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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’m available for the ‘Ministry of Truth’ gig DC. It sorely needs a new boss to get it back on the right track. So much misinformation and disinformation has been allowed to run rampant recently. I may be the only person that can save it.

After I’ve fingered the friggery out of that Esther McVey fuckess (I did, mid-80s btw) that Minister for Common Sense department will have a vacancy. PM me your CV.

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Guest entitled little cunt
24 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

From the bottom of my heart, I genuinely hope that you get stage 10 of every organ in your body, tonight. You useless, site-polluting little shitcunt. I also hope that your family come around and clap as you writhe in pain.

Thankyou , that's nice of you to say .

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2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

What do you make of @Frank awarding elc likes, DC? We all know he's a shit stirrer but at least he's doing as he's told... (I told him not to log in whilst either of us are on the leaderboard) lol. 

It must be sad for a fading Corner character like him to witness his own decline and our rise. Lol. 

He’s lashing out, bro. From his last pic he’s clearly got rickets and impetigo.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Drowned brown rat today has one fan…Paula Vennells. That putrid ginger whore would’ve been all over the headlines and fucking finished had it not been for the token dusky wanker calling time on his political career before fucking off to California. I want them both eviscerated, disembowelled and then killed…twice.

I fuckin loved that sub-postmasters job. 

You were guilty.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

He’s lashing out, bro. From his last pic he’s clearly got rickets and impetigo.

Fucking hell , its the mob.The cc mafia , I bet OcR puts cotton wool in his mouth and walks around like Don corleone slapping his followers on the back .The cuntfather .


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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Reported for thread derailment. (Rule 10).


Reported for being perculiar .

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

He’s lashing out, bro. From his last pic he’s clearly got rickets and impetigo.

He’s got huge penile warts on his taramasalata crusted tongue and his tonsils are indelibly shit stained (Somalian immigrant flavour obviously).

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fucking hell , its the mob.The cc mafia , I bet OcR puts cotton wool in his mouth and walks around like Don corleone slapping his followers on the back .The cuntfather .



8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Reported for being perculiar .

You write that and then call me peculiar? You creepy cunt.

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9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Business write off… dickhead. The interior in the new one is something to behold. Connolly hide, vibrating massage seats and a sharpened lance in the front bumper for when I track you down…and I will.

Who would have guessed that you would have a car with 'Bent' in its name.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Who would have guessed that you would have a car with 'Bent' in its name.

W.O Bentley would only sell his motor carriages to who he considered to be gentlemen.Now any old dusky small time drug dealer in Tower Hamlets with 10k in his pocket can own one. The name means nothing anymore .Everything , absolutely everything made in the Past 40 years is shit  and not worth the cheese under my foreskin if I had one .Cardboard houses , vulgar cars , vulgar people , too much foundation , false eyelashes and filtered pictures and every cunt with a problem in life, which is quite normal , unless you're Huw Edwards  have   suicidal  thoughts . All a load of utter wank .

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, King Billy said:

The that is very perculiar too OCR so I’m staying out of this one.


9 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


You write that and then call me peculiar? You creepy cunt.

Have you not seen Peter Sellers doing his Godfather thing? .I doubt you know who Peter Sellers was or have any idea of the  f.f.Coppola film  .In keeping with your generation you’re an vacucuous void  of nothingness destined  to roam this world with without even a pot to urinate in.Why , because my generation knicked all the money  and property from under your noses. The saddest thing is those on their computer games didn't  even look up to take notice of what was going on.Keep gluing yourselves to roads,  suckers.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 minutes ago, Prints Harry said:

What about @Ape™️?

What about Ape? I've not read one sentence he  has written that forms any form of credible opinion.The bloke is a buffoon.Unfortunately for him,  he believes he's a literary font of all knowledge whilst actually  presenting as an adolescent with playground behavioural  tendencies. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, King Billy said:

He’s got huge penile warts on his taramasalata crusted tongue and his tonsils are indelibly shit stained (Somalian immigrant flavour obviously).

His breath must smell terrible .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:


Have you not seen Peter Sellers doing his Godfather thing? .I doubt you know who Peter Sellers was or have any idea of the  f.f.Coppola film  .In keeping with your generation you’re an vacucuous void  of nothingness destined  to roam this world with without even a pot to urinate in.Why , because my generation knicked all the money  and property from under your noses. The saddest thing is those on their computer games didn't  even look up to take notice of what was going on.Keep gluing yourselves to roads,  suckers.

Are you talking to me? After working out what you're trying to say in your own thick spastic way, I'll respond, you embarrassingly thick old cunt. Anyone can say or claim anything on here, you can even pretend to spend £1000 on 4 pairs of plimsolls like @Frank. Lol. Firstly, I don't believe a thick, can't spell for shit cunt like you could even sign a letter, let alone a mortgage agreement. Lol. 

Secondly, as for me not having a pot to urinate (piss?) in... I'll have you know that I live in (in my humble opinion) the best part of London (Notting Hill), have a second place in the west country and own property here and abroad. Could be bullshit, but it could also be true. 

What do you think about that then, you thick unemployable spastic? Lol. 


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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'll have you know that I live in (in my humble opinion) the best part of London (Notting Hill), have a second place in the west country and own property here and abroad. Could be bullshit

Oh, come on, it couldn't be anything else but bullshit.

Don't pretend you come on here for a distraction from your opulent lifestyle, it'll make you look a big a cunt as you evidently are.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:



7 minutes ago, and said:

Oh, come on, it couldn't be anything else but bullshit.

Don't pretend you come on here for a distraction from your opulent lifestyle, it'll make you look a big a cunt as you evidently are.

What is it with you? The mention of shit or any word containing it causes an immediate reaction from you. Lol. 

Eat shit. 

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12 minutes ago, and said:

Oh, come on, it couldn't be anything else but bullshit.

Don't pretend you come on here for a distraction from your opulent lifestyle, it'll make you look a big a cunt as you evidently are.

Oh, I forgot to mention some land I own abroad also. Lol.


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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

What is it with you? The mention of shit or any word containing it causes an immediate reaction from you. Lol. 

What is it with you, OCR?

You seem to be on a constant alert, any mention of shit, or any word containing it, causes an immediate reaction.

Lol lol lol

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3 minutes ago, and said:

What is it with you, OCR?

You seem to be on a constant alert, any mention of shit, or any word containing it, causes an immediate reaction.

Lol lol lol

How old are you anyways, and? You must be at least 45, did you think you'd be eating Aldi cereal as a treat (with dried shit garnish) when you were a nipper? You have failed in life, I thought your lot had loads of money. Lol.

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7 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

How old are you anyways, and? You must be at least 45, did you think you'd be eating Aldi cereal as a treat (with dried shit garnish) when you were a nipper? You have failed in life, I thought your lot had loads of money. Lol.

As evidenced by your constant childish sniping, how old are you, Windrush?

Incidentally, nobody thinks I failed in life when I park my 'year old Bentley' in the local Aldi carpark.

Lol, lol,lol

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17 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

How old are you anyways, and? You must be at least 45, did you think you'd be eating Aldi cereal as a treat (with dried shit garnish) when you were a nipper? You have failed in life, I thought your lot had loads of money. Lol.

And here we go with the LB wind ups again. 
 Try banging 4 likes onto me in 3 minutes and see what happens. Lol. 

Edited by Eric Cuntman
Make that 7
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11 minutes ago, and said:

As evidenced by your constant childish sniping, how old are you, Windrush?

Incidentally, nobody thinks I failed in life when I park my 'year old Bentley' in the local Aldi carpark.

Lol, lol,lol

Its been a year old Bentley since you bought it in 2007.

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