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Jews and WW2

Guest entitled little cunt

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Do you have any comment in regards  to the actual  post?.You're constructive involvement would be appreciated  by me and everyone else.  

Did you not know many Muslims died fighting with the British in the world wars? I'd wager more Muslims died fighting than Jews... I don't hear you mentioning them. It would appear that you are the one who hasn't done any research and knows fuck all. I'm going to make your existence here miserable, you bandwagon jumping cunt. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I had to sit through hours of similar stories as a kid. My grandad was in the RFC from the twenties, and the RAF through WW2. He bumped into Douglas Bader at Biggin Hill and thought he was a bit of a cunt.

Bader had a reputation that's for sure .He was hated by many .I guess to be that determined and single minded probably does make a person insufferable .Like you I was bought up on stories,  I had two uncles on my mums side  who landed on sword beach on DDay .They fought in every arena including Burma and went all through Europe .One of them was in the first groups of allied soldiers to get to Belson.He spoke about every other experience but would not  talk about Belson.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Did you not know many Muslims died fighting with the British in the world wars? I'd wager more Muslims died fighting than Jews... I don't hear you mentioning them. It would appear that you are the one who hasn't done any research and knows fuck all. I'm going to make your existence here miserable, you bandwagon jumping cunt. 


It was a world war .Not just a British war .I'm sure there are a number of Muslims who fought for the Allies but and its a big but ,most Muslim countries were fought over without the mass involvement of their populations .Then as now those populations were tribal and were not organised  into armies as we understand them to be .Many Hindu's fought on the axis side because of their  hatred of the British .They were called Tiger battalions. Their insignia was a leopard head .Many were based in France .It's weird to think that an Indian was fighting for the Nazis against the British and Americans in France .That's what I mean about it being a world war .

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3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It was a world war .Not just a British war .I'm sure there are a number of Muslims who fought for the Allies but and its a big but ,most Muslim countries were fought over without the mass involvement of their populations .Then as now those populations were tribal and were not organised  into armies as we understand them to be .Many Hindu's fought on the axis side because of their  hatred of the British .They were called Tiger battalions. Their insignia was a leopard head .Many were based in France .It's weird to think that an Indian was fighting for the Nazis against the British and Americans in France .That's what I mean about it being a world war .

https://www.muslimwarmemorial.org/education/the-role-of-muslims-in-ww2/#:~:text=It is said that 5.5,Muslims were killed in action.

I'm not the one creating nominations defending one particular people. You really spout any old shit that comes into your thick fucking head don't you. 

You idiot. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

It is said ? Were the 5.5 million fighting on behalf of the allies  and who did the counting ?  Does that number include civilians killed by either side. I do not doubt  Muslims died fighting for the allies but things become rather ambiguous and I'm suspicious of opinions and so called facts  that could have its roots in modern  political expediency and a  leftist narrative  rather than historical fact.

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Guest entitled little cunt
25 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Genuine question, most people died of typhoid, starvation, shot or general vile treatment, however has the gas chamber solution even been validated beyond doubt? 

I think empty cans of zyklon B says it all.

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

https://www.muslimwarmemorial.org/education/the-role-of-muslims-in-ww2/#:~:text=It is said that 5.5,Muslims were killed in action.

I'm not the one creating nominations defending one particular people. You really spout any old shit that comes into your thick fucking head don't you. 

You idiot. 

OK.whatever .

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Guest entitled little cunt
21 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

https://www.muslimwarmemorial.org/education/the-role-of-muslims-in-ww2/#:~:text=It is said that 5.5,Muslims were killed in action.

I'm not the one creating nominations defending one particular people. You really spout any old shit that comes into your thick fucking head don't you. 

You idiot. 

To add ,  muslims who died for  the allied cause are just as worthy as any other  and if that figure is correct my opinion needs correction in regards to that matter .


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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

If I have one big problem with this nomination, it’s the fucking author.

Really? , would you like to post a topic considering you find mine of little interest .Give it a try , you might surprise yourself .

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8 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I think empty cans of zyklon B says it all.

Zyklon B was a cleaning agent used to delouse and disinfect the unsanitary conditions within the camps. 

Undoubtedly lots of it was used, but as others have stated, it's highly suspect that prisoners were gassed en-mass. That has been the approved narrative though, and I wonder who has done the approving?

When people say that those who claim the Jews are secretly in control of almost every institution within the west are conspiracy theorists, do they ever stop to think about the truth? The truth is that despite being a tiny minority and non-European natives, it's illegal in a number of countries to even question the dubious facts put out by mainstream historians in relation to the holocaust.

Can you think of any other minority group where it's actually illegal to criticise the narrative of their history? And do you think that Europeans would afford them that protection independently without having their strings pulled by a shadowy cabal of Jewish globalists?Are you part of that shadowy cabal? Because you seem to be attempting the same thing on these pages. 

The West is finally waking up to what these cunts are, although anyone who has watched 'Europa: The Last Battle' had their suspicions confirmed years ago. Watch it if you haven't, and you'll see how you have been manipulated into focusing your ire on just about any minority other than the Jews.

109 countries and counting.

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6 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

To add ,  muslims who died for  the allied cause are just as worthy as any other  and if that figure is correct my opinion needs correction in regards to that matter .


If you weren't challenged, you would have been talking shit about it all evening and you know it. You don't think before you post any old shit, unless you're deliberately taking the piss and trying to make people laugh you need to be able to back up comments and nominations with facts. I've learnt in my time here that there's always someone more knowledgeable or able to point out flaws. 

You stupid, daft cunt. 

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5 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

If I have one big problem with this nomination, it’s the fucking author.

I didn’t think he was right for this place, but after throwing the kitchen sink at him for 48hrs along with half the membership, his courage under fire impressed me. And his foolish yet heroic defence of Pen in the aftermath showed character. 
 I love a plucky underdog.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

If you weren't challenged, you would have been talking shit about it all evening and you know it. You don't think before you post any old shit, unless you're deliberately taking the piss and trying to make people laugh you need to be able to back up comments and nominations with facts. I've learnt in my time here that there's always someone more knowledgeable or able to point out flaws. 

You stupid, daft cunt. 

You have your facts  and opinions and I have mine .As I understand it you're  taking the position of the oracle and  the font of all knowledge .

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Really? , would you like to post a topic considering you find mine of little interest .Give it a try , you might surprise yourself .

Unlike you, I don’t feel some irresistible urge to nominate every little idea that pops into my head. You seem to be under the impression that you’re some kind of wordsmith, posting reference-standard nominations that dunces like me can only dream of. Not one of your topics has been anything more than a badly constructed load of bollocks, interspersed with your trademark racist idiocy. Not one ounce of humour or wit in anything you write. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I didn’t think he was right for this place, but after throwing the kitchen sink at him for 48hrs along with half the membership, his courage under fire impressed me. And his foolish yet heroic defence of Pen in the aftermath showed character. 
 I love a plucky underdog.

Unfortunately there's  a couple of tyrants with  poisoned minds on  here.They are a relentless  couple of cunts .I wish they'd just calm down , that way people can concentrate on interest  and humour. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Unlike you, I don’t feel some irresistible urge to nominate every little idea that pops into my head. You seem to be under the impression that you’re some kind of wordsmith, posting reference-standard nominations that dunces like me can only dream of. Not one of your topics has been anything more than a badly constructed load of bollocks, interspersed with your trademark racist idiocy. Not one ounce of humour or wit in anything you write. 

Well when it comes to quality posts you are the Keats of CC.

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Unlike you, I don’t feel some irresistible urge to nominate every little idea that pops into my head. You seem to be under the impression that you’re some kind of wordsmith, posting reference-standard nominations that dunces like me can only dream of. Not one of your topics has been anything more than a badly constructed load of bollocks, interspersed with your trademark racist idiocy. Not one ounce of humour or wit in anything you write. 

But you've read everyone of them , haven't you .

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

You have your facts  and opinions and I have mine .As I understand it you're  taking the position of the oracle and  the font of all knowledge .

Wrong, I'm not the one creating a nomination telling people to do their research etc before commenting, you are. Your obsession with Muslims and being a racist has stopped you thinking and researching before posting. 

You've made a right cunt of yourself again, it seems to be every day. 

What are you trying to achieve here? Apart from proving to potential new members how not to behave. 

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Unfortunately there's  a couple of tyrants with  poisoned minds on  here.They are a relentless  couple of cunts .I wish they'd just calm down , that way people can concentrate on interest  and humour. 

Absolute fucking bollocks. If you wanted people to calm down and focus on humour, you wouldn't have posted this nomination. We may not have all got along before you showed up, but we at least had a laugh. Since you joined it's been nonstop attrition with your divisive fucking shite clogging up the board hour after hour, and for you to now claim that all you want is harmony is laughable. You know exactly what you're doing.

You wanted attention, you wanted to generate controversy, and now you're whingeing when you've got what you aimed for by posting this trite nonsense.

You're a troll, absolutely no different from Pen and the shit sniffer, but at least they're honest about it.


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27 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Unfortunately there's  a couple of tyrants with  poisoned minds on  here.They are a relentless  couple of cunts .I wish they'd just calm down , that way people can concentrate on interest  and humour. 

I don't have much clout around here these days, elc. Anyone who's anyone can see right through me. But for what it's worth, I think you're absolutely marvellous and a breath of fresh air.

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18 minutes ago, Frank said:

I don't have much clout around here these days, elc. Anyone who's anyone can see right through me. But for what it's worth, I think you're absolutely marvellous and a breath of fresh air.

About as subtle as your hungry red arse being exposed on a Pride March.

Get fucked.

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

I don't have much clout around here these days, elc. Anyone who's anyone can see right through me. But for what it's worth, I think you're absolutely marvellous and a breath of fresh air.

I have to agree, Francis, he, and you, are the life and soul of the party. 🥳

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

There's a lot of recent posts insinuating  the Jews were only victims in WW2.I dont think anyone on here , including me have any idea what life was like back  then .With the lifestyles we have enjoyed I dont think it's right for anyone on here to label the Jews cowards .Trying walking around military cemetery both in the UK and in Normandy , you'll see a lot of star of David's so keep your idiot opinions to yourselves.The American cemetery near Cambridge is a good place to start for a history lesson.Have a read up on the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well .It's always the same cunts ,they know who they are . The usual  fucking suspects.  Nothing  but  fucking bluster  .You think you know it all but you know absolutely  nothing.Older generations have spoken face to face with those who were there and seen the tattoos on the arms of concentration camp victims  so maybe you'd be better improving your knowledge of history and learning a bit of fucking respect .

I think current thinking on the sibject on The Corner strives to achieve a broader balance reflecting the diverzity of today's society.   While acknowledging that Jews were persecuted and murdered en mass around Europe with willing accomplices in many countries including institutions like the Papacy and Nazi sympathisers inside the Balkans and Ukraine for example, some members here are stating the obvious that this has to be set in the wider context of euthanasia, genocide of gays, gypsies and political opponents especially those on the left.  In fact the first concentration camp was opened to house the latter.  The Jews came later. 

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