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Fly tipping cunts

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You fucking idiot, is this the best you can do? You are shot to pieces aren't you, unable to recover from the hidings you've brought upon yourself. Lol.

What fucking mess you are in, fuck off cunt.


People get very touchy when hair or lack of  it  is mentioned .

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

elc, how about another one of you factual and witty nominations with regards to the tax avoidance of companies such as Amazon, Starbucks, Google and super rich celebrities like Jimmy Carr etc? 


I don't want the boat people coming here either, however I can see where billions in tax is not being paid, which directly affects Government spending and it's ability to fund the NHS for example. A billion would stop all the fly tipping in your shitty village for at least a month, with a bit left over for your spelling lessons, wouldn't you agree?


Where I live is not shitty , infact its a sanctuary away from all the strife  and too expensive for the likes of you .What you say about big business and individuals not paying their wack is true .There is a difference .A company employs people .Its not right that they can abuse the system but I'd rather have that business in the UK  on a preferential tax rate  employing people rather than that company fuck of to the filthy French or the Spanish sodomites or the German master race .Pay money out on illegals  and their litters and you may as well burn it.They are no good for this country and never will be .They will only ever be a constant drain on society .Remember it takes a salary of approximately  25 to 30k per annum before an individual is actually not costing the state rather than contributing to it over an average lifetime .Some illegal off a dinghy who can't even speak English will not earn , they need housing and their litter kept in the style they're unaccustomed  to .It needs more than a billion to improve my spelling .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

A 'load' and 'millions'. Well thank you for the statistical analysis that undoubtedly validates your point. There are clearly tens of millions of them arriving by boat every single day, I'm surprised nobody has noticed.

I tell you what has occurred to me though, you ridiculous fucking government stool pigeon. There are ten million people between the age of 16-64 who are economically inactive. There are then a further thirty million in receipt of state benefits of one description or another. Out of the actual working adult population, there are then millions more who are working part time.

Unless the "illegals" are coming here in there tens of millions and not contributing a penny, they aren't going to be making any significant impact to the fact that half the population are already bone idle, scrounging cunts. Why do you focus on a tiny minority when it's clear the real problem are the people you call your own? You're an absolute idiot.

These are the people I despise, what makes you think that they are entitled to take from the system whilst putting fuck all back in? Because they're white British? I don't give a fuck, they are the issue and I'd rather pay taxes to house a genuine refugee escape a war torn shit hole than fund generations of layabouts and keep them in fags, value cider and weed.

Grow up, you easily manipulated twat.

You knob .I'd force the lazy cunts to work.Id stop their fucking benefits given half a chance .The point I'm trying to make is that throwing money at illegals or so called "refugees " is a disgraceful waste of money .Fuck them , who cares if their shit hole is at war because one side can't agree where their prophet was born.Not our problem.It just so happens that the poor "refugees " you talk of make there way all through Europe to the most westerly outcrop of island until they feel safe .Fuck off.Your the fucking idiot .They want your money .Your doctor,  your school , your house .They should be fucked off out of it  wholesale .

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Illegals this.

immigrants that.

Abraham hit me with a wiffle ball bat.

Fuck off.

You really  didn't seem the  woke hug an  illegal type .It's a surprise  i must admit .I suspect you're lgbgtmgbgt+q + as well with a rainbow lanyard and pierced nipples .Hopefully your lanyard will get caught  in the spokes of your electric bicycle and throttle you .

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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You really  didn't seem the  woke hug an  illegal type .It's a surprise  i must admit .I suspect you're lgbgtmgbgt+q + as well with a rainbow lanyard and pierced nipples .Hopefully your lanyard will get caught  in the spokes of your electric bicycle and throttle you .

Why not just create a nomination called “Illegals and Immigration”, where you can pour out all your hatred and loathing? That way you won’t have to keep creating a constant stream of (really shit) “Trojan Horse” nominations about things you feel are the fault of “illegals”, and we’d all be spared any more of your poorly-constructed drivel. Have a think about it.

Oh, and fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

Why not just create a nomination called “Illegals and Immigration”, where you can pour out all your hatred and loathing? That way you won’t have to keep creating a constant stream of (really shit) “Trojan Horse” nominations about things you feel are the fault of “illegals”, and we’d all be spared any more of your poorly-constructed drivel. Have a think about it.

Oh, and fuck off.

I thought your posts showed some signs of intelligent improvement about 3 weeks ago but I see you've reverted back to your tedious, predictable and thoroughly boring prose. I can only assume that you must have changed brands of polystyrene cement and the fumes must have actually sparked your brain into sentient thought, momentarily.

If you're going to be the same old boring cunt, kill yourself.

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14 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I thought your posts showed some signs of intelligent improvement about 3 weeks ago but I see you've reverted back to your tedious, predictable and thoroughly boring prose. I can only assume that you must have changed brands of polystyrene cement and the fumes must have actually sparked your brain into sentient thought, momentarily.

