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Super mosquitoes, it's all that climate change stuff

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
28 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Smelly cunts. Just like all foreigners.

Alain Delon ,he didn't smell.I bet Gérard Depardue reeks , especially down below .Princess Caroline of Monaco probably doesn't smell .Angela Merkel smells bad I bet , probably doesn't wash in the important place's enough. Germans can be a bit like that .Strange considering their obsession with showers. 

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On 12/06/2024 at 21:44, entitled little cunt said:

Apart from Sophia Loren.She is a goddess .


I always thought Halle Berry was a looker and sexy.  Ursula Andress and Raquel Welch I found strangely asexual.  Natasha Henstridge was like that too.   The King Kong girl was eye popping especially when she got wet. 

Jessica Lange 1976 Hot for ALL reasons😎


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10 minutes ago, Frank said:

Do you want to tell the board, or shall I? 

I’ll defer to you Frank, purely due to my curiosity that you’ve got something someone might find even remotely interesting to share with us, which for you  would be a first tbh.

Failing that just carry on making yourself look even more fucking stupid than you normally do (if that’s even possible). W

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Le Penn is  a wonderful woman, appendage or not ."Le bon coin" is full of French bargains .Rip Francois Hardy , Jaques du Tronc is still going .60s French music was brilliant in a bubble gum sort of way .Vivre le France !!


Are you related to Withers, perchance?

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23 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Even she stinks now, I am told, of lavender, cabbage soup, deep heat and soiled Tena pants.

Nevermind conversing with the bellend that is elc, Big Bollock. There is no growth in the economy and people paying their taxes is needed more than ever.  Have you got a job now, after being sacked? Are you up this early for work? Or, have you been a drunken cunt again, stayed up all night and about to fall asleep? 

You've been on an all nighter, haven't you? Fucking hell, I knew it. Big Bollock, what the hell is wrong with you. At your age as well, you're a fucking disgrace. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, King Billy said:

All records of Withers family tree were incinerated in Nuremberg in 1946 (5 minutes after his dad Fritz was hanged).

He was innocent!!

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Guest entitled little cunt
55 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Nevermind conversing with the bellend that is elc, Big Bollock. There is no growth in the economy and people paying their taxes is needed more than ever.  Have you got a job now, after being sacked? Are you up this early for work? Or, have you been a drunken cunt again, stayed up all night and about to fall asleep? 

You've been on an all nighter, haven't you? Fucking hell, I knew it. Big Bollock, what the hell is wrong with you. At your age as well, you're a fucking disgrace. 


For once you're correct. Growth in the economy is needed .That growth will not happen with Raynor donning her northern tart dominatrix outfit and intimidating small business owners .That growth most certainly won't come  from the freeloading disease ridden  scum the country is currently importing by the bucket load via the RNLI.Those who do not spend a life on benefits work in the black economy.   Many working in  takeaways cooking shite  for idiot fat  cunt British people to stuff Down their gullets in copious amounts until they're in A&E gasping for breath or shitting through the eye of a needle for a week. These  new arrivals have no idea of basic sanitation and  don't wash their  hands after trying to use the toilet and failing because he didn't understand how it worked,  hence "Bob and his wife " not only fund illegal immigration  they suffer fully deserved  sphincter prolapse.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Nevermind conversing with the bellend that is elc, Big Bollock. There is no growth in the economy and people paying their taxes is needed more than ever.  Have you got a job now, after being sacked? Are you up this early for work? Or, have you been a drunken cunt again, stayed up all night and about to fall asleep? 

You've been on an all nighter, haven't you? Fucking hell, I knew it. Big Bollock, what the hell is wrong with you. At your age as well, you're a fucking disgrace. 


Someone with my skills and experience doesn't get sacked, I got made redundant because some interim socialist management cunts didn't want me making them look dog shit. I was hoping to be out of work until the end of March but unfortunately I picked up a job, on more money at the beginning of February. I have been spending some of my redundancy money on booze like buying branded whiskey from a legitimate outlet rather than Abduls duty free ethanol from his 24/7 corner emporium. Abdul keeps telling me the loss of trade will mean he can no longer support his 3 wives and 14 kids.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Even she stinks now, I am told, of lavender, cabbage soup, deep heat and soiled Tena pants.

Never.she is still  far more glamorous than the fake trout lipped plastic tits false eye lashed  covered in shit coloured foundation thick tottering around on high heels beer gutted  twats that pass for females now .

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9 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

For once you're correct. Growth in the economy is needed .That growth will not happen with Raynor donning her northern tart dominatrix outfit and intimidating small business owners .That growth most certainly won't come  from the freeloading disease ridden  scum the country is currently importing by the bucket load via the RNLI.Those who do not spend a life on benefits work in the black economy.   Many working in  takeaways cooking shite  for idiot fat  cunt British people to stuff Down their gullets in copious amounts until they're in A&E gasping for breath or shitting through the eye of a needle for a week. These  new arrivals have no idea of basic sanitation and  don't wash their  hands after trying to use the toilet and failing because he didn't understand how it worked,  hence "Bob and his wife " not only fund illegal immigration  they suffer fully deserved  sphincter prolapse.

Fuck off. 

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10 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

He was innocent!!

It is is wet and windy today, just like winter .. I asked the bus driver if it was June, she said "No it is not, I am from Poland and my name is Kristina.".

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Guest entitled little cunt
43 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Fuck off. 

Is that really the best you can do ?You do realise your comment is  the equilivent of drawing a cock with spurting adornments on the cubicle wall. If you have a difference of opinion state it. Infact try to change mine through the power of debate .You have benefitted from the minimum  of 10 years state education at significant cost to the humble taxpayer. Your pathetically lazy , lackadaisical response is an absolute insult to those who worked hard to educate you .Show some fucking respect to them you thick oaf.

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11 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Is that really the best you can do ?You do realise your comment is  the equilivent of drawing a cock with spurting adornments on the cubicle wall. If you have a difference of opinion state it. Infact try to change mine through the power of debate .You have benefitted from the minimum  of 10 years state education at significant cost to the humble taxpayer. Your pathetically lazy , lackadaisical response is an absolute insult to those who worked hard to educate you .Show some fucking respect to them you thick oaf.


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10 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

look dog shit.

Careful, Big Bollock, we don't want  @and getting in on our conversation. Lol. 


10 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I have been spending some of my redundancy money on booze like buying branded whiskey from a legitimate outlet rather than Abduls duty free ethanol from his 24/7 corner emporium. Abdul keeps telling me the loss of trade will mean he can no longer support his 3 wives and 14 kids.

Tell me about it, did you know some cunts are making counterfeit Wray and Nephew white rum. I think I'll only buy it from supermarkets now, have you tried it? It's 63% alcohol, you'd love it. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Shut up you cunt.

You're not helping yourself are you .

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1 hour ago, Prints Harry said:

So his dad was hanged three years before he was born?

Pen, you stupid old hag. You may be an annoying cunt and your relentless output drives most on here towards depression but at least you comment on topical shit. What do you think of @entitled little cunt? Have you noticed all he talks about is cocks, bumming, various other gay innuendo and the 'illegals'. 

I think the obsessed cunt has lost the fucking plot, he can't stop responding to my posts, whether directed at him or not. Lol. 

I want the stupid cunt dead. 

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