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Guest entitled little cunt

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36 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

after shagging said women whilst they were on

What a vile fantasy, and you still being a virgin too.

It's fuckin' shameful what the crack pipe can do to a (half) human brain.

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58 minutes ago, and said:

Unlikely, it's usually something to ingratiate them with the native population, Winston or Enoch.

Doesn't work though, they can't hide what they are, even Michael Jackson found that out.

Dear oh dear, you bitter, twisted, traumatised from too many hidings cunt. Lol.

A lot of the Caribbean is still British and Jamaica for example was founded by the British, centuries ago. Caribbean men answered the call and fought in the World Wars for the Mother country and to help your lot out, you ungrateful cunt. What the fuck did your family do? The cowardly cunts. Lol. 

You should be mopping the floor of every Caribbean restaurant from Enfield to Brixton in appreciation, you lacking respect piece of cunt.

Eat shit. 


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1 hour ago, and said:

Unlikely, it's usually something to ingratiate them with the native population, Winston or Enoch.

Doesn't work though, they can't hide what they are, even Michael Jackson found that out.

Pot, kettle, black. Your lot can drop the steins and bergs from their surnames, but I can still spot your kind a mile off.

Subhuman scum.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Unfortunately not what six million (allegedly) of the rest of his lot did.


I cannot understand why you would stand around, starving and waiting to be gassed. I'd rather charge at some cunt, get shot and die with honour rather than stand around waiting to die. 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I cannot understand why you would stand around, starving and waiting to be gassed. I'd rather charge at some cunt, get shot and die with honour rather than stand around waiting to die. 

The situation probably wasn't helped by the fact that your average kike is nine stone wet through. Then you've got the myopia, weak chin and a host of genetic abnormalities due to millennia of inbreeding. I imagine that if any of them even attempted to pick up a gun and bash Fritz they'd have toppled over from the weight of it.

No, like the rats they are they were far better at scurrying into attics and hiding whilst waiting for the allies to do all the fighting for them.

What a despicable race of abject weasels.


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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I cannot understand why you would stand around, starving and waiting to be gassed. I'd rather charge at some cunt, get shot and die with honour rather than stand around waiting to die. 

The bloke who builds electric chairs, lethal injection gizmos and gas chambers for the US government, made a documentary debunking some of the bullshit surrounding the holocaust. He’s a world renowned expert on execution methods and practices, including every type of gassing you can name. 
 He conducted deep residue tests on the concrete walls of what was alleged to be gas chambers at a couple of sites. Zyklon B leaves a distinct residual compound, especially on a porous surface like concrete. He found fuck all. 
 It doesn’t mean there wasn’t some form of genocide happening, but it certainly points to exaggeration at best.

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18 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm bored with you .I'm bored with this .I think a lot of people are .You  and your mates can carry on with it as long as you want .I'm not .I'll post and reply and get my spelling wrong as normal. You are a bully, it's not a bit of banter , it's real to you .It's not to me , it's just a bit of fun.

It appears the concensus from the past few days is that you sod off.

Seriously, why don't you? If you're bored, not enjoying yourself, and clearly not fitting in, then find pastures new more suitable for such an idiot.

I won't stop you. I don't see anyone who will.

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3 hours ago, and said:

Unlikely, it's usually something to ingratiate them with the native population, Winston or Enoch.

Doesn't work though, they can't hide what they are, even Michael Jackson found that out.

I don't notice your lot mixing with other Londoners for example. In fact, your lot seem to like putting boundaries up...


There are border walls in Israel as well aren't there? Have you ever eaten in a British, Indian, Caribbean or Italian restaurant before? Like most British people do, you know, supporting the businesses etc. 

Did you go to a mixed school, as in it has whiteys, some darkies and some asians? Or did you go to a strictly your lot one?

Have your lot represented England, on a football pitch or in a boxing ring for example? 

I could go on but I think it's obvious who has integrated the most. 