If you're going to be the same old boring cunt, kill yourself.

It’s hilarious that someone who’s just made a nomination called Tyne Brand Vegetable Soup could think they were in any position judge what others post. Fuck off Drew, you drunken imbecile.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fuck off.Your the fucking idiot .They want your money .Your doctor,  your school , your house .They should be fucked off out of it  wholesale .

And the forty million unemployed or underemployed don't want a penny, eh?

It's a simple matter of mathematics, for every one hundred 'illegals' who costs a comparative pittance, there are one hundred thousand feckless 'natives' who cost the taxpayer far more over a lifetime. If it's the economy you're so bothered about, you'd be ranting non-stop about scroungers as that's where the biggest drain on society comes from. You're analogous to a surgeon who cuts off a benign skin tumour but pays no attention to a festering, malignant mass in a lymph node. Instead of focusing on the actual existential threat, you waste your time fretting over something which is a non-issue in comparison when talking in terms of economic impact.

The fact of the matter is, you don't care about the cost or the impact on services. The reason you bang on about 'illegals' so much is because you're a racist little cunt. Why don't you just admit it and stop pretending it's due to your concern about fiscal matters? I'd have a lot more respect for you if you did that instead of desperately trying to make an economic case for stopping the fucking boats when I've quite clearly outlined that the problems this country has faced over the last 30 years are 90 percent down to its own people.

You fucking idiot.

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I've just browsed your shitty profile to discover you've posted an incredible 127 noms in just ten months; many repeats others have already created, most coming to no more than a couple of pages.

Please give @Frank a pep talk, and if you can't, please permanently fuck off.


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3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I've just browsed your shitty profile to discover you've posted an incredible 127 noms in just ten months; many repeats others have already created, most coming to no more than a couple of pages.

Please give @Frank a pep talk, and if you can't, please permanently fuck off.


The stupid cunt actually does believe that this site is his own personal platform to espouse every single thought that has ever popped into his glue ravaged brain.

The sheer arrogance of the wanker. It's the equivalent of a piss soaked tramp wandering into a pub with long established locals, who thinks that he can put whatever he fucking wants on the jukebox.

I want him gone, he doesn't click, he doesn't fit and he'll kill the site given half the chance.

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The stupid cunt actually does believe that this site is his own personal platform to espouse every single thought that has ever popped into his glue ravaged brain.

The sheer arrogance of the wanker. It's the equivalent of a piss soaked tramp wandering into a pub with long established locals, who thinks that he can put whatever he fucking wants on the jukebox.

I want him gone, he doesn't click, he doesn't fit and he'll kill the site given half the chance.

A pub with long established locals wtf!!.Very Norfolk indeed .You're getting more fucking weird by the day .I love it .

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Guest entitled little cunt
16 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Where did it all go wrong, elc?

I know , life can be hard.

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Guest entitled little cunt
26 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I've just browsed your shitty profile to discover you've posted an incredible 127 noms in just ten months; many repeats others have already created, most coming to no more than a couple of pages.

Please give @Frank a pep talk, and if you can't, please permanently fuck off.


Oh OK,  I'll do exactly what you tell me to do .Who the fuck are you ?

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

And the forty million unemployed or underemployed don't want a penny, eh?

It's a simple matter of mathematics, for every one hundred 'illegals' who costs a comparative pittance, there are one hundred thousand feckless 'natives' who cost the taxpayer far more over a lifetime. If it's the economy you're so bothered about, you'd be ranting non-stop about scroungers as that's where the biggest drain on society comes from. You're analogous to a surgeon who cuts off a benign skin tumour but pays no attention to a festering, malignant mass in a lymph node. Instead of focusing on the actual existential threat, you waste your time fretting over something which is a non-issue in comparison when talking in terms of economic impact.

The fact of the matter is, you don't care about the cost or the impact on services. The reason you bang on about 'illegals' so much is because you're a racist little cunt. Why don't you just admit it and stop pretending it's due to your concern about fiscal matters? I'd have a lot more respect for you if you did that instead of desperately trying to make an economic case for stopping the fucking boats when I've quite clearly outlined that the problems this country has faced over the last 30 years are 90 percent down to its own people.

You fucking idiot.

If I have your respect or not is of no consequence to me .Why would it be ?.So what if I dont like illegals, I can't stand the scrounging  cunts .What's wrong with that ? I can't stand British born scrounging cunts either . I pay a lot of tax and work 6 mostly 7 days a week .Why should some of my tax go to imported shit , why should taxpayers fund the housing of Ukrainians?.British born couples are put at the bottom of the list whilst Ukrainians get council properties  it's fucking outrageous. YOU carp on about it being a non issue .Fuck off you daft cunt .Put yourself in the position of those on the shit end of the stick .Needing a council flat with no chance of getting one then watching a Ukranian walk into the country and be given priority .If that makes be a racist cunt so be it , I'll take it no problem.

