigration Act (1971) went on the statute books, that is to say any illegal, whether intercepted by Border Force (on land or sea) Royal Navy, Coastguard controlled or RNLI or discovered in the back of a lorry has the choice of being catalogued into the immigration approval system or prosecuted. You're talking as if this is something new. Incidentally any vessel whether govt or privately owned is required under UN Charter to render assistance to those in distress. No conspiracy by the "Westminster uniparty".

What is the definition of distress?.I'm assuming the immigration act believes throwing passports into the water , threatening to throw  children   into the water ,  wanting  benefits , a hotel room and a mobile  phone gratis constitutes distress. 

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3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What is the definition of distress?

It is whatever they say it is, you can identify as anything you want these days, and nobody is allowed to question it.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, and said:

It is whatever they say it is, you can identify as anything you want these days, and nobody is allowed to question it.

Use the cunts for spare parts surgery. Ed Straker  would be spinning in his grave , he fought with S.H.A.D.O against that very thing .Its fucking disgraceful. 

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Use the cunts for spare parts surgery.

Obviously a pig's heart is out of the question, and I'd have to draw the line at an Syrian kidney.

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12 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm a lickspittle who needs no introduction.That is a very good post.The RNLI begging adverts dont show the boatloads of flip flop wearing misogynistic rapist vagabonds being "rescued".Doris from Harrogate wouldn't like that and would  cancel her subscription.Fucking silly arse cunts .

Idiotic cunt.

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

that is to say any illegal, whether intercepted by Border Force (on land or sea) Royal Navy, Coastguard controlled or RNLI or discovered in the back of a lorry has the choice of being catalogued into the immigration approval system or prosecuted.

“Welcome to Britain Mohammed. Would you prefer a halal meal from our menu and then to be transferred to a four star hotel (where you can stay, free of charge indefinitely with all your fellow doctors, teachers, etc. etc.) on this luxury coach, with almost zero possibility that you will ever be deported, or would you like to be arrested, detained and prosecuted for illegally entering the U.K. with the slight risk (almost zero too) that you might one day be asked politely to fuck off?”

”I’ll go to the hotel today thank you sir,  but I might change my mind if there isn’t a school nearby that I can hang around with my fellow academics outside every afternoon. That would be far worse than prison”.


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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

What is the definition of distress?.I'm assuming the immigration act believes throwing passports into the water , threatening to throw  children   into the water ,  wanting  benefits , a hotel room and a mobile  phone gratis constitutes distress. 

Don’t start her ffs. You’ll be sorry, just leave her to me.
I also don’t want her getting all distracted and then making excuses when I inevitably kick her fat ginger cunt in again.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Don’t start her ffs. You’ll be sorry, just leave her to me.
I also don’t want her getting all distracted and then making excuses when I inevitably kick her fat ginger cunt in again.

I happen to like redheads. 

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On 21/06/2024 at 05:54, entitled little cunt said:

In the past week (ending 19th June ) 987 illegals arrived by small boats. 882 on one day alone .These are only those who  have been registered and given a mobile phone   pocket money , recieved instant  medical treatment and dental treatment if needed then  shipped to a hotel.The number of illegals who have arrived by other means  or not presented themselves is unknown .They're at best  working in takeaways or some other shit workhouse profession. At worst they will be involved in criminality virtually immediately just to survive .

I will post  illegal  arrival figures every week.Dont eat shitty  takeaways and wash your own car .Dont fund illegal immigration.


I might stage my own illegal entry in order to get a dental appointment in less than the three weeks quoted by my local dentist.   I just need to swarth up, get a good tan on a sunbed, get onto the beach in a black addidas track suit and burn my identity.   Also become a gay Christian escaping persecution.   A two bob silver cross pendant round my neck plus a Jesus is Love tattoo carved on my thigh and pierced foreskin should prove that. 

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Guest entitled little cunt

Greetings pop pickers. Making its way up the charts of illegal entries is the 21st of June with 331 doctors,  engineers and altogether good eggs arriving  on that one day alone. Fluff, the figures for days of fine weather haven't been released as yet .Next week pop pickers will see a no1 record every day , 500 to 600   because of the predicted nice weather .It only costs 100k per illegal not counting the cost of inevitable  imprisonment  .I'm hoping Gary Lineker and Bill Nighy can be the illegal entry pundits ."oooo, look at that fabulous lob of passports into the English chanel " and  that's a wonderful tackle by  Umboogoo on Mrs. Smith of lowestoft aged 78 to get to the front of the que at the GP surgery. 

Tata for now pop pickers .

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I might stage my own illegal entry in order to get a dental appointment in less than the three weeks quoted by my local dentist.   I just need to swarth up, get a good tan on a sunbed, get onto the beach in a black addidas track suit and burn my identity.   Also become a gay Christian escaping persecution.   A two bob silver cross pendant round my neck plus a Jesus is Love tattoo carved on my thigh and pierced foreskin should prove that. 

No need for any of that , after the election just turn up .Kier will shake your hand and welcome you personally. You'll be offered a team of free solicitors to act on your behalf .

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10 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

No need for any of that , after the election just turn up .Kier will shake your hand and welcome you personally. You'll be offered a team of free solicitors to act on your behalf .

I thought you was going to say turn up at the dentists and Keir will shake your hand. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I thought you was going to say turn up at the dentists and Keir will shake your hand. 

Stammer , the muppet puppet .Raynor , chakrabati , lammy and Abbot have a hand up his arse operating his mouth.

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18 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Stammer , the muppet puppet .Raynor , chakrabati , lammy and Abbot have a hand up his arse operating his mouth.

I bet they have private treatment.  Like Clegg and his two boys at private school.    Any MP who has a kid at private school should be banned from office.   How many of these cunts have been put in charge of our state schools? 

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52 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Stammer , the muppet puppet .Raynor , chakrabati , lammy and Abbot have a hand up his arse operating his mouth.


31 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I bet they have private treatment.  Like Clegg and his two boys at private school.    Any MP who has a kid at private school should be banned from office.   How many of these cunts have been put in charge of our state schools? 

Wouldn't it be better if you two just fucking PM'd each fucking other?

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