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Baa if you're a sheep

Guest entitled little cunt

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41 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Not totally wrong. Losing it does help centre me at times. Know what I mean?

Not when you're losing face, no. You know as well as I do that there's only the long game with certain bods. Look how much time it took me to humiliate Dyslexic. And look at the state of him now! Lol.



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28 minutes ago, Frank said:

Not when you're losing face, no. You know as well as I do that there's only the long game with certain bods. Look how much time it took me to humiliate Dyslexic. And look at the state of him now! Lol.



This isn’t really for my benefit. You know the steps to the long game, but you narrow your chances of victory by focusing on a single win scenario. I have two in mind and you know it. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Not when you're losing face, no. You know as well as I do that there's only the long game with certain bods. Look how much time it took me to humiliate Dyslexic. And look at the state of him now! Lol.



Frank, I'm at a party in Weston-super-Mare, I'm up on the roof with panoramic views on a beautiful evening. There is a scruffy, homeless looking cunt on the street, staring into a shop... Is it you?

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5 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, I'm at a party in Weston-super-Mare, I'm up on the roof with panoramic views on a beautiful evening. There is a scruffy, homeless looking cunt on the street, staring into a shop... Is it you?

Imagine Frank shopping in the town where Bristol sends its chavs to get fat and drunk. Lol.

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, I'm at a party in Weston-super-Mare, I'm up on the roof with panoramic views on a beautiful evening. There is a scruffy, homeless looking cunt on the street, staring into a shop... Is it you?

No its not Frank .. its you looking at your reflection.

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Guest entitled little cunt
25 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Frank, I'm at a party in Weston-super-Mare, I'm up on the roof with panoramic views on a beautiful evening. There is a scruffy, homeless looking cunt on the street, staring into a shop... Is it you?

They must be desperate to invite you.

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27 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Er, excuse me you need to make an appointment with the receptionist to comment about me. Next appointment is 2 weeks. 

Save the NHS

You forgot to mention the 15 minute queue on the phone to speak to reception at precisely 10 seconds past 8.00 am opening time.   Then the fuck off voice, we have nothing for two weeks.  Computer says "No". 

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

They must be desperate to invite you.

Give it a rest, elc. This comment clearly shows I'm living in your head rent free. Lol. Try taking a day to respond, it'll possibly (but I doubt it) enable you to come up with a better response. You're clearly rattled and about to flip aren't you? Lol. Now, punch yourself in the head, go to bed and try harder tomorrow. 

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49 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Weston-super-Mare is a fine town. It has some weirdos though, which is why I thought @Frank would have visited, on his own of course. 

I’ve mentioned it on here before, but the weirdest place I’ve ever been is Lowestoft. It was truly unsettling. Everyone was either mentally ill, creepy or both. 
 Remember the fictional town from the ‘Phones4u’ adverts? Combine that with Royston Vasey and you’ve got Lowestoft.

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10 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Give it a rest, elc. This comment clearly shows I'm living in your head rent free. Lol. Try taking a day to respond, it'll possibly (but I doubt it) enable you to come up with a better response. You're clearly rattled and about to flip aren't you? Lol. Now, punch yourself in the head, go to bed and try harder tomorrow. 

He’s quite small.

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve mentioned it on here before, but the weirdest place I’ve ever been is Lowestoft. It was truly unsettling. Everyone was either mentally ill, creepy or both. 
 Remember the fictional town from the ‘Phones4u’ adverts? Combine that with Royston Vasey and you’ve got Lowestoft.

Never been to Lowestoft, Eric. It's sounds like a right shithole, lol. Coastal towns seem to be full of fruitcakes, I don't understand why. It's annoying when all you want is a few pints, fish and chips and a stroll along the beach and you have to put up with these cunts. They should be made to walk the plank off the Pier and then bombarded with rotten fish and chips and pebbles from the beach. 


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8 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Never been to Lowestoft, Eric. It's sounds like a right shithole, lol. Coastal towns seem to be full of fruitcakes, I don't understand why. It's annoying when all you want is a few pints, fish and chips and a stroll along the beach and you have to put up with these cunts. They should be made to walk the plank off the Pier and then bombarded with rotten fish and chips and pebbles from the beach. 


It’s chavs here and loonies up there. And if you happen to be in Essex and find a 20 year old Nissan right up your arse when you’re already doing 45 in a 30 zone… I absolutely fucking guarantee it’s going to have six, swivel eyed stinking fucking pakis crammed into it.