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Decimus said:

A 'load' and 'millions'. Well thank you for the statistical analysis that undoubtedly validates your point. There are clearly tens of millions of them arriving by boat every single day, I'm surprised nobody has noticed.

I tell you what has occurred to me though, you ridiculous fucking government stool pigeon. There are ten million people between the age of 16-64 who are economically inactive. There are then a further thirty million in receipt of state benefits of one description or another. Out of the actual working adult population, there are then millions more who are working part time.

Unless the "illegals" are coming here in there tens of millions and not contributing a penny, they aren't going to be making any significant impact to the fact that half the population are already bone idle, scrounging cunts. Why do you focus on a tiny minority when it's clear the real problem are the people you call your own? You're an absolute idiot.

These are the people I despise, what makes you think that they are entitled to take from the system whilst putting fuck all back in? Because they're white British? I don't give a fuck, they are the issue and I'd rather pay taxes to house a genuine refugee escape a war torn shit hole than fund generations of layabouts and keep them in fags, value cider and weed.

Grow up, you easily manipulated twat.

As for loads and millions,  have you not noticed , no ones counting .That's the problem you cunt .

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I only have a beef with flytippers if they tip near me or anywhere on my car journey.  Otherwise I don’t care.   I take the reverse view about waste in the countryside.  Trash creates some tasty habitats for wildlife and the whole pecking order of life.   The only cunts who object are the landowners who are greedy cunts anyway, the councils who should fucking provide adequate services anyway and the fucking Monty Don/Titchmarsh cunts who want roses everywhere they fucking look. 

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21 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Oh OK,  I'll do exactly what you tell me to do .Who the fuck are you ?

Please just go, elc. The only people liking your posts are doing so for reasons you're too stupid to understand.

You don't cut the mustard and you never will. You still haven't managed to grasp the satirical nature of the site after ten fucking months. Don't you think it would be best for everyone, including you, if you went?

Seriously, no hard feelings. You had your shot and you failed. C'est la vie.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Wolfie said:

Please just go, elc. The only people liking your posts are doing so for reasons you're too stupid to understand.

You don't cut the mustard and you never will. You still haven't managed to grasp the satirical nature of the site after ten fucking months. Don't you think it would be best for everyone, including you, if you went?

Seriously, no hard feelings. You had your shot and you've failed. C'est la vie.

Thanks for your concern but you know what ,  I would really miss fucking you off so no hard feelings but I think I'm going to be around a bit longer  .Cretin.

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I only have a beef with flytippers if they tip near me or anywhere on my car journey.  Otherwise I don’t care.   I take the reverse view about waste in the countryside.  Trash creates some tasty habitats for wildlife and the whole pecking order of life.   The only cunts who object are the landowners who are greedy cunts anyway, the councils who should fucking provide adequate services anyway and the fucking Monty Don/Titchmarsh cunts who want roses everywhere they fucking look. 

Really , so a piss stained mattress dumped on the side of a country lane  , a front garden or public/private  land   isn't an eyesore as ling as its not your eyes ? 

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I can't stand British born scrounging cunts either.

Oh, is that right? Is that why I haven't seen ANY nomination or comment from you about British born leeches before tonight? Regardless, you've literally contradicted yourself within a few sentences of your own post:


7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

why should taxpayers fund the housing of Ukrainians?.British born couples are put at the bottom of the list whilst Ukrainians get council properties  it's fucking outrageous. YOU carp on about it being a non issue .Fuck off you daft cunt .Put yourself in the position of those on the shit end of the stick .Needing a council flat with no chance of getting one then watching a Ukranian walk into the country and be given priority.

So you think those at the shit end of the stick, i.e. worthless fucking scrounging scum, should be entitled to subsidised government housing despite not contributing to the system? You'll happily see them housed to the tune of millions of pounds just because they're white British? Why should the tax payer house Ukrainians? Why should they house indolent fucking leeches just because they were born here? You literally just said you couldn't stand them either.

You have basically just proved my point. You're happy to waste hundreds of millions, if not billions, of taxpayer pounds on lazy, scrounging British people, yet have an issue with the comparatively small amount of expenditure that is made on supporting refugees.

Just fucking admit it already. You've been torn to pieces, your arguments exposed for the weak attempts at deflection that they are, and everyone now knows the reason you are so obsessed with the boats is because you're an easily manipulated, thick fucking cunt unable to think critically or with any sort of independent insight.

Thick as mud, racist fucking pig.

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19 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

As for loads and millions,  have you not noticed , no ones counting .That's the problem you cunt .

When it's left to thick cunts like you who are incapable of counting, it's no surprise that your sort are frothing at the gash.

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