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Super mosquitoes, it's all that climate change stuff

Guest entitled little cunt

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

He's an angry,  narcissistic man-child  devoid of any human talent or spark of ingenuity. Never has a mind been so empty or so vacuous but so full of self congratulation at its supposed brilliance .

I think "man-child" is 50% wrong. 

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Ape being considered a clever genuis does explain the precarious position human thought and philosophy  finds itself after a  millenia of illuminating discovery and explanation of what surrounds us .

he Donald Trumpton claims to be a clever genius.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

 A minimum  of 10 years education , the decades training of trusted instructors who endevouvour to gift their  knowledge , skills and understanding and Ape has still to emerge from the primeval swamp .What a waste .The modern world leans at a perverse angle , its foundations weakened and corrupted by avarice  and greed .Fake is now considered beauty and the purity of  natural  beauty   considered somehow  fake  .I want for nothing that is made now, it's all just the manifestations of one dimensional  minds that  believe they know what I can't resist.Instant material  gratification has become the most deadliest of modern day addictions who's spell rarely lasts more than one sunrise .

Lay off the fucking speed. It rots your teeth and makes your brain run too fast.

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Lay off the fucking speed. It rots your teeth and makes your brain run too fast.

I wish the verbose spastic would lay off the oxygen. His latest offering, a nomination (supposedly) about the Milliband [sic] brothers, is utter gibberish.

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The wife’s toe-nail fungus could wipe the floor with this cunt.

I'm surprised anyone could bear to be in your company for more that 20 minutes .

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Lay off the fucking speed. It rots your teeth and makes your brain run too fast.

I like it .

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I wish the verbose spastic would lay off the oxygen. His latest offering, a nomination (supposedly) about the Milliband [sic] brothers, is utter gibberish.

You are judging others by what you keep  reminding everybody else  are your own immeasurably high standards. .

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Salient. But it’s fairly clear by now that this galoid is only 15 years old.

The teaboy looks over the shoulder of others and chimes in.

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I wish the verbose spastic would lay off the oxygen. His latest offering, a nomination (supposedly) about the Milliband [sic] brothers, is utter gibberish.

I suggest you get yourself a thesaurus. "Verbose" really is your favourite word and appears rather too often to have any effect .

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15 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You are judging others by what you keep  reminding everybody else  are your own immeasurably high standards. .

Ok then, dickhead, indulge me: explain what your Milliband [sic] nomination was actually about. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
48 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Ok then, dickhead, indulge me: explain what your Milliband [sic] nomination was actually about. 

You work it out , you're the clever one apparently.  

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Guest entitled little cunt
51 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I suggest you get fucked, hunchy.

Come round tonight big boy if that's the case .

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

If I hear one more thick as shit footballer say ' meritocracy ' ill go fucking mental. It is all a bit too verbose.

I turned it off ten minutes into the second half. Despite allegedly having one of the best attacking quartets in world football (according to The Sun, anyway) the cunts are up to their usual tricks of endlessly back and side passing. The yid spastic up front has been about as effective as Frank at a standup comedy improv evening and they may as well be playing with no players at all on the left flank seeming as I've seen about one attacking play the whole game coming from there.

Utter fucking dog shit, I hope they go out in the group stages.


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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, Decimus said:

I turned it off ten minutes into the second half. Despite allegedly having one of the best attacking quartets in world football (according to The Sun, anyway) the cunts are up to their usual tricks of endlessly back and side passing. The yid spastic up front has been about as effective as Frank at a standup comedy improv evening and they may as well be playing with no players at all on the left flank seeming as I've seen about one attacking play the whole game coming from there.

Utter fucking dog shit, I hope they go out in the group stages.


I dont know why they have to spit all the time .They then go rolling around on the floor , they must be covered in other people's flem.Disgusting individuals. I dont think I've ever seen anything more verbose. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
13 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I suggest you get fucked, hunchy.

It's all just  so "verbose".

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Guest entitled little cunt
20 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I wish the verbose spastic would lay off the oxygen. His latest offering, a nomination (supposedly) about the Milliband [sic] brothers, is utter gibberish.

Reported .Verbose 

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I think "man-child" is 50% wrong. 

I think you may well be right .He's an odd one. I think he's got rabies .Your old enough to remember that scare , circa 1975. Rabies was going to get us .I reckon  Ape  and the 2 other  musketeers are infected .

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14 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I suggest you get yourself a thesaurus. "Verbose" really is your favourite word and appears rather too often to have any effect .


1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I dont know why they have to spit all the time .They then go rolling around on the floor , they must be covered in other people's flem.Disgusting individuals. I dont think I've ever seen anything more verbose. 


1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

It's all just  so "verbose".


1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Reported .Verbose 

The self-fulfilling prophecy. Fucking imbecile.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:




The self-fulfilling prophecy. Fucking imbecile.

God your just soooo....verbose .

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