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People who shout anti semitism when isreal is criticized


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  • peglegtwo changed the title to People who shout anti semitism when isreal is criticized
21 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

A big lie .To me a took to silence the truth being told about racist /warlike israel and also a "We're the real master race so above disagreement " attitude among jews.


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The discussion can start by telling the thick fucking cunt that antisemitism is one fucking word, not even hyphenated. What a fucking brick top wanker.

Edited by Cunty BigBollox
Not even drawing attention to 'Isreal' in the title
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Guest entitled little cunt

Are Hamas and the Arab world in general angels ?.Apart from flying planes into buildings , blowing up the odd 747 and routmaster bus in London  they're really quite nice  and just misunderstood. Hopefully Israel will flatten the whole lot of the plimsoll wearing cunts .

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What does everyone think of all the fucking squabbling in the apolitical Eurovision song contest??? My thoughts, bring back a host like Terry, Vernon Kay or Iain Stirling would do, just someone who isn't a raving fucking poof. This is what happens when you turn something into a gayfest, it gets all fucked up.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

What does everyone think of all the fucking squabbling in the apolitical Eurovision song contest??? My thoughts, bring back a host like Terry, Vernon Kay or Iain Stirling would do, just someone who isn't a raving fucking poof. This is what happens when you turn something into a gayfest, it gets all fucked up.

Fucking virtue signalling  cunts .They're all falling over each other to hug a terrorist. I wouldn't like to be one of the toilet cleaners there .Those cubicles must look like a bucket of wall paper paste  has been thrown up the walls.

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Are Hamas and the Arab world in general angels ?.Apart from flying planes into buildings , blowing up the odd 747 and routmaster bus in London  they're really quite nice  and just misunderstood. Hopefully Israel will flatten the whole lot of the plimsoll wearing cunts .

I don't recall them blowing anything up before a few million slavs masquerading as Jews turned up in Palestine and decided to steal all the land. If a load of Nigerians turned up here claiming to be the long lost tribe of the Iceni and moved you into a ghetto, I'm sure you'd also be a bit pissed off.

You are a fucking disgrace, it's a shame Hitler lost the war because a dirty Jew apologist such as yourself would have gone straight to the chambers.

If you want to shill for the chosen people who look upon you as a subhuman gentile, go and do it elsewhere.

Fucking kike loving blood traitor.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I don't recall them blowing anything up before a few million slavs masquerading as Jews turned up in Palestine and decided to steal all the land. If a load of Nigerians turned up here claiming to be the long lost tribe of the Iceni and moved you into a ghetto, I'm sure you'd also be a bit pissed off.

You are a fucking disgrace, it's a shame Hitler lost the war because a dirty Jew apologist such as yourself would have gone straight to the chambers.

If you want to shill for the chosen people who look upon you as a subhuman gentile, go and do it elsewhere.

Fucking kike loving blood traitor.

Spot on cum laude.  And another thing.  Egg on THEIR face the mask has dropped and the fucking shot through hypocrisy of Western diplomacy built upon Jewish dominance in banking and business is now well and truly exposed.  In fact you'd have to have fucking bullet proof cataracts on both eyes not to see it.  No more, no longer the "Oy me, pity me, remember the Holocaust.  Never again."  It's been  a constant fucking brainwashing across Western media and culture kept alive in Hollywood by a constant flurry of Nazi/Holocaust movies designed to keep the FREE PASS FOR ZIONISM alive.   

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30 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Spot on cum laude.  And another thing.  Egg on THEIR face the mask has dropped and the fucking shot through hypocrisy of Western diplomacy built upon Jewish dominance in banking and business is now well and truly exposed.  In fact you'd have to have fucking bullet proof cataracts on both eyes not to see it.  No more, no longer the "Oy me, pity me, remember the Holocaust.  Never again."  It's been  a constant fucking brainwashing across Western media and culture kept alive in Hollywood by a constant flurry of Nazi/Holocaust movies designed to keep the FREE PASS FOR ZIONISM alive.   

