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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I don't want to stir things but ELC is at the top of the leader board and he does draw a lot of responses to his posts.

Because you and R-soles are deliberately putting him there to annoy everybody else.

 You’re hitting the like button for any old shit just to provoke a reaction from @Wolfie, @Old Chap Raasclaat, @Dyslexic cnut and virtually every other member. Fuck off.

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41 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:


That will send them into a rage .


Unwavering is a better word to use in this instance .I believe it demonstrates in a more determined manner that a bunch of childish little urchins won't  get rid of me.Infact they make me more determined .I am top of the leader board thanks to Ape and his fuckwits throwing their toys out of the pram everytime I appear , not that i could give a shit .It maybe better to say nothing and watch me wither like a flower with no water .Considering I'm so thick I'm surprised you bunch of academics didn't work that out .

You’re top of the leaderboard because you’re a little pawn being pushed around the board by the flid clique who are all excited because they’ve found another flid to play with.

 Deluded fucking cunt.

 @Decimus.. I think it’s time we cleared this place out.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You’re top of the leaderboard because you’re a little pawn being pushed around the board by the flid clique who are all excited because they’ve found another flid to play with.

 Deluded fucking cunt.

 @Decimus.. I think it’s time we cleared this place out.

Indeed - he’s the anointed king of the four spastics of the aspackocalypse. 

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I don't want to stir things

Coming from the the biggest shit stirrer here. Lol. 

I get what you and @and are doing, it can't be easy being treated the way you both have been, the whole time I've been here and most likely longer. You are like the alcoholic homeless person outside some shop, chatting shit and nobody really paying attention. You're mate, and, is like some sort of cunt that's had a breakdown who gets regular hidings and has convinced himself he's winning. The problem of late is you pair of cunts now have @ChildeHarold and @entitled little cunt in your clique talking even more shit and ruining the corner. Seriously, Pen, you've been told ages ago that your a boring cunt by the owner so you must realise the four of you have made things a lot worse than you and and could have ever done on your own. 

The four of you simply can't shut the fuck up, writing any old shit that you clearly think is funny. Can you understand what I'm saying? You stubborn, boring, draining damn cunt. 





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47 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Because you and R-soles are deliberately putting him there to annoy everybody else.

 You’re hitting the like button for any old shit just to provoke a reaction from @Wolfie, @Old Chap Raasclaat, @Dyslexic cnut and virtually every other member. Fuck off.

Well, Eric, I had more faith in you to see through all this bullshit, dick-swinging nonsense, perpetrated by the Boys Club.

Sadly, you've been taken in.

You're taking it far too seriously, it ain't life or death, it's Cunts Corner, FFS.

The cunts get 'provoked' because that's what they want, something or somebody to have a dig at, what else would they do, discuss the merits of year-old Bentley's, who on tv they'd like to poke or the next England manager, you can get that shite in any tap-room in England.

Maybe you should join The Garrick Club?

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18 hours ago, Decimus said:

and above all else get someone literate to proof read your abject bollocks before inflicting it on us.

But @Wolfie's already got more clients than he can cope with, maybe you'd like the job?

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17 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Coming from the the biggest shit stirrer here. Lol. 

I get what you and @and are doing, it can't be easy being treated the way you both have been, the whole time I've been here and most likely longer. You are like the alcoholic homeless person outside some shop, chatting shit and nobody really paying attention. You're mate, and, is like some sort of cunt that's had a breakdown who gets regular hidings and has convinced himself he's winning. The problem of late is you pair of cunts now have @ChildeHarold and @entitled little cunt in your clique talking even more shit and ruining the corner. Seriously, Pen, you've been told ages ago that your a boring cunt by the owner so you must realise the four of you have made things a lot worse than you and and could have ever done on your own. 

The four of you simply can't shut the fuck up, writing any old shit that you clearly think is funny. Can you understand what I'm saying? You stubborn, boring, draining damn cunt. 





Writing any old shit! . Pot , kettle and black once again.You really are a giggle , I seriously do really enjoy it .You do get worse at certain times of the month though .I wonder if you have a male menstrual  cycle ?.Your such a clown you've probably got a unicycle.

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8 minutes ago, and said:

Well, Eric, I had more faith in you to see through all this bullshit, dick-swinging nonsense, perpetrated by the Boys Club.

Sadly, you've been taken in.

You're taking it far too seriously, it ain't life or death, it's Cunts Corner, FFS.

The cunts get 'provoked' because that's what they want, something or somebody to have a dig at, what else would they do, discuss the merits of year-old Bentley's, who on tv they'd like to poke or the next England manager, you can get that shite in any tap-room in England.

Maybe you should join The Garrick Club?

Well said. I'm not sure about  certain members taking it too seriously .I think there's  some heavy mental problems going on .Everything from Narccistic behavioural  disorder to physcopathic tendencies with everything inbetween.

