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Trump Convicted of 34 Felonies


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10 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You'll have all the evidence you can handle on election night .No one likes being told what to do  and how to think .All populations in western democracies are sceptical  of the "big State " poking their oar in.Biden will pay a heavy price .The geriatric old cunt and his bent family better fuck off  to Cuba after he's lost   because Trump is going to nail the cunt to the wall.

So... No evidence then.

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11 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Which aspect of Trump do you most admire?

Is it the proven rapist or the convicted fraud?

I think that it is the "Billy Bullshitter" aspect of Trump that he most admires .. Trump is really just another manchild like himself.

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Guest entitled little cunt
20 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Which aspect of Trump do you most admire?

Is it the proven rapist or the convicted fraud?

Both I think .

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Both I think .


8 minutes ago, Prints Harry said:

I think that it is the "Billy Bullshitter" aspect of Trump that he most admires .. Trump is really just another manchild like himself.

Due to  his cognitive decline I think its safe to say Mr.Biden is quite possibly the perfect example of "man child".He wasn't much cop even before his brain turned to Swiss cheese.Its best to look at the alternative before throwing the baby out with the bathwater .Biden and his enterage are the real  sinister nutters , not Trump .

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9 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:


Due to  his cognitive decline I think its safe to say Mr.Biden is quite possibly the perfect example of "man child".He wasn't much cop even before his brain turned to Swiss cheese.Its best to look at the alternative before throwing the baby out with the bathwater .Biden and his enterage are the real  sinister nutters , not Trump .

So you think that serial Walter Mitty who just happens to appear to very rich is not a "real nutter" .. is your brain made of fairy cake?

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

How Joe and Hunter have avoided jail I don't know.  His son is a tax fraudster which is a lot more serious than writing off personal services as business expenses.  And his dabblings in the Ukrainian minong industry is pretty troubling given the war. 

Biden is sorting out the muddleast as well apparently. He's doing his Chamberlain "peace in our time " again. I think that's three times in 6 months .Hopefully the old cunt will finish the job,  fall down the stairs as he's waving his white piece of paper and break his fucking neck .silly old cunt .Trump for all his faults is a deal maker,  will bang some heads together and try to fuck a few old slappers .The World behaves like there's never been a liar and criminal living in the Whitehouse.It comes with the job .That cunt Obama gave false hope to the hapless and hopeless then fucked off not having made an iota of difference apart from his idiot wife writing a vomit inducing book about their relationship. Cunts the lot of 'em.

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

How Joe and Hunter have avoided jail I don't know.  His son is a tax fraudster which is a lot more serious than writing off personal services as business expenses.  And his dabblings in the Ukrainian minong industry is pretty troubling given the war. 

Biden is sorting out the muddleast as well apparently. He's doing his Chamberlain "peace in our time " again. I think that's three times in 6 months .Hopefully the old cunt will finish the job,  fall down the stairs as he's waving his white piece of paper and break his fucking neck .silly old cunt .Trump for all his faults is a deal maker,  will bang some heads together and try to fuck a few old slappers .The World behaves like there's never been a liar and criminal living in the Whitehouse.It comes with the job .That cunt Obama gave false hope to the hapless and hopeless then fucked off not having made an iota of difference apart from his idiot wife writing a vomit inducing book about their relationship. Cunts the lot of 'em.

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The Donald is shit scared of something .. this became obvious by late 2019 with the realisation that he was likely to lose the election .. a normal leader would have accepted his fate and gone on to the circuit of after dinner speakers and other wealth generating activities of former leaders Tony of Blair and Gordon of Brown have both done well. The truth though with Donald is that his past is catching up with him and the real chance of gaol time is a possibility and there were will also be issues for his family. There are also question about how much wealth he does (or does not) have .. like many of these billionaires and near billionaires their actual wealth is only what they say or other people think they are worth ,, we know that Billy Bullshitter has got a fleet of expensive cars and other property (just so long as other people believe him). We are also aware of a year old Bentley. Most of it is pure bullshit and is simply a case of many of these "multi billionaires" spending other peoples money. Zzzzzzzz.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Biden is sorting out the muddleast as well apparently. He's doing his Chamberlain "peace in our time " again. I think that's three times in 6 months .Hopefully the old cunt will finish the job,  fall down the stairs as he's waving his white piece of paper and break his fucking neck .silly old cunt .Trump for all his faults is a deal maker,  will bang some heads together and try to fuck a few old slappers .The World behaves like there's never been a liar and criminal living in the Whitehouse.It comes with the job .That cunt Obama gave false hope to the hapless and hopeless then fucked off not having made an iota of difference apart from his idiot wife writing a vomit inducing book about their relationship. Cunts the lot of 'em.