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7 hours ago, Frank said:

I don’t know about stages. I’ve just checked in after a few days absence, and all I can see is you losing it. Am I wrong? 

Having a good Eurovision party Frank? Try not to overdo it at the black cock buffet too early. Pace yourself as it’s likely to be a very long night, and even you must have a limit on the amount of afrojizz you can consume.

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve mentioned it on here before, but the weirdest place I’ve ever been is Lowestoft. It was truly unsettling. Everyone was either mentally ill, creepy or both. 
 Remember the fictional town from the ‘Phones4u’ adverts? Combine that with Royston Vasey and you’ve got Lowestoft.

Have you not been to Sidmouth?

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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The human condition continues to perplex. Its asked how can individuals  fall under the spell of narcissistic, sociopathic losers and go on to create grief and mayhem.Cults and political parties are the best examples but it exists in places of work and just about every outlet of human  expression.Its here , on this website .The click feel they have a right to expel others for not wanting to be part of their grouping .If their  percieved rules are broken punishment is dished out .If  they  feel their unwritten code  is somehow disrespected they band  together and attack .Each member influences and encourages  the other in order to move up the pecking order of the click. It's a form of group physcosis, a perverse 3 musketeers .All for one and one for all as long as you follow our rules. Its tribal and indicates the click are not that far  progressed from the neanderthal when it comes to basic behaviour .How many new members have left because of the clicks bizarre initiation rituals ? The site they call their own was dieing a slow death due to totally banal posts.Its better now , far better,,  with new additions trying to state their opinion.Thats made all the harder by the click who feel a sense of reward and fulfillment if they fuck a new member off .You'll never get rid of me .I'll be a thorn in your side , a big prick if you like and get you foaming at the mouth .The click has to change , you're nothing but pathetic dinosaur's.


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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Give it a rest, elc. This comment clearly shows I'm living in your head rent free. Lol. Try taking a day to respond, it'll possibly (but I doubt it) enable you to come up with a better response. You're clearly rattled and about to flip aren't you? Lol. Now, punch yourself in the head, go to bed and try harder tomorrow. 

I dont need to tirelessly  attempt to belittle you .It's not something I get a kick out of ,besides you seem to do a rather good job of it all on your lonesome. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
21 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Write down the names of all those who you think are in the clique .. add the numbers together, then write down the names of those that you think are not in the clique and add those numbers together .. I am sure that you will find that you will find that the non cliquies outnumber the cliquies.

Oh it is perceived .. remember "i before e except after c", I hope that helps.

I think its about 50/50 .Thanks for the spelling  advice. The cunts who made up the rules were the worst at spelling and grammar .Some of their ideas are totally ridiculous. Proof of the pudding is the spelling of the female name  pronounced chevorn.The cunts put s, h and an o in it , where tbe fucj did they cime from?.Cunts .Call yourself an academic, do something that's utterly pointless and the world will follow in adoration  of immeasurable and unquestionable  intelligence. It's just rules to be adhered to , no cunt ever tells you why other than "that's how it Is". I will remain a spelling rebel despite your well intentioned advice .

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Guest entitled little cunt
17 hours ago, Decimus said:


The Click (sic) shit has been absolutely done to death over the years on here. Do you imagine that you're somehow the first bed wetting little weasel to jump at shadows that aren't there after receiving a well deserved pasting?

There is no sinister cabal of members jointly working towards your demise, the simple fact of the matter is that you're a boring cunt and people have independently come to the conclusion that they've had enough of your 83 "Thoughts of The Day."

If there's any boys club, clique, cartel or society, it's actually one that contains @and and @Penny Farthing who ironically are the ones who go on about it the fucking most. Just look at their 'like' exchanges, it isn't hard to work out.

I personally hate all three of you. Hopefully the tranny's kidneys give out and she will soon be joining her fake sisters down in Gehenna. The shit sniffer has got plenty of nonces to defend, so I've got my fingers crossed that he gets his hands and cock cut off by some vigilantes, sparing us all from any further weird and perverted kike shit from him.

And as for you, why don't you do us all a favour and go down to speaker's corner to proselytise instead of using this site to air whatever bigoted bollocks you think up next.

You fucking twat.

I think you have  some form of disorder. You want people dead , you hate people bla bla bla .I think you are merely projecting your own unhappiness and frustration  with life   on to others.

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