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A secular state ?

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
13 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Like France there should be no state subsudised faith schools.  The way our education system and our NHS were set up under the Beveridge Report was deeply flawed.  Now of course with its semi privatisation by Thatcher abd Blair it's an absolute disgrace of a shambles. 

The amount of cunts who  abuse the NHS is staggering .It's the world health service funded by the British tax payer. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

I think that it is called treachery .. the irony is that these cunts truly are Nazi racists.

That's the fucking weird thing .British working classes have been brainwashed to believe they are the only racists. Look at every weird religious cult from Islam  to Jehova witnesses , every single one,  bar none  believes those who don't believe are scum and should be somehow excluded or worse .They are the real racists .They despise equality  and freedom.Their opinions on women if taken from its religious context is illegal .We are told to respect and tolerate those opinions with threat of prosecution if not.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

What a wanker.

Thankyou for your involvement in the  discussion.

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Guest entitled little cunt
27 minutes ago, Neil said:

"Looks like we're not in England any more Toto"

The British have beaten themselves into submission thats the ironic thing.Its not external forces , it's internal forces.  Policy makers, polititions,   academics and the educational establishment who should  be the guardians and gate keepers are the ones who gave the country away .They have destroyed the very thing that allows their existence. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You are, you fucking boring fucking stupid fucking cunt. 

Fuck off. Lol.

Would you care to expand on that ? 

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The British have beaten themselves into submission thats the ironic thing.Its not external forces , it's internal forces.  Policy makers, polititions,   academics and the educational establishment who should  be the guardians and gate keepers are the ones who gave the country away .They have destroyed the very thing that allows their existence. 

Shut up you cunt. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Nor, presumably, schools that teach spelling.

Obviously the school didn't do a very good job of schooling .That , quite possibly ,is not the fault of the pupil .

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14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

That's the fucking weird thing .British working classes have been brainwashed to believe they are the only racists. Look at every weird religious cult from Islam  to Jehova witnesses , every single one,  bar none  believes those who don't believe are scum and should be somehow excluded or worse .They are the real racists .They despise equality  and freedom.Their opinions on women if taken from its religious context is illegal .We are told to respect and tolerate those opinions with threat of prosecution if not.

I had the pleasure of stopping to speak to some of the J Edgar Hoover's witnesses who were standing with their magazines on show in the high street .. I told them that they were selling snake oil to vulnerable people and should grow up and stop believing in fairies and that they were evil in its purest form.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Penny Farthing said:

I had the pleasure of stopping to speak to some of the J Edgar Hoover's witnesses who were standing with their magazines on show in the high street .. I told them that they were selling snake oil to vulnerable people and should grow up and stop believing in fairies and that they were evil in its purest form.

Weirdos of the highest order .I may be wrong , I usually am , but I think there's only a few hundred thousand places in their particular  brand of utopia after death , there's fucking millions of the cunts so there's going to be  a lot of dissapointment. I wonder if there's a consumer  rights dept they can go to if they don't get in.

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Harold, you seem to have all the political solutions for the country, have you ever thought of putting yourself forward as a candidate? I doubt the Monster Raving Loony party would have you though, as an independent perhaps?


13 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

It’s Saturday night - what on earth are you doing churning out yet another monolithic slab of badly constructed text drivel? What drives you to write shit like this? 

Why else other than to annoy you .

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Knock yourself out, you sycophantic little toad.

That's rather a long word for you .Have you been thumbing through the Thesaurus  again? 

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Guest entitled little cunt
16 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Shut up you cunt. 

Although your addition to the discussion is welcome it's rather lacking in depth. 

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50 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Obviously the school didn't do a very good job of schooling .That , quite possibly ,is not the fault of the pupil .

...or grammar.

You seem to have noticed your educational deficiencies. It may not be too late, there are courses and remedial activities for every level of non-achievement. You may thrive in a world of brightly-coloured plastic and wipe-clean surfaces.

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17 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

...or grammar.

You seem to have noticed your educational deficiencies. It may not be too late, there are courses and remedial activities for every level of non-achievement. You may thrive in a world of brightly-coloured plastic and wipe-clean surfaces.

Old British Railways Buffet cars.

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5 hours ago, Eddie said:

Well said ELC, take a look at this cunt 


"...the consequences for Britain through immigration and what is miscalled 'race' are popularly depicted. Yet it is more true when he looks into the eyes of Asia that the Englishman comes face to face with those who will dispute with him the possession of his native land."

