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HOTTEST MAY (and spring) in the U.K. since records began

King Billy

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4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I have really tried hard to patch things up with Billy, including tickets to the premiere of Popeye the Sailor (Will Smith) Leicester Square, followed by a candlelit dinner in Soho and a reckless life affirming midnight plunge into the man ponds of Hampstead Heath.  All I got was "Fuck off."  I'm running out of patience And.  What shall I do? 

Good Night Harold

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

I won’t hold it against you if you don’t read or respond to anything I post in future. 
Tbh if I wanted to hear the current opinions of the dribbling spastic community here on CC I’d just have a quick look at the stream of shite that you, Pen, Harold and a few other brain damaged retards insist on posting constantly.

Carry on. The only way is up for you. Everyone loves a trier.

You are the exception then.  

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22 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's "sweet prince", and it's Hamlet. Thick cunt.

Thank you, it's just I'm exhausted by my train journey home from a day trip to London.  I was sandwiched between two really fit blonds while a dark brown haired lass sat opposite me giving me occasional demure looks.  They all had really ample firm tits and from what I could see well proportioned arses.  My cock was so hard I could hardly walk home from the station. 

I hope this explains my stupidity and a thousand apologies.  LOL. 

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1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

I imagine the politics round you doesn't reflect the polls in England. 

I don’t want to make you look anymore of a complete fucking moronic arsewipe in front of your ‘Mean Girls’ fan club (Frank, Pen and HOC) than you already do, but this is ‘Cunts Corner’, not ‘Leftie Spastics Corner’. 
No need to thank me before you fuck off, or even better kill yourself.

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On 05/06/2024 at 23:58, King Billy said:

For all you fucking conspiracy theorists, especially ‘climate change deniers’ (the worst type) it’s about time you all grew up and tuned in to Sky News if you want to know the truth about the catastrophic danger we in the U.K. are faced with right now. According to Sky News (who would never lie obviously), the Met Office (who also would never lie obviously) May was the hottest on record in the U.K. and as if that wasn’t terrifying enough the entire Spring season in the U.K. was too.

In fact the plastic faced, fake news whore who found herself in the unfortunate position of having to read this shocking report from her teleprompter, had to stop herself from bursting into a fit of laughter, as she heard the words that were coming out of her facial orifice that I assume is more accustomed to ‘loads of cock in’ than this astounding ‘pile of absolute bollocks out’.

Apparently, even though the entire country may have thought this spring (May included) has been cold, wet, and as we speak still that, compared to most years in living memory. Well you can forget those silly ideas because while you’ve been sleeping the nights have been hotter and no one noticed. 
So listen up. Any of you cunts who drive an electric car (or even an ICE one that cuts the engine every time you pull up at a junction), recycles their rubbish, hands over 30p or more for a plastic bag or £2 for a ‘bag for life’ at the shops, thinks Greta Thunderberg shouldn’t be tossed into the nearest wood chipper, or has a smart meter, a heat pump and solar panels on their roof that normal people pull over just to fucking laugh at….They’re taking the fucking piss out of you and getting rich with the added bonus of laughing at how easy it was to fleece you out of every fucking penny you had.

Sir Kier Starmer flying to Scotland last week by private  jet to make a speech to offshore oil workers, promising that his pie in the sky GB Energy fantasy would create hundreds of thousands of new highly paid ‘green, eco friendly, net zero’ etc. etc etc. jobs for them all when they get sacked from their current jobs as soon as the Lego Head cunt gets into No.10 and his globalist masters give him his orders for the next five years.

Fuck off.

When I first heard this bollocks I thought that the county of Surrey had is own fucking climate and the rest of the UK was basking in Mediterranean weather. Wet and windy May was. Hot it was definitely not. 

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On 06/06/2024 at 23:58, King Billy said:

I don’t want to make you look anymore of a complete fucking moronic arsewipe in front of your ‘Mean Girls’ fan club (Frank, Pen and HOC) than you already do, but this is ‘Cunts Corner’, not ‘Leftie Spastics Corner’. 
No need to thank me before you fuck off, or even better kill yourself.

Billy, calm down and take a stress pill.  The Hal 9000 has never been known to fail.  In all respects it is regarded as perfect.  I suggest you put the unit back and wait to see what happens. I enjoy working with human beings. 


.... and a Twix. 

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On 07/06/2024 at 11:04, Hammer of Cunts said:

Of course not, he's fucking Welsh or something.

No good asking you for directions then!  Excuse me kind Sir, could you direct me to the nearest Post Office?   

You: Of course.  What a charming lovely young lady. 

Thank you (fluttering false eyelashes) 

You: Take the first or second turning left or right.  Go straight past the Tescos or petrol station and cross over or turn right at the roundabout or T junction.  That's a lovely pair of big ones! 

Oooh you are awful.  But I like you. 



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11 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

When I first heard this bollocks I thought that the county of Surrey had is own fucking climate and the rest of the UK was basking in Mediterranean weather. Wet and windy May was. Hot it was definitely not. 

But then they foot slide to

Spring including May is the warmest on record


Global warming which the UK is part of. 

How's that?  Spain is in drought.  We have never experienced a four year drought.  Etc Etc. These cunts are fully paid up members where all things and everything is confirming their theories because it SUITS (£) them. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

No good asking you for directions then!  Excuse me kind Sir, could you direct me to the nearest Post Office?   

You: Of course.  What a charming lovely young lady. 

Thank you (fluttering false eyelashes) 

You: Take the first or second turning left or right.  Go straight past the Tescos or petrol station and cross over or turn right at the roundabout or T junction.  That's a lovely pair of big ones! 

Oooh you are awful.  But I like you. 



This is absolute gibberish; are you Irish or something?

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This is the Big Lie "delving deeper into the data" which means in common parlance finding reasons to justify your bullshit argument like... 

"I was minding my own business when..." 

"I had a troubled childhood...." 

"The zombie knife got into my bag by mistake which I accidentally went back to the house to collect" 

"The Zombie Knife came from a friend's collection of movie memorabilia and he placed it in my bag during a harmless game of hide and seek with other school mates..." 

Hence, cos they think we are so fucking pulverised by the fake fake world we live in.... 

" cloudy and damp doesn’t mean cool or cold... "




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