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Super mosquitoes, it's all that climate change stuff

Guest entitled little cunt

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35 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Good to see Scotland having the thrashing of their pissed up lives .

Adolf would be ever so proud of the German team tonight (especially the two white players).

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/06/2024 at 21:15, ChildeHarold said:

A mate and his family stayed on the coast in Scotland in the wilds and he said the so called "host" wanted them out at 10 am every morning and presumably all day.  Very inhospitable.  Same with the Welsh and fucking cunts in Cornwall.  No generosity of spirit and tight as a fly's arse.  The Johnson quote is actually

Johnson is also well-known for his poor opinion of Scots and Scotland, he once remarked “The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England.”

He also said whereas in England we feed oats to horses in Scotland they eat them. 

The rest of the UK should have a legal right to  vote if Scotland remains in the Union. Scottish motor home living first ministers  make English politicians and even that taffy twat look honest.They should be thrown out of the union and the pound taken from them then  left to rot .The EU would run a mile, the lowest life span in Europe coupled with the highest level of drug addicts. Disgusting filthy bunch of monstrosities.  The Romans weren't stupid , they knew savages when they saw them hence the wall .Stick a fence on top and put 10,000 volts through the fucker to keep them out .The worst race in the known world , horrible accents , violent , thick fucked up individuals .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/06/2024 at 21:15, ChildeHarold said:

A mate and his family stayed on the coast in Scotland in the wilds and he said the so called "host" wanted them out at 10 am every morning and presumably all day.  Very inhospitable.  Same with the Welsh and fucking cunts in Cornwall.  No generosity of spirit and tight as a fly's arse.  The Johnson quote is actually

Johnson is also well-known for his poor opinion of Scots and Scotland, he once remarked “The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees, is the high road that leads him to England.”

He also said whereas in England we feed oats to horses in Scotland they eat them. 

I never thought Boris was so eloquent , I've been to his house .

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

The rest of the UK should have a legal right to  vote if Scotland remains in the Union. Scottish motor home living first ministers  make English politicians and even that taffy twat look honest.They should be thrown out of the union and the pound taken from them then  left to rot .The EU would run a mile, the lowest life span in Europe coupled with the highest level of drug addicts. Disgusting filthy bunch of monstrosities.  The Romans weren't stupid , they knew savages when they saw them hence the wall .Stick a fence on top and put 10,000 volts through the fucker to keep them out .The worst race in the known world , horrible accents , violent , thick fucked up individuals .

While people are out eating, drinking, socialising and having fun, here you are, on a Saturday night, churning out your trademark drivel. Fucking kill yourself.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/06/2024 at 21:24, King Billy said:

Adolf would be ever so proud of the German team tonight (especially the two white players).

A team made up of women's institute best Victoria sponge judges could put at least three goals past the Scotland team.I loved seeing the faces of those Scottish fans as they watched their misplaced optimism flow past the dog ends and chewing gum in the Scottish smeg smelling  urinal of life .I went to bed all warm and fuzzy .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

While people are out eating, drinking, socialising and having fun, here you are, on a Saturday night, churning out your trademark drivel. Fucking kill yourself.

And here you are reading it .Somewhat of an own goal you fat turgid little cunt .

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Guest entitled little cunt
13 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

While people are out eating, drinking, socialising and having fun, here you are, on a Saturday night, churning out your trademark drivel. Fucking kill yourself.

Are you out having fun fat boy ? some of us work silly hours so I'm enjoying a soak in the bath .No doubt your at a VIP party , winking at  Kate Moss as you brush past Ringo Starr and swap pleasantries with  George Ezra  before leaving in your De Tomaso Pantera back to your mum and dad's place and your ickle  spunk stained bedroom .Sleep well Tennant boy .

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18 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

And here you are reading it .Somewhat of an own goal you fat turgid little cunt .


8 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Are you out having fun fat boy ? some of us work silly hours so I'm enjoying a soak in the bath .No doubt your at a VIP party , winking at  Kate Moss as you brush past Ringo Starr and swap pleasantries with  George Ezra  before leaving in your De Tomaso Pantera back to your mum and dad's place and your ickle  spunk stained bedroom .Sleep well Tennant boy .

It’s a well known situation: two replies to the same post = a rattled simpleton. Stupid old cunt.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:


It’s a well known situation: two replies to the same post = a rattled simpleton. Stupid old cunt.

Another well known situation is a fat cunt who believes himself to be far more clever than he actually is .A derogatory post highlighting perceived behavior that you are actually replicating = a silly little person without a pot to piss in.

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32 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The rest of the UK should have a legal right to  vote if Scotland remains in the Union. Scottish motor home living first ministers  make English politicians and even that taffy twat look honest.They should be thrown out of the union and the pound taken from them then  left to rot .The EU would run a mile, the lowest life span in Europe coupled with the highest level of drug addicts. Disgusting filthy bunch of monstrosities.  The Romans weren't stupid , they knew savages when they saw them hence the wall .Stick a fence on top and put 10,000 volts through the fucker to keep them out .The worst race in the known world , horrible accents , violent , thick fucked up individuals .

I would say Scotland was humiliated by Germany.  I guess they'll be out by the end of their next match.   As usual England has an easy ride into the competition.   I musy say Germany played some very very nice football. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's amazing to think Boris was born in the 18th century.   BUPA is worth every penny farthing. 

He's no fool , he wrote that dictionary thing .

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Another well known situation is a fat cunt who believes himself to be far more clever than he actually is .A derogatory post highlighting perceived behavior that you are actually replicating = a silly little person without a pot to piss in.

Ape tosses abuse around as if this website was purely for trading insults and nuffing else.   Fruit and nut.  Plenty of nut. 

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Another well known situation is a fat cunt who believes himself to be far more clever than he actually is .A derogatory post highlighting perceived behavior that you are actually replicating = a silly little person without a pot to piss in.

Trust me, hunchback, I’m definitely “far more clever” than you. Fucking dope.

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Guest entitled little cunt
27 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Trust me, hunchback, I’m definitely “far more clever” than you. Fucking dope.

You're setting your bar very low .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Fucking right I am.

A man of your talents shouldn't be fencing with the likes of me . Ensure your dueling  scar is from the sword of  a laureate. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

This is cleverer than it appears.

 A minimum  of 10 years education , the decades training of trusted instructors who endevouvour to gift their  knowledge , skills and understanding and Ape has still to emerge from the primeval swamp .What a waste .The modern world leans at a perverse angle , its foundations weakened and corrupted by avarice  and greed .Fake is now considered beauty and the purity of  natural  beauty   considered somehow  fake  .I want for nothing that is made now, it's all just the manifestations of one dimensional  minds that  believe they know what I can't resist.Instant material  gratification has become the most deadliest of modern day addictions who's spell rarely lasts more than one sunrise .

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Ape tosses abuse around as if this website was purely for trading insults and nuffing else.   Fruit and nut.  Plenty of nut. 

He's an angry,  narcissistic man-child  devoid of any human talent or spark of ingenuity. Never has a mind been so empty or so vacuous but so full of self congratulation at its supposed brilliance .

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Prints Harry said:

But is @Ape™️ a clever genius? @Cuntybaws should decide this,

Ape being considered a clever genuis does explain the precarious position human thought and philosophy  finds itself after a  millenia of illuminating discovery and explanation of what surrounds us .

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