It's all sound bite politics to capitalise on your opponent' s perceived setback.  With Biden they can't disguise his frailty anymore and I find it amazing Americans with their straightforward outlook could think he's fit for another five yrars.   Painting Trump as an equally bad alternative is a rather lame reason to vote. 

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Biden is sorting out the muddleast as well apparently. He's doing his Chamberlain "peace in our time " again. I think that's three times in 6 months .Hopefully the old cunt will finish the job,  fall down the stairs as he's waving his white piece of paper and break his fucking neck .silly old cunt .Trump for all his faults is a deal maker,  will bang some heads together and try to fuck a few old slappers .The World behaves like there's never been a liar and criminal living in the Whitehouse.It comes with the job .That cunt Obama gave false hope to the hapless and hopeless then fucked off not having made an iota of difference apart from his idiot wife writing a vomit inducing book about their relationship. Cunts the lot of 'em.

He was a black devil.  Very crafty and underhand. 

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

He was a black devil.  Very crafty and underhand. 

So, basically he was a white man in blackface?

There's a lot of it about...

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10 hours ago, Prints Harry said:

The Donald is shit scared of something .. this became obvious by late 2019 with the realisation that he was likely to lose the election .. a normal leader would have accepted his fate and gone on to the circuit of after dinner speakers and other wealth generating activities of former leaders Tony of Blair and Gordon of Brown have both done well. The truth though with Donald is that his past is catching up with him and the real chance of gaol time is a possibility and there were will also be issues for his family. There are also question about how much wealth he does (or does not) have .. like many of these billionaires and near billionaires their actual wealth is only what they say or other people think they are worth ,, we know that Billy Bullshitter has got a fleet of expensive cars and other property (just so long as other people believe him). We are also aware of a year old Bentley. Most of it is pure bullshit and is simply a case of many of these "multi billionaires" spending other peoples money. Zzzzzzzz.

I never understood why so many thick backwards chavs from this country are so emotionally invested in the politics of a bunch of foreign parasites on the other side of the world,when the same country has thrown the UK under the bus more times than can be counted.

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3 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

I never understood why so many thick backwards chavs from this country are so emotionally invested in the politics of a bunch of foreign parasites on the other side of the world,when the same country has thrown the UK under the bus more times than can be counted.

Right on!   And fucking Thunder Thighs Dancing Slut Queen Beyonce ain't no country singer either.  The black greedy cunthole.  And another thing.... there's always a dollar in it for Yankee business.   That's the bottom line.   The British establishment, its MI6, Civil Service, Foreign Office, Military and most of its economy is a Yankee proxy.  They tried to get rid of Wilson for saying no to Vietnam.  They threatened Blair over Iraq.   Ever since then he's looked like a frightened puppet on a string.  They made him an offer he couldn't refuse.   

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Right on!   And fucking Thunder Thighs Dancing Slut Queen Beyonce ain't no country singer either.  The black greedy cunthole.  And another thing.... there's always a dollar in it for Yankee business.   That's the bottom line.   The British establishment, its MI6, Civil Service, Foreign Office, Military and most of its economy is a Yankee proxy.  They tried to get rid of Wilson for saying no to Vietnam.  They threatened Blair over Iraq.   Ever since then he's looked like a frightened puppet on a string.  They made him an offer he couldn't refuse.   

It's important what happens there because it tends to happen here after a delay .The UK has always been the awkward kid in the playground around its European contemporaries because of language and culture .Maybe the UK is drawn to  the US because its easier than having to get a dictionary  out to ask for the simplest  of things. 

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21 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It's important what happens there because it tends to happen here after a delay .The UK has always been the awkward kid in the playground around its European contemporaries because of language and culture .Maybe the UK is drawn to  the US because its easier than having to get a dictionary  out to ask for the simplest  of things. 

Having a world language to fall back on is a curse because the effort to learn another language along with that culture can actually sharpen up your brain across the board and your attitude in general.  Them abroad have to teach English in their schools as a main subject (they often speak and write it better than us) in order to get on but they also have that discipline.   I think our kids would take to languages more if thefe was that urgency that if you DIDN learn English you'd be held back or be inferior to your mates.   In England nobody gives a fuck and that's a bad thing it breeds contempt for learning in general.  Also lack of respect.  When you learn your mistake it's too late.   We're not helped by living on an island as it imparts that inward mentality. 

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