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Ken Clarke, time please!

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Time to fucking go.  The weasel's been in Westminster since 1970.  The brown shoes shuffler ciggie and pint in hand, tobacco industry sponsored, to vote against smoking laws, has now been found to lie and cover up over the infected blood scandal.  The cunt has a lot to answer for, not least the eyewatering cost now of belatedly putting things right with the victims.   NOT doing the right thing is ingrained in this bleary eyed old lag's mentality and the sooner he is turfed out of his Lordshits the better.   But does public wrongdoing, deception in office, ever get punished in this glorious beacon of democracy.. like fuck.  When it comes to accountability this might as well be Beijing, Moscow or Tehran.   No, the taxpayer under Labour will just pick up the bill, the triple lock on pensions will be dropped to pay for it, etc etc and little Kenny will quietly carry on bathing in his honourable cronies company and perks.  

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Time to fucking go.  The weasel's been in Westminster since 1970.  The brown shoes shuffler ciggie and pint in hand, tobacco industry sponsored, to vote against smoking laws, has now been found to lie and cover up over the infected blood scandal.  The cunt has a lot to answer for, not least the eyewatering cost now of belatedly putting things right with the victims.   NOT doing the right thing is ingrained in this bleary eyed old lag's mentality and the sooner he is turfed out of his Lordshits the better.   But does public wrongdoing, deception in office, ever get punished in this glorious beacon of democracy.. like fuck.  When it comes to accountability this might as well be Beijing, Moscow or Tehran.   No, the taxpayer under Labour will just pick up the bill, the triple lock on pensions will be dropped to pay for it, etc etc and little Kenny will quietly carry on bathing in his honourable cronies company and perks.  

Isn’t it absolutely breathtaking to see the entire political, media and chattering classes in unison tearing their hair out and clutching their pearls over the ‘contaminated blood scandal’. All spewing out the same, obviously well rehearsed  script…’The worst scandal in British medical history, decades of cover up by the NHS and politicians’.

Fast forward twenty or thirty years from now and the exact same dishonest, word for word  BS will be ‘BREAKING NEWS’ and the next  generation of liars, puppets and tyrants will be wiping away fake tears over the ongoing decimation of the health of the British public due to the Covid scamdemic fiasco and the inhuman and totally unnecessary measures (lockdowns, anti-social distancing, face nappy mandates and worst of all government and MSM coercion  to scare tens of millions of tbh spineless fucking idiots into becoming human Guinea pigs for an untested and now proven to be unsafe and ineffective experimental gene therapy for a virus which posed no threat to 99.9% of the population.

But by then, as now with the blood scandal and numerous other scandals previously, all the major perpetrators will either be dead or if still alive claim to have been trying to expose said scandal for years.

Cesspit of fucking scumbag pondlife is far too complimentary a description of the elitists who waft their way through life in this country and all the other so called ‘bastions of democracy’, laughing while  shitting from their ivory towers on the unwashed masses below them who go to work everyday to pay with their taxes for these vile cunts privileged, extravagant and degenerate lifestyles.

Fuck off.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

Isn’t it absolutely breathtaking to see the entire political, media and chattering classes in unison tearing their hair out and clutching their pearls over the ‘contaminated blood scandal’. All spewing out the same, obviously well rehearsed  script…’The worst scandal in British medical history, decades of cover up by the NHS and politicians’.

Fast forward twenty or thirty years from now and the exact same dishonest, word for word  BS will be ‘BREAKING NEWS’ and the next  generation of liars, puppets and tyrants will be wiping away fake tears over the ongoing decimation of the health of the British public due to the Covid scamdemic fiasco and the inhuman and totally unnecessary measures (lockdowns, anti-social distancing, face nappy mandates and worst of all government and MSM coercion  to scare tens of millions of tbh spineless fucking idiots into becoming human Guinea pigs for an untested and now proven to be unsafe and ineffective experimental gene therapy for a virus which posed no threat to 99.9% of the population.

But by then, as now with the blood scandal and numerous other scandals previously, all the major perpetrators will either be dead or if still alive claim to have been trying to expose said scandal for years.

Cesspit of fucking scumbag pondlife is far too complimentary a description of the elitists who waft their way through life in this country and all the other so called ‘bastions of democracy’, laughing while  shitting from their ivory towers on the unwashed masses below them who go to work everyday to pay with their taxes for these vile cunts privileged, extravagant and degenerate lifestyles.

Fuck off.

They must ease their conscience with the usual "least bad option" argument... and the usual several glasses of vintage claret every night... and the usual... 

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Guest entitled little cunt

Ken Clarke made Tony Blair .Because of Clarke there was plenty of money in the  government coffers  for Blair to spunk .

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20 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Ken Clarke made Tony Blair .Because of Clarke there was plenty of money in the  government coffers  for Blair to spunk .

Blair & Brown kept to Clarke’s spending plans and limits for over two years, so, yet again you’re talking out of your arse H. Fuck off.

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Blair & Brown kept to Clarke’s spending plans and limits for over two years, so, yet again you’re talking out of your arse H. Fuck off.

When you say "plenty of money" are you referring to the fact this country's public finances are on their arse most of the time? 

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39 minutes ago, Prints Harry said:

I have been watching Paula Vennells squirming .. I did wonder whether she was a frustrated virgin but it turns out that she is married with two adult sons.

You have heard of 'artificial insemination'?

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4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Blair & Brown kept to Clarke’s spending plans and limits for over two years

And then went to town, frittering away our finances for the next nine. 🤑

What happened to our gold reserves, Gordon?

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9 minutes ago, and said:

And then went to town, frittering away our finances for the next nine. 🤑

What happened to our gold reserves, Gordon?

Fuck you.  So investment in childcare and early years and the NHS is "frittering"?  Go and fuck yourself and say hello to your arsehole on the way out.  Cunt. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I blame it on the boogie. 

And the moonlight 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 22/05/2024 at 12:08, and said:

What a surprise 🙄

What did I say , huh

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16 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Fuck you.  So investment in childcare and early years and the NHS is "frittering"?  Go and fuck yourself and say hello to your arsehole on the way out.  Cunt. 

Stop getting upset, all politicians are self-serving cunts, surely you should have realised that by now?

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1 hour ago, and said:

Stop getting upset, all politicians are self-serving cunts, surely you should have realised that by now?

Listen - (I've travelled every highway.... 🎶 🎶 🎶...) there's a thin blue line that separates the 100% shits from the 50% shits.  

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Listen - (I've travelled every highway.... 🎶 🎶 🎶...) there's a thin blue line that separates the 100% shits from the 50% shits.  

That would be the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection squad, that stop us attacking the self-serving cunts in Westminster.

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