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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I bet you still have it in your drawer, sentimental value.  Try vinted, but scrub the semen stains out first. 

She loved me in it .

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Do you still have the dress you wore to get onto the Titanic’s last lifeboat?

That was a night to remember .

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14 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Do you still have the dress you wore to get onto the Titanic’s last lifeboat?

I'll call a very old friend of mine...Bobby Moore did not steal the bracelet. This is a slur on his character.

Southend Utd, as me and Wilko Johnson know well...Deserve our very, very best.


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Guest entitled little cunt
25 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'll call a very old friend of mine...Bobby Moore did not steal the bracelet. This is a slur on his character.

Southend Utd, as me and Wilko Johnson know well...Deserve our very, very best.


What ?

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Decimus said:

You heard.

That's what my mum used to say along with "dont you dare show me up" and "ill wipe that smirk off your face "  

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

That's what my mum used to say along with "dont you dare show me up" and "ill wipe that smirk off your face "  

Me mum used to say. "The point is sharp".

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44 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

That's what my mum used to say along with "dont you dare show me up" and "ill wipe that smirk off your face "  

Along with ‘what the fuck is that?’ To the midwife.

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Along with ‘what the fuck is that?’ To the midwife.

Is that you dad ?.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, King Billy said:

That explains where your nickname ‘Little red wanking hood’ originated. 

Broadsword calling Danny boy , broadsword calling little red wanking hood 

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Could these Tory cunts be any more fucking obvious. All of a sudden, 6 weeks before an election and 14 years after they’ve been in power (when they’ve butchered the armed forces establishment) their brand new ‘plan’ announced today is to bring back ‘mandatory national service!’  Except it isn’t. 18 year olds can either opt for a year in the military or volunteer for 25 days in a year to work ‘in the community.’ Take a fuckin wild guess which option most University eligible kids are going to opt for. What a squalid bunch of filthy, disingenuous, disgusting cunts this ‘party’ have degenerated into. I want them all dead and this dwarf dusky cunt’s head on a spike outside Whitehall and his wife married off to Corbyn. Cunts.


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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Could these Tory cunts be any more fucking obvious. All of a sudden, 6 weeks before an election and 14 years after they’ve been in power (when they’ve butchered the armed forces establishment) their brand new ‘plan’ announced today is to bring back ‘mandatory national service!’  Except it isn’t. 18 year olds can either opt for a year in the military or volunteer for 25 days in a year to work ‘in the community.’ Take a fuckin wild guess which option most University eligible kids are going to opt for. What a squalid bunch of filthy, disingenuous, disgusting cunts this ‘party’ have degenerated into. I want them all dead and this dwarf dusky cunt’s head on a spike outside Whitehall and his wife married off to Corbyn. Cunts.


National service , that's fucking hilarious .Putins army of vodka swilling thick cunts with no neck will be terrified by a load of trans 18 year olds in camouflage  mini skirts with dangling cocks and painted nails shouting about climate change and their mental health trauma .Sunak has finally lost all connection with reality ,  not that the spoilt little Indian poof had much to start with .Non Caucasians make shit polititions , either corrupt  or inept .

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Oh really. Did you like her dressing up like a girl? Did you buy it for her? Is that why she's your ex wife? 


Yes and yes and no .I prefer girls to be girls rather than the  non binary sorts so popular these days .I dont understand quite what you're trying to insinuate .If its what I think it is that's something constructed  in your own damaged  mind rather than mine .Don't project.

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Prints Harry said:

Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows


Make it also for all idle cunts under 55 .. Bring back the birch!

And over 55's.Those who have attended public schools will probably enjoy it .

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You're being watched, Harold. 


Watch out Hong Kong phooey is on his hobby horse.Fucking idiot .

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On 23/05/2024 at 20:10, entitled little cunt said:

If you have such opulent trappings of success, and I dont  doubt you ,  why do you behave like a silly little adolescent  hold up in a wank smelling bedroom in his parents house. Maybe you need to improve your bedside manner  to match your trappings of obvious wealth .You seem to me to be a rather embittered silly person who hasn't had a lot of sex.You did ask what I thought .

You need to stop passing judgement on 'Characters' that play a role they choose to play here... You take it far too seriously and have even called @Frank 'one of the good ones' which is a clear indicator of your awful judgement. elc, can you understand that saying who should and shouldn't be here, going on and on about 'illegals' (when you're part immigrant yourself) and talking about keeping the 'bloodline' of this country pure, when you're descended from a goat herder can cause members to turn on you? You must be a Muslim, because like them, you want this place to change to your liking instead of adapting and fitting in. 

Go fuck yourself. 


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15 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Yes and yes and no .I prefer girls to be girls rather than the  non binary sorts so popular these days .I dont understand quite what you're trying to insinuate .If its what I think it is that's something constructed  in your own damaged  mind rather than mine .Don't project.


It's no wonder you get on so well with @ChildeHarold

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You need to stop passing judgement on 'Characters' that play a role they choose to play here... You take it far too seriously and have even called @Frank 'one of the good ones' which was a a clear indicator if your awful judgement. elc, can you understand that saying who should and shouldn't be here, going on and on about 'illegals' (when you're part immigrant yourself) and talking about keeping the 'bloodline' of this country pure, when you're descended from a goat herder can cause members to turn on you? You must be a Muslim, because like them, you want this place to change to your liking instead of adapting and fitting in. 

Go fuck yourself. 


I happen to like Frank .I have not said who should be here or not , that's not up to me .I have made it clear I find you  repulsive , thats all.Do you know how many hard working fully integrated  people from abroad are so fucked off by illegals arriving and being spoon fed courtesy  of the tax payer? .Fucking plenty. In any immigrant population you will find those who are grateful to this country and loyal to it .Infact many are more British at heart  than the British .They dont like freeloading useless cunts just as much as any British born member of society  and feel the country is being damaged by uncontrolled immigration.Thats the important word,  uncontrolled. NO SKILLS and a  possible danger to others. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


It's no wonder you get on so well with @ChildeHarold

Reported for what exactly ? If you dont like girls,as in female  humans that's your perogative. Would you like to spell out just  exactly what you are insinuating?. 

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6 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I happen to like Frank .

This one comment should be enough to endear you to the majority of the corner. Well done. You’ve pulled off a fucking master stroke and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Frank immediately stepped down and endorsed you as the undisputed ‘best on here’ now.

The rest of your post I actually agree with.

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