Well it was only the Jews that were murdered by the sausage munching square heads. All the gyppos, disabled, commies, poofs and assorted groups that disappeared was a big lie. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, Decimus said:

I don't recall them blowing anything up before a few million slavs masquerading as Jews turned up in Palestine and decided to steal all the land. If a load of Nigerians turned up here claiming to be the long lost tribe of the Iceni and moved you into a ghetto, I'm sure you'd also be a bit pissed off.

You are a fucking disgrace, it's a shame Hitler lost the war because a dirty Jew apologist such as yourself would have gone straight to the chambers.

If you want to shill for the chosen people who look upon you as a subhuman gentile, go and do it elsewhere.

Fucking kike loving blood traitor.

As far as I'm  aware a load of Nigerians with   profficient knowledge  of the  AK47 have landed and claim ownership of the Island , along with a load of other cunts from every shitehole on earth.I don't think the new arrivals will discover the cure for cancer or even manage to get off benefits anytime soon. We have to keep the fuckers and their litters .  The Jews turned that desolate area of sand into a bustling economy so there's a very big difference .Do you think the endless Middle east spats only started after 1914/1918 and Aircraftman Shaw turned up  on his Brough and  did his best ? .They've been at it from BC.

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15 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Are Hamas and the Arab world in general angels ?.Apart from flying planes into buildings , blowing up the odd 747 and routmaster bus in London  they're really quite nice  and just misunderstood. Hopefully Israel will flatten the whole lot of the plimsoll wearing cunts .

Before I go I think that bus they blew up was some variety of ALX400 rather than a Routemaster.

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12 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Well it was only the Jews that were murdered by the sausage munching square heads. All the gyppos, disabled, commies, poofs and assorted groups that disappeared was a big lie. 

Yes, for about fifty years after 1945 they weren't even mentioned.   Mind you the British never acknowledged that our losses civilian and military were minescule compared to the Russians and that the war was won on the Eastern Front and not in the little boat rescue at Dunkirk* which was in fact a military defeat and a failure but written about as if it was the Battle of Trafalgar. 

The London lighter men and dockers, plus their kids and sea cadets, who manned the boats were promptly shat on after the war when the docks closed down. 

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4 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Yes, for about fifty years after 1945 they weren't even mentioned.   Mind you the British never acknowledged that our losses civilian and military were minescule compared to the Russians and that the war was won on the Eastern Front and not in the little boat rescue at Dunkirk* which was in fact a military defeat and a failure but written about as if it was the Battle of Trafalgar. 

The London lighter men and dockers, plus their kids and sea cadets, who manned the boats were promptly shat on after the war when the docks closed down.

Wow. Dunkirk wasn't a military victory? Well thank fuck we have the likes of you, Harold, with your keen historical mind and groundbreaking tactical instinct to reveal such fascinating facts to us now.

And the war was won on the Eastern Front?! Good heavens, I thought it was won by hilariously understating British folk and chisel jawed American GI's who cried a lot in corners away from their men as to not demoralise them, certainly not a bunch of stinky Commie peasants drafted in and marched en masse into machine gun fire.

What a fascinating, unique take - certainly not shit that has been declared in every single fucking pub at least once every night since 1945, or war based YouTube channel since 2005.

Clearly the Corner owes you a heartfelt apology for declaring you a boring cunt with nothing of interest to say.



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56 minutes ago, Roadkill said:


Clearly the Corner owes you a heartfelt apology for declaring you a boring cunt with nothing of interest to say.



Anyone who didn’t know you well, would probably miss this cleverly disguised sarcasm.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

As far as I'm  aware a load of Nigerians with   profficient knowledge  of the  AK47 have landed and claim ownership of the Island , along with a load of other cunts from every shitehole on earth.I don't think the new arrivals will discover the cure for cancer or even manage to get off benefits anytime soon. We have to keep the fuckers and their litters .  The Jews turned that desolate area of sand into a bustling economy so there's a very big difference .Do you think the endless Middle east spats only started after 1914/1918 and Aircraftman Shaw turned up  on his Brough and  did his best ? .They've been at it from BC.

