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Charging to park your car on Dartmoor


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7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fuck me give him a blow job why don't you .Thankfully I'm not here to win the fucking  Pollitzer prize you supercilious  cunt .I couldn't give a fuck what you think .I can't quite see how you believe you can judge considering your the eqilivent of a literary urinary  tract infection. Unwanted,  annoying and rather painful at times. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:


Ooo...if I could be bothered I'd post a baboons arse but I cant .Are you insinuating I'm rattled?.It would take more than you to do that .OCR and Ape are cunts but they are clever cunts , unfortunately you're just  the tea boy .

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3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Are you insinuating I'm rattled?.It would take more than you to do that .OCR and Ape are cunts but they are clever cunts , unfortunately you're just  the tea boy .

Well that's new, it certainly makes a change from the usual sort of rattled new boy making out that I'm some sort of criminal mastermind orchestrating their downfall from the shadows.


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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Well that's new, it certainly makes a change from the usual sort of rattled new boy making out that I'm some sort of criminal mastermind orchestrating their downfall from the shadows.


Milk , 2 sugars  and a club biscuit please , oh and keep the change .Now fuck off 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I think @Roadkill hit the nail on the head with his earlier post today.

You do the whole racism thing with a sort of panache, somehow understated yet vitriolic at the same time. Very tongue in cheek and above all else funny, but also with a serious undertone which actually addresses some of the genuine issues our society faces with race relations.

ELC on the other hand is an unsophisticated, absolute fucking school boy cretin. He just repeats the same shit over and over again without any actual attempt to elaborate on his reasoning. In short, he comes across like a potato headed gimp who dresses in knock off Stone Island gear and confuses his racial pejoratives on a daily basis.

He’s the Garnett to my Farage.

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

He’s the Garnett to my Farage.

Decimus is slurping around a few  sphincter's today .They'll be saving on the Andrex.

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11 hours ago, Neil said:

I'm staying in a beautiful cottage on Dartmoor(where the author Mary Wesley wrote 'The Camomile Lawn') and went off to walk around the tor's in this wild and spectacular landscape and lo and behold the cunts have stuck parking ticket machines all around the place. You can't even enjoy the great outdoors without some greedy local council cunt deciding to 'tax' the visitors. We should all fucking boycott these places of natural beauty and when the cafes,shops and pubs complain of no business and have to shut then the councils will have to fucking change it. Free country my arse!


Do you still have to pay when you go up there at 2am to bury your latest victim, Neil? Fucking outrageous 

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Thankfully I'm not here to win the fucking  Pollitzer prize 

If I didn't suspect you were doing this deliberately now, I'd come round and punch your fucking kidneys out through your urethra.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

3 days of unbroken sunshine which is unheard of,I've been down here in June and it fucking snowed!!

Did you ascend a Tor and find a sheep already there?  I had to go down there a lot, off and on all year round, and the humidity really affected me.  The moor might be the driest part, but fuck me it's chest and arthritis country as far as I'm concerned.  

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If I didn't suspect you were doing this deliberately now, I'd come round and punch your fucking kidneys out through your urethra.

Tyson furious .

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

No but my mate David did. 

Concorde.A pinnacle of progress.  Murdered by woke cunts .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Frank said:

I did in '95. Wonderful. 

You're part of an exclusive club in history. 

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Concorde.A pinnacle of progress.  Murdered by woke cunts .

Surely Concorde was murdered by the illegals that were hiding in the landing gear bay of the previous plane, who deliberately threw a piece of metal on the runway?


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19 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Imagine a knock at the door late tonight. And finding Frank standing there grinning at you.

Heaven knows what goes on in your tiny mind. What made you think a full stop in the middle of the above would be a good idea?

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20 hours ago, Roadkill said:

It's the hospital parking prices that get me. Four pounds an hour at some of them here.

It will cost you £12 to visit a sick relative for three hours. Your car gets to park in a crumbling multi storey with blown out electrics so you have to use your phone light to navigate your way back to it if it's gone dark by the time you're leaving, and signs on every visible surface declaring the owner accepts absolutely no responsibility for your car or any belongings left inside.

Wouldn't be so bad if the money went back into the NHS, but all the car parks are owned by private companies.

Driven by government policy .. some local councils do own car parks and for them it is an important revenue source, but many get tempted by the one off £millions these parking companies offer. What vexes me is that they police them via cameras rather than employ staff local on the the ground to patrol the car parks (something that they could well afford to do).

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Painfully stupid comment.

Really , is it ?.Expand your opinion .Let us see the reasonings behind it. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Surely Concorde was murdered by the illegals that were hiding in the landing gear bay of the previous plane, who deliberately threw a piece of metal on the runway?


I thought there was a cover up, those illegal cunts . Ape , at last you've  seen the light and come round to my way of thinking .I knew my reasoned,  well structured arguments would at some point work.Can we be very close friends now? I'd like that very much .With you behind me I feel I could take on the world xx we can spit roast OCR if your of that persuasion. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
21 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Don't get me wrong, a harmless bit of blaming the darkies can be great fun in the right circumstances - @Eric Cuntman has it down to a fine art - but this fucker seems to wear it like a piss stained comfort blanket.

You can fucking guarantee he's all "please and thank you" at his local Paki shop too, only to let the insults fly the moment the door closes.

I hope they've caught on and spit in his baccy and jizz in his milk.


I dont smoke.I'm a vegan  and I'm exceedingly  picky about where I spend my money. M&S, a good Jewish owned  retailer is my go to .

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

No, Frank…he said ‘fly’ not ‘drink’…lol…etc.

How do you know he didn't? 

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