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Kendall Roy and 'regenerative fashion'

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

At least I have one to get disordered, you feeble minded cunt.


6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

All that afterbirth went in a bucket, and mummy took you home? What a stupid fucking bitch.

You need help.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:


Everyone else does so I thought I'd give it a go as well.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

You don't really bother to read all of his shite?

Oh here's another one .Another member of the Stepford husbands .

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Guest entitled little cunt
38 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

At least I have one to get disordered, you feeble minded cunt.

That's debatable. 

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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Listen.You're missing the essential point. How many others have been fucked off out of here by incessant bullying ?.

Fucking bullying, get a grip you absolute bellend. It's a website, if you don't like what's being said to you there is an option to sign out. I've been called a bully by other weak little soy boy beta cucks on here before, and it was as bollocks then as it is bollocks now.

It's not an exclusive club, everyone is treated the same when they first join, it's called hazing. I had it, then I dished it out to others, and most of them have gone on to dish it out themselves. Think of it as a quality assurance check, you suck it up, don't moan and if you get good you're then accepted. 

You're an arrogant fucking prick if you think that you can just swan in here and put your feet up whilst everyone kisses your arse. 

Get off my site.

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fucking bullying, get a grip you absolute bellend. It's a website, if you don't like what's being said to you there is an option to sign out. I've been called a bully by other weak little soy boy beta cucks on here before, and it was as bollocks then as it is bollocks now.

It's not an exclusive club, everyone is treated the same when they first join, it's called hazing. I had it, then I dished it out to others, and most of them have gone on to dish it out themselves. Think of it as a quality assurance check, you suck it up, don't moan and if you get good you're then accepted. 

You're an arrogant fucking prick if you think that you can just swan in here and put your feet up whilst everyone kisses your arse. 

Get off my site.

It's my site now .freak.You can ram your hazing right up your ring .

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Everyone wants you gone. Except the spaz kids who’ve adopted you as a mascot/spascot. 
It can’t be nice.

Oh no, really!.What am I to do.?.

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On 10/05/2024 at 21:29, entitled little cunt said:

Listen.You're missing the essential point. How many others have been fucked off out of here by incessant bullying ?.Do you think the site would just continue under its own steam  with just  you and a few others talking shite ? It would not and you fucking well know it .It's you lot who need to improve .You should welcome new people not put them through some bizarre  initiation process you fucking fucktards .If the site is so precious to you stop being a cunt .Ape , OCR and the Dyslexic idiot are lost causes . Hate me , I really couldnt give a fuck but dont get tribal , it doesn't suit you . You always shown a bit of common sense and guidance .

Initiation process? Listen, you've been getting off lightly compared to when I first joined. My arsehole is still sore. It took 3 hours to get Frank's watch back as well. 😯

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