- Enoch Powell.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Although your addition to the discussion is welcome it's rather lacking in depth. 

You're now reduced to getting likes from @Penny Farthing (who doesn't know what year it is) and @and who loves dogshit. Lol.

Is this how you thought your short and shit time time on the corner would end up? If I were you, I would kill myself. 

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The amount of cunts who  abuse the NHS is staggering .It's the world health service funded by the British tax payer. 

I must say I had the impression in the lift at the tower block St Thomas's where the maternity/pre-natal ward ons are was Lagos central. 

But my takeaway from lots of family related contact with the NHS is the way it's become the victim of the huge equality gap in this country.  Those who could influence for the better what happens to healthcare have abandned it for private treatment while the cunts just over the bridge in Westminster are fucking fully covered by private health care.   You never see a Lord, an MP, a judge, a top civil servant, any "celebrity" or TV personality in an NHS ward.  I wonder how many MPs would carry on if a requirement was made that them and their family must use the NHS at all times and private healthcare or dentistry was not allowed.  

It's the old case of DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO.  Blair and Brown and all the Labour cunts are worse than anybody at that. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

...or grammar.

You seem to have noticed your educational deficiencies. It may not be too late, there are courses and remedial activities for every level of non-achievement. You may thrive in a world of brightly-coloured plastic and wipe-clean surfaces.

I'll keep that in mind should I need something to fall back on.A side hussle for you could be opening your tortured old  ring piece on grinder .There's good money to be made .I'm not sure if you could handle the refunds though.

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Old British Railways Buffet cars.


5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I must say I had the impression in the lift at the tower block St Thomas's where the maternity/pre-natal ward ons are was Lagos central. 

But my takeaway from lots of family related contact with the NHS is the way it's become the victim of the huge equality gap in this country.  Those who could influence for the better what happens to healthcare have abandned it for private treatment while the cunts just over the bridge in Westminster are fucking fully covered by private health care.   You never see a Lord, an MP, a judge, a top civil servant, any "celebrity" or TV personality in an NHS ward.  I wonder how many MPs would carry on if a requirement was made that them and their family must use the NHS at all times and private healthcare or dentistry was not allowed.  

It's the old case of DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO.  Blair and Brown and all the Labour cunts are worse than anybody at that. 

Our King,  that upstanding figurehead  was having his arse eaten out by cancer,  he was swept into a private clinic , wrapped in cotton wool , had a team of 29 around him and that was just to wipe his arse and  extract his  earwax.No doubt he was still having his shoelaces ironed as well.Now he's walking around with his arsehole intact apart from being an inch wider .That could have been because of his gardener he was friendly with. Anyone else would have to beg and borrow just for a cuntsultant to lower theirself to actually communicate with a minion .We then have to wait 7 weeks for a scan then 3 months to start any treatment .In-between time you die .Cunts were cheering for that disgusting bastard and giving him flowers .I would spit in the cunts face .

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29 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:


Our King,  that upstanding figurehead  was having his arse eaten out by cancer,  he was swept into a private clinic , wrapped in cotton wool , had a team of 29 around him and that was just to wipe his arse and  extract his  earwax.No doubt he was still having his shoelaces ironed as well.Now he's walking around with his arsehole intact apart from being an inch wider .That could have been because of his gardener he was friendly with. Anyone else would have to beg and borrow just for a cuntsultant to lower theirself to actually communicate with a minion .We then have to wait 7 weeks for a scan then 3 months to start any treatment .In-between time you die .Cunts were cheering for that disgusting bastard and giving him flowers .I would spit in the cunts face .

He's the big cheese.  Get rid of him and you can start clearing out the rest of the shit.   Bit the cunts in this country that have allowed this festering shite to continue fall mainly into two camps: 

# the salt loving slugs

# the apathetic 


The small number of anti-monarchists are easily dealt with by the system that keeps him in clover.  The system is outside him and includes private schools, the Lords, our so called justice system, the City of London, private health, finance and banking, the officer class in the armed forces... It would all have to be reformed and people at the top replaced.   Hitler re-organised the Nazis in the 190s so they exactly mirrored the government and key jobs at national and local level enabling a very effective and smooth takeover. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
18 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You keep raising your standards. Lol.

That's a classic. 

Thankyou .I like to keep you on your toes .However , do you have anything to add in regards to the subject of the post  ?

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