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42 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The most disturbing thing about all of this shit is the mindset of the cunts that actually sit in front of the box to watch this fucking freak show.


... said the cunt who owns Cunts Corner.

There's an audience for everything I guess. Never actually bothered with the telly for years myself though. Easier and more convenient to find what I want to watch online then just use an adblocker.

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9 minutes ago, and said:

Well, Eric, I had more faith in you to see through all this bullshit, dick-swinging nonsense, perpetrated by the Boys Club.

Sadly, you've been taken in.

You're taking it far too seriously, it ain't life or death, it's Cunts Corner, FFS.

The cunts get 'provoked' because that's what they want, something or somebody to have a dig at, what else would they do, discuss the merits of year-old Bentley's, who on tv they'd like to poke or the next England manager, you can get that shite in any tap-room in England.

Maybe you should join The Garrick Club?

You are enabling the place to be flooded with drivel. I always thought you were ok to be honest. But now it appears that you are attempting to destroy this place. So you can fuck off too cunt. Fucking try me and see what happens dogshit boy.

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

Well said. I'm not sure about  certain members taking it too seriously .I think there's  some heavy mental problems going on .Everything from Narccistic behavioural  disorder to physcopathic tendencies with everything inbetween.

Fuck off cunt.

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

Well said. I'm not sure about  certain members taking it too seriously .I think there's  some heavy mental problems going on .Everything from Narccistic behavioural  disorder to physcopathic tendencies with everything inbetween.

And you get another tactical like from the coprophile.

 @The Beast.

 Every time someone’s bumped me up the LB, they’ve been dealt with. Are you happy with ELC flooding the site with drudge, while Harold, the borderline sex case and R Soles are sniggering in the background. 
 Just saying.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

About fucking time you kicked off at all these window lickers. You were still trying to play nice a few months ago when I was having a go.

I’m done. I thought they might develop. They won’t, they’re fucking useless. 

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11 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You're really skirting the risk of being declared a nonce with this shit and you fucking know it.

Either you did genuinely work at a girls boarding school only to ruminate on the sexual fantasies of minors you worked around online many years down the line, or you're taking the piss and deliberately testing the water to see if anyone will outright call you a nonce.

Which is it?


@ChildeHarold is a sinister beast. Like you've rightly highlighted, he says enough to let the reader know he's a vile, old pervert but holds back knowing if he's called what he most likely is by someone, that person will go in the cooler or get banned. 

He clearly has no partner and most likely happens to be wandering around some girls school at lunchtime. What a no good, wrong'un cunt. 

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

I’m done. I thought they might develop. They won’t, they’re fucking useless. 

The only thing @ChildeHarold and @entitled little cunt will ever fucking develop is extra fucking chromosomes.

You need to cut down on that fucking smoke, it's mellowed you out too much and you've trundled into disaster like a diabetic grandmother passing out and driving her mobility scooter into a storefront full of gardening equipment.

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10 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The thick cunt seems to think he's here to pass judgment and diagnose other members

Try reading some of your own previous posts, hypocrite.

Self-awareness ain't your strong point, is it?

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Why must you respond to absolutely every fucking post @entitled little cunt, you sensitive, angry little teen-Alf Garnett hybrid bellend? You're flooding the site with comment after comment of pointless drivel. Just fuck off. No one's interested.

As for @Penny Farthing and, er, @and, you both know precisely what you're doing re above, which ought to carry the same punishment as leaderboard manipulation – something you're already VERY familiar with, Pen.

@ChildeHarold keeps making nonce inferables to add the fact I consider him to be among the top echelon of shittiest posters I've ever suffered.

Rather like Frank's rectum before he's knows he's going to pull, this place needs a damn good clean out.

So, what's @Admin gonna do about it? Hopefully someone's been keeping up to speed.

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12 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

The only thing @ChildeHarold and @entitled little cunt will ever fucking develop is extra fucking chromosomes.

You need to cut down on that fucking smoke, it's mellowed you out too much and you've trundled into disaster like a diabetic grandmother passing out and driving her mobility scooter into a storefront full of gardening equipment.

Do I look fucking mellow right fucking now!? Frank can IP locate both of these cunts. When we know for definite where they live, it’s fun time.

 @entitled little cunt,  @ChildeHarold. do you have letterboxes big enough to take a small box of dogshit? Or shall we send them recorded delivery?

 You two cunts really have fucked up. You don’t walk into other people’s houses and start shitting on the laminate.


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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Do I look fucking mellow right fucking now!? Frank can IP locate both of these cunts. When we know for definite where they live, it’s fun time.

 @entitled little cunt,  @ChildeHarold. do you have letterboxes big enough to take a small box of dogshit? Or shall we send them recorded delivery?

 You two cunts really have fucked up. You don’t walk into other people’s houses and start shitting on the laminate.


I'm just saying I declared them dogshit months ago and felt very upset when you wouldn't glass them with me and eat their livers with fava beans and Chianti.


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