Shut your stupid fucking mouth for one fucking day, you stupid little bastard.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Shut your stupid fucking mouth for one fucking day, you stupid little bastard.

Why would I do what you tell me to do and why should I. Cretin.

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Wow. Dunkirk wasn't a military victory? Well thank fuck we have the likes of you, Harold, with your keen historical mind and groundbreaking tactical instinct to reveal such fascinating facts to us now.

And the war was won on the Eastern Front?! Good heavens, I thought it was won by hilariously understating British folk and chisel jawed American GI's who cried a lot in corners away from their men as to not demoralise them, certainly not a bunch of stinky Commie peasants drafted in and marched en masse into machine gun fire.

What a fascinating, unique take - certainly not shit that has been declared in every single fucking pub at least once every night since 1945, or war based YouTube channel since 2005.

Clearly the Corner owes you a heartfelt apology for declaring you a boring cunt with nothing of interest to say.



Go back to fucking school RK and pay attention from the back row instead of flicking gob bombs at your mates and dreaming about Pamela Anderson's tits.  Oh sorry, you're still at school.  Well fu king pay attention to Mr History.

GCSE Grade F "F" for Fuck Off

LOL as always despite our differences my greasy olive branch is still fully exended like Paul Whitehouse's fully erect rod. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Before I go I think that bus they blew up was some variety of ALX400 rather than a Routemaster.

I know , I said Routemaster for nostalgic  purposes.Straight six Gardner engines will  always survive   

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9 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

As far as I'm  aware a load of Nigerians with   profficient knowledge  of the  AK47 have landed and claim ownership of the Island , along with a load of other cunts from every shitehole on earth.I don't think the new arrivals will discover the cure for cancer or even manage to get off benefits anytime soon. We have to keep the fuckers and their litters .  The Jews turned that desolate area of sand into a bustling economy so there's a very big difference .Do you think the endless Middle east spats only started after 1914/1918 and Aircraftman Shaw turned up  on his Brough and  did his best ? .They've been at it from BC.

Well for a start the "Jews" who flooded Palestine after the Balfour declaration were mostly Ashkenazi (Nazi, how apt with their recent exploits). Have you ever wondered why your average Eastern European kike looks more like a box head than a sand dweller? Let me give you a clue, it's not because they have an unbroken lineage back to the middle east and biblical times, they're all Slavs with about as much claim on Palestine as those Nigerians have on England.

Secondly, those "Jews" (Slavs) didn't turn fuck all in to anything on their own, they were funded by the west and continue to be so, to the tune of billions of dollars each year. I'm sure our theoretical Nigerian friends would have contributed more than credit card fraud and stabbings if they were being bankrolled by a huge lobby group in the States. Luckily for you they are not, otherwise you'd have been pushed out to your own shack in a ghetto that they set up for you because they didn't want you mixing with a superior race, a la the Jews.

Finally, the middle east has been kicking off for millennia due in a large part to the same western manipulation that we see today. See the Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, English, French and Americans.

You don't get kicked out of 109 countries for nothing, no other group have been as widely despised and hated in all human history. What you have got to ask yourself is why? And if you still don't know the reason then you're a stupid little cunt who will deserve everything that he gets.

The Austrian Painter was right.

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Well for a start the "Jews" who flooded Palestine after the Balfour declaration were mostly Ashkenazi (Nazi, how apt with their recent exploits). Have you ever wondered why your average Eastern European kike looks more like a box head than a sand dweller? Let me give you a clue, it's not because they have an unbroken lineage back to the middle east and biblical times, they're all Slavs with about as much claim on Palestine as those Nigerians have on England.