Eat some more shit.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

The situation probably wasn't helped by the fact that your average kike is nine stone wet through. Then you've got the myopia, weak chin and a host of genetic abnormalities due to millennia of inbreeding. I imagine that if any of them even attempted to pick up a gun and bash Fritz they'd have toppled over from the weight of it.

No, like the rats they are they were far better at scurrying into attics and hiding whilst waiting for the allies to do all the fighting for them.

What a despicable race of abject weasels.


Be fair, Decs. Some of them also snitched on their fellow Jews and got popular enough with the Nazis that they could strut around the ghetto in special little pretend soldier uniforms.

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Caribbean men answered the call and fought in the World Wars for the Mother country and to help your lot out

How dare you attempt to align yourself with these fine people, you're nothing but a feckless, crack-addled, sponger, with an over-inflated sense of entitlement due to believing all that lefty hogwash about BLM.

Don't pretend you've contributed anything to British society, apart from fathering another shower of stabby, wannabe gangster cunts.

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19 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Be fair, Decs. Some of them also snitched on their fellow Jews and got popular enough with the Nazis that they could strut around the ghetto in special little pretend soldier uniforms.

Harry Hewitt

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Guest entitled little cunt
20 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Shut the fuck up, thick little cunt. You're already on your way out... do you want to be remembered for siding with a beast defender, as well as being shit or for simply being shit?

You really are vile. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

It appears the concensus from the past few days is that you sod off.

Seriously, why don't you? If you're bored, not enjoying yourself, and clearly not fitting in, then find pastures new more suitable for such an idiot.

I won't stop you. I don't see anyone who will.

I'm not that bored of you .The fact  I can wind  you up is more than I need to keep me here. Cretin.

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26 minutes ago, and said:

How dare you attempt to align yourself with these fine people, you're nothing but a feckless, crack-addled, sponger, with an over-inflated sense of entitlement due to believing all that lefty hogwash about BLM.

Don't pretend you've contributed anything to British society, apart from fathering another shower of stabby, wannabe gangster cunts.

Changed your tune now, haven't you? I'm sure a lot of those fine people came over on the Empire Windrush, after the war. You are a disgrace. 


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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'm not that bored of you .The fact  I can wind  you up is more than I need to keep me here. Cretin.

This is much better, brief and to the point. @Wolfie clearly still can’t stand you, but carry on like this and you might just impress him. I think OCR probably hates you because you’re white.

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Guest entitled little cunt
15 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


Hopefully they'll agree.

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You should have changed your name to avoid confusion when you moved from Haiti to London to keep an eye on Frank. 
 Something typically English like ‘James Stanley Windsor’, or ‘Dave’.

Mohammed or Abdul, if he wanted to avoid any confusion over his Englishness whatsoever.

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9 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

No .. you are just a whinging old poof.

Replied the whinging, even older transvestite freak, with no friends, children or living relatives at all.

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7 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Eat shit. 

I don’t think he’s spent all these years in the park accumulating his very impressive collection to suddenly start eating the fucking lot Raas. But tbf he’s weird enough to.

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On 10/05/2024 at 15:03, Wolfie said:

Why must you respond to absolutely every fucking post @entitled little cunt, you sensitive, angry little teen-Alf Garnett hybrid bellend? You're flooding the site with comment after comment of pointless drivel. Just fuck off. No one's interested.

As for @Penny Farthing and, er, @and, you both know precisely what you're doing re above, which ought to carry the same punishment as leaderboard manipulation – something you're already VERY familiar with, Pen.

@ChildeHarold keeps making nonce inferables to add the fact I consider him to be among the top echelon of shittiest posters I've ever suffered.

Rather like Frank's rectum before he's knows he's going to pull, this place needs a damn good clean out.

So, what's @Admin gonna do about it? Hopefully someone's been keeping up to speed.

I am sorry that I have not contributed much the last 6 months from either of my accounts. I have been busy away from the site.

Having a motormouth on site is not a new phenomenon. They tend to burn themselves out. Use it as an opportunity to hone one's cunting skills. The opposite of this situation are complaints the place resembles a mortuary.

High quality cunters are rare. The hard core of a dozen or so lifers remains extant.  

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