Secondly, those "Jews" (Slavs) didn't turn fuck all in to anything on their own, they were funded by the west and continue to be so, to the tune of billions of dollars each year. I'm sure our theoretical Nigerian friends would have contributed more than credit card fraud and stabbings if they were being bankrolled by a huge lobby group in the States. Luckily for you they are not, otherwise you'd have been pushed out to your own shack in a ghetto that they set up for you because they didn't want you mixing with a superior race, a la the Jews.

Finally, the middle east has been kicking off for millennia due in a large part to the same western manipulation that we see today. See the Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, English, French and Americans.

You don't get kicked out of 109 countries for nothing, no other group have been as widely despised and hated in all human history. What you have got to ask yourself is why? And if you still don't know the reason then you're a stupid little cunt who will deserve everything that he gets.

The Austrian Painter was right.

The perfect solution would be for Islam and Judaism to completely annihilate each other. 
 That would free us up to deal with the pooftas, darkies and catholics.

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Guest entitled little cunt
36 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Well for a start the "Jews" who flooded Palestine after the Balfour declaration were mostly Ashkenazi (Nazi, how apt with their recent exploits). Have you ever wondered why your average Eastern European kike looks more like a box head than a sand dweller? Let me give you a clue, it's not because they have an unbroken lineage back to the middle east and biblical times, they're all Slavs with about as much claim on Palestine as those Nigerians have on England.

Secondly, those "Jews" (Slavs) didn't turn fuck all in to anything on their own, they were funded by the west and continue to be so, to the tune of billions of dollars each year. I'm sure our theoretical Nigerian friends would have contributed more than credit card fraud and stabbings if they were being bankrolled by a huge lobby group in the States. Luckily for you they are not, otherwise you'd have been pushed out to your own shack in a ghetto that they set up for you because they didn't want you mixing with a superior race, a la the Jews.

Finally, the middle east has been kicking off for millennia due in a large part to the same western manipulation that we see today. See the Romans, Byzantines, Crusaders, English, French and Americans.

You don't get kicked out of 109 countries for nothing, no other group have been as widely despised and hated in all human history. What you have got to ask yourself is why? And if you still don't know the reason then you're a stupid little cunt who will deserve everything that he gets.

The Austrian Painter was right.

Now that's a post .Fucking brilliant .One thing , the Jews have always been good at commerce both large and small.They enjoy the benefits of their work   same as the rest of us,  well those of us who actually earn a living .Do you think the animosity that's always been leveled at the Jews has something to do with that ?.Basically jealousy .I'm concentrating it down to individuals  .

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On 11/05/2024 at 15:06, peglegtwo said:

A big lie .To me a took to silence the truth being told about racist /warlike israel and also a "We're the real master race so above disagreement " attitude among jews.

Could I remind you that in 21st century ENGLAND the spelling is criticised .. stick your zee up your arse.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The perfect solution would be for Islam and Judaism to completely annihilate each other. 
 That would free us up to deal with the pooftas, darkies and catholics.

Less of the Catholics on the Sabbath…ye cunt.

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10 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Less of the Catholics on the Sabbath…ye cunt.

I don’t believe in Jesusgodfatherchristmas.

And don’t tell me that Jesusgod and Father Christmas aren’t the same person. It’s the holey trimester or something.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The perfect solution would be for Islam and Judaism to completely annihilate each other. 
 That would free us up to deal with the pooftas, darkies and catholics.

Spot on, Eric. This is what fucks me off when dealing with the likes of ELC, they deal in binary absolutes. 

"Oh who would you rather live next door to, a Jew or a Muslim?" 

"Jews don't blow up buses in London but Muslims do, so you should like Jews".

I don't like either group, as far as I'm concerned they should stick to their desert shit hole and kill each other off and leave us the fuck out of it. There's nothing worse than gentile Zionists and western Islamic apologists, they can all fuck off as far as I'm concerned. 

Fuck any 'civilisation' that isn't based upon European values and culture. ELC with his fawning over the big snouts is as disgusting as the Guardianistas who make excuses for Pakistani Muslims raping girls